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People who still deny evolution, are they real?

Like wtf


I know someone who is a devout creationist. Thing is this guy is not a nut job. He is one of the most intelligent people I have ever met, gifted engineer and horseman. He's also writing a book on scientific achievements in history.

He just doesn't believe in evolution. If you call him on it he doesn't go crazy. He will give you his reasons but he accepts that you have your beliefs and he has his. And he respects you for your opinion.


Only explanation for that - indoctrination at a young impressionable age. I know plenty of people like that too, lots of doctors and intelligent academics with strong faith. Sometimes when listening to them talk about it you wonder if they even believe it themselves, just going through the motions of how they were raised. Mostly in the boomer generation but plenty of young good Christian doctor yuppies, waspy types. Jews are mostly secular I’ve found, in the younger generations especially.


Why would they not believe in it themselves just because you don't?


Nothing to do with me, I’m talking about the lack of conviction I hear in their apathetic description of their “faith.” I’m not talking about all or even necessarily most of them.


Just wanted to point out, you are using anecdotal evidence to suggest Creationists believe what they believe because of indoctrination as children. Very unscientific.


I think it’s obvious a large number of people get their political and religious views from their parents. In fact I’m certain it’s well documented by sociologists and psychologists. You know it’s true, you just want to argue.


Politics maybe. Society is becoming more and more secular with each passing generation. There are stats to back that up, so if this "indoctrination" of religious views on offspring were true, we would see their numbers being maintained. That simply isn´t happening.


Same with people who deny the holocaust.


Actually, that's not a bad comparison. That's based on conviction more than facts as well.
