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Swear to God, That's Their Real Name

I was thinking about some of the people I've met in my life who had the most unlikely last names I'd ever heard in my entire life. I'll bet the rest of you have met some as well. Here are a few interesting ones:

Dr. Beer - family dentist
Dr. Faucet - orthodontist
Dr. Love - dentist
Dr. Fatman - psychologist (who was surprisingly not fat)
Mr. Musick - swear to God, he really was my music teacher in 6th and 7th grade

I'd love to hear if any of you have met people with last names that should have only been attached to cartoon characters, or characters in books.


dave cave


Beer means "bear". What's so weird about that? It's not like he's a bartender.


Dr. Leak, a local urologist.



I don't remember it exactly right now, but years ago I had to write an email to a Mr (or Ms.?) Fucky. As I said I am not 100 % sure but the name was that or very similar


My mom knew of a man with a last name that was pronounced "pen-iss," if you catch my drift. *wiggles eyebrows*




A coworker swore he went to high school with a guy whose last name was pronounced "few-ker." But it was spelled just like the word you all know I'm referring to.


I was once filling out a credit application for our corporate credit card. I’d interview the customer, then enter his info in our system. I was putting in his name. “And what’s your family name?” He replied, “Cunt.” I’m very proud that I did not fall down and roll on the floor, laughing hysterically. Instead, I asked, “How do you spell that?” He said, “K-u-n-t.” I asked, “Would you like to put Mrs. Kunt on the card, too?”

To be clear: the guy pronounced it “cunt.”
He did not try to hide behind an affected pronunciation, like “coont.”

But I had a lot of other questions I WANTED to ask. Do you have children? Have you named any of them Harry or Tiny? How are the little Kunts? How is your father, the old Kunt? I
Guess that makes you the big Kunt? Why the fuck don’t you change your name?


That reminds me of when I was looking for "Mrs. 'Cook,'" or that's how I thought her name was spelled. Turned out it was spelled "Koch," which mom my later explained is a German spelling. It would have been funnier if she had been a baker, but nope, she was a school administrator. Oh well.

Boyle isn't that great a name to have either, particularly if you have a son named "Lance."


I had a music teacher named Mrs. Roach


Did she run away if you turned the lights on? xD




In high school I had a teacher named Clotile Pease.

That's pronounced KLO-tile Peas. Maybe that's "pees."


People didn't throw peas at her, did they?


No, but there was some giggling over her name. If I recall correctly, people went for the "pees" angle over "peas" when they were making jokes.


I once met a used car salesman named Fred Crook.


This made me 🤣.


Beyond the name, he actually seemed to embody the stereotype. He was constantly slapping me on the back as if he was my best friend while spontaneously chewing on a cigar and spouting the proverbial, glib, "mile a minute" of bs.


Wow. And eeewwww. I try to avoid stereotyping people, but sometimes there's a reason for it - they plainly live up to it.
