MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I'm in the mood for a good thriller. Any...

I'm in the mood for a good thriller. Any suggestions?

I have Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime.

I want to watch a good thriller. I'm not too much into sci-fi or paranormal stuff. Gory isn't really my thing either but it kinda depends. I don't like gore just to have gore.
I just want something with a good story, keep you on the edge of your seat.
I'd like to see a good shark movie. I've seen all the Jaws movies, The Reef, The Shallows, 47 Meters Down, all of the Open Water movies and more.

Any suggestions?

Edit: If the family pet(s) die (or are abused), I would like to know. I usually avoid it but again, it depends on the movie/circumstances. This is the only spoiler I want.


The thriller. Go classic. Laura (1944), from Otto Preminger. It's a masterpiece. If you haven't watched it, don't read anything about it. The less you know, the better.

As for a good shark movie, Deep Blue Sea. It's a pop-corn movie, but it's pop-corn very well done. (Pet spoiler: a parrot, the cook's pet, is killed).


Old movies are where new movies get their inspiration from! I'll look into it.
Yes, I try to avoid finding out too much about a movie. I hate when they advertise new movies at the theaters and the trailers are very long. They give everything away! I always say "well, I don't need to see that movie now because they showed me everything!"
Yeah, I don't go poking around for too much info. Even descriptions of movies sometimes gives too much away. I won't go on the Moviechat message boards about specific movies unless I already saw it or if it's one I know I'll never watch but curious to see what the fuss is about (which is very rare for me to even care).

I did see Deep Blue Sea. I didn't care for it much though. But thanks for the suggestion. πŸ‘πŸ»



Another great thriller, Witness for Prosecution. If you haven't seen it, the same: the less you know, the better. It's based in a stage play by Agatha Christie, and Billy Wilder made a wonderful job bringing it to the big screen.


The Hidden (1987)


All non-English:

Sleep Tight (2011)
El Cuerpo (2012)
Loft (2008)
The Hidden Face (2011)
The Invisible Guest (2016)




Well slim, I think my screen name indicates that I've seen that classic many times! πŸ‘πŸ»
I actually just rewatched it recently and the entire series of Bates Motel. πŸ˜‰


Did you ever find a good 1?


I watched Triangle. I liked it.
I watched Crawl. It was ok.
I started to watch Irreversible but shut it off after about 20 minutes. Don't think I'll finish that one.

Someone mentioned "Laura." I want to see that one but can't find it for free anywhere. I asked my mom if she ever saw it. She did. She said it used to be on TV all the time.

I'm sure I'll look into many of these suggestions. Thrillers are my favorite types. True crime too.

Keep making suggestions!


I'm also fishing for a good thriller. I've seen all you mentioned. we are pretty much on the same page. lmk if you find a hidden gem.


Sure thing!πŸ‘πŸ»


Creep 1 & 2 are worth a viewing. Certianly lives up to it's title.


Oh I love the Creep movies!!!!!!! Tubby time! πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

I've been waiting for the third one to come out.


I hope there's a 3rd. Not sure how he could get any creepier but I thought that before the 2nd movie too, lol.


Oh darn. I hope they make it but only if it's worth it. Like he said he wasn't totally happy with Creep 2 but I still thought it had all the same creepiness, uneasy and unexpected funny things in it too. I liked the first one better though.
He's one weird, sick and crazy dude! He makes me laugh though too.


Yeah, has to be a good script.

That's what makes it even worse/great though, laughing at him. Dude is batshit crazy.


How about Last Shift 2014..Its slow but well done with atmosphere.
