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I'm in the mood for a good thriller. Any suggestions?

I have Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime.

I want to watch a good thriller. I'm not too much into sci-fi or paranormal stuff. Gory isn't really my thing either but it kinda depends. I don't like gore just to have gore.
I just want something with a good story, keep you on the edge of your seat.
I'd like to see a good shark movie. I've seen all the Jaws movies, The Reef, The Shallows, 47 Meters Down, all of the Open Water movies and more.

Any suggestions?

Edit: If the family pet(s) die (or are abused), I would like to know. I usually avoid it but again, it depends on the movie/circumstances. This is the only spoiler I want.




Jeez, that confused the hell out of me!


I bet you just freaked out watching Cube????


I liked Cube a lot but yes, that freaked me out too!


These are the types of movies I live for, that seem to be so hard to find these days. A watered down version of these is my latest Population 436


I quite like movies that freak me out, but I do like my goofy superhero movies too

But sometimes you need to see something really crazy

Irreversible, A Serbian Film and Cannibal Holocaust are all excellent but I politely warn you, they are a bit much, no joke...Be prepared to hit the 'Pause Button'

All 3 get a bit ghastly T!


Wow! That’s some recommendations there Shogun!


I kind of regret recommending those!


Lmao!!! My stomach hurts I’m laughing so hard.

Edit: I was thinking: shogie wants to give someone nightmares. 😀


Uh oh! Maybe I should watch his during the daytime! 😱


I’m suggesting that you research those films before watching. They are quite extreme and I only know A Serbian Film by reputation because I’ve chosen to skip it.


There have been movies I tried to watch in the past that I had to stop watching because they were too much. I can take quite a lot...but maybe I only think I can. 😜
I know I can handle more than some people can in my personal life but perhaps that's not saying much. 😅

For example, An American Crime. The true story about Sylvia Likens. It's difficult to watch especially knowing it really happened. I read the book after I first watched the movie because I wanted to know more. What happened was a million times worse than how the movie portrays. Now I see the movie as a watered down version of what happened. It would have been much to much for the movie to show those horrific events that actually took place. Her story haunted me for years. It still does. But I know people who couldn't sit through the movie.


I saw this one and the version called The Girl Next Door
The Jack Ketchum novel is equally harrowing

Hard to
believe it's all fact based and even harder to believe a woman did it

Usually the perp would be a male psycho


I saw that version too which is loosely based on the story.


You guys are making me want to see all of these movies!

Tcrum and Kowalski got me interested in Crawl. I'm about 15 minutes in when I remembered I needed to throw in a load of laundry so I had to hit pause.
So far I'm interested!
It might be a double flick night tonight!👍🏻


i think serbian film crosses a line, for me anyway. i wouldn't recommend it to anyone. and i've watched salo a bunch of times.

but irreversible is a legitimately great film, one that i hope to revisit very soon.

and cannibal holocaust is one of my favourite pieces of trash. i watch it at least once a year.


A Serbian Film certainly crossed lines and was genuinely unsettling, I think that's why it was so effective

Irreversible was a really tough watch but again, it did what it intended in masterful fashion
JEEZ...That scene!!!

I love Cannibal Holocaust, terrific trash

I never thought much of Salo, I was too grossed out to really catch any themes other than 'fascism is bad' which we all knew going in


Another to add to the list of these shocking films could be Thriller: A Cruel Picture (1973). There are several versions out there and the uncut one is quite harsh.


i really liked that as well.


Me too. It ranks high on my list of favorite exploitation films.


It's a real hoot, I love how every car just explodes the second it hits something

I've seen the Euro and US versions...frankly, the porno inserts were not really needed


I agree with you there no doubt. The eye gouging with the scalpel is disturbing when you consider how it was done also.


yeah, i don't think salo is a great movie either, though i think it's oddly watchable and (don't judge me too harshly) weirdly entertaining. but i agree that it's pretty straightforward in it's point - obvious, even, as you said.

i guess i just brought it up because to show that i don't have many boundaries in terms of things that are off limits for me in what i'll watch. but a serbian film is one of those, i guess.


Fair enough, no judgement here

Serbian is so wildly over the top you just might like it though, just saying and not trying to be bossy


“but irreversible is a legitimately great film, one that i hope to revisit very soon.

and cannibal holocaust is one of my favourite pieces of trash. i watch it at least once a year.”

Ditto on these 2 and I never got the nerve to see A Serbian Film. Is it really that bad?


y'know, it's been so long i really have forgotten almost everything about it, except for one scene. but that one scene was really bad. it shows something that...well, once you've seen it, you'll never be able to un-see it. and it's something i wish i hadn't seen. it's rare that i genuinely regret watching something, because i watch a lot of extreme, transgressive stuff. but that's one film that i wish i'd taken a pass on. maybe the only one, honestly.


I’m glad I’ve never seen it then. Lol


Yeah, it's very sexually creepy and very violent at some points

The film makers claim that the crudity was meant to symbolize the oppression and troubles the Serbs went through but even just as a nasty, violent thriller it works very well

It's not for everyone, It WAS bold, insane and well shot film making though


I really liked population 436. This should have been the wickerman remake instead of the god awful one with nicholas cage.
Different enough that it is it's own film, but similar enough that you know where it's heading.


Hmmm...I don't think I heard of it so I may look into it. Thanks!


oh, no


tcrum, I just finished Triangle. I liked it. 👍🏻


I haven't seen it but Crawl is supposed to be a good big monster in the water movie.




Well I thought Sharknado was awesome so I think I'll be ok:)




I've seen some of those. I enjoyed them for what they are.
I really liked Open Water. It's not all about the sharks but they're there. It's an uneasy feeling.


A lot of movies start out promising but they have dumb endings. I'm somewhat ok with that. I'm just looking for some pointless entertainment to take a break from the real horror story of what's going on in our country today!


I found this to be surprisingly (don't let the rating fool you) credible and entertaining from tubi recently. It's a very basic premise with an unusual slant and maintains good suspense throughout. I thought Frasier did a convincing job of portraying a panicked and desperate father.


Kowalski, there's only one kind of spoiler I like to know in advance. Does the dog die?!!!!🙀

Does the dog die in Crawl?




I just finished it but the whole time I was worried about the dog!😅

Here's my review (some minor spoilers for those of you who don't want to know):
It wasn't a great movie but it was fun (and ridiculous) for what it was. I wasn't expecting a masterpiece. I got a few good laughs.
Remember the scene with the looters? I was laughing because I was looking for an escape from this junk going on in the country and the movie had looters and later the dad had bricks to use for his defense! 😂
I was thinking....maybe alligators are the answer 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
Just kidding.


Da 5 Bloods
Blue Ruin
Attack The Block
The Green Room

All a bit unknown and not nearly mentioned enough but very good thrillers, I hope you can find a couple and enjoy


I did see recommendations for The Green Room.

Thanks for these!


Most Welcome
They are all great 'sleeper hits'


zodiac 2007


Zodiac is really good but freaked me out. Made me really uneasy. It didn't stop me from watching it again though 😂


I've seen Zodiac a large number of times, what a slick and well made thriller

Soundtrack, Cast, Writing and suspense, camera work...10/10 classic

Likely Fincher's best work and that is a bold statement!

How can you scare the audience when they know how the true story turns out...Ask Fincher


blue ruin 2013


Aside from the titles already mentioned, both The Chaser (2008) and The Lookout (2007) are top tier thrillers.


"Dead Calm" (1989) - Not a shark movie but it is mostly set in open water and is really creepy. It isn't gory really, more psychological. I don't know if it's on any of those streaming websites you mention, but you should definitely check it out when you get the chance.


Great movie.


The beach
Fear 1990
From Hell
