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Ever had a bad personal experience with the police?

Not I. I'm a good boy.


One time I had a bad cop with a bad attitude. I was buzzed and he talked in riddles to make me admit a crime I didn't commit. I was staying in a hotel and he arrested me there, then actually came to my hotel room the next day to harass me again. Scary stuff. I got a lawyer and he told me to let it go because if I went to trial and the cop lied on the stand I could get a worse sentence. It was a misdemeanor so I took my lumps. This is a true story that I don't like to talk about usually.

Other than that instance I've had no issues - the rule is always be respectful and polite because a cop can screw your life up big time. They have a tough job and every profession has bad people. There are bad accountants and there are bad baseball players and there are bad cops.


I did once , but it was my fault, I was drunk and jaywalked and they wrote me a ticket for both


I was the one that reported you to the law
If we allow drunken jaywalking pretty soon it will be total anarchy out there Mister!


I paid you a plate of banana bread to paint my chicken coop and you didn’t finish !


The banana bread was stale and your coop was full of poop
I aint got time for that!


Then why did you eat it all ?


The chickens ate most of it
That's why your coop was bursting with poop silly!


Oh that’s it. Don’t you dare blame those chickens


Care to take this outside?


Nah. It’s actually hailing here. That shit hurts !


Ah, too bad
I was thinking we could toss the football around or do some frisbee


We could, but we’d have to wait for it to stop hailing first.


was coming home from a 12 hour shift on a saturday about 4am. suburbs, nobody on the road. not far from home and stopped at mcdonalds, pull out and got to a red light to make a left turn. cop pulls behind me (which i immediately found odd because there were 2 lanes) so im extra cautions now, he tails me for 5 minutes.., puts on his lights... okay... he comes to my window. i asked why i was pulled over . he says (with an attitude) " i ran your plates and nothing comes up on my computer" . i say "well i never got a ticket, is that why?". he says "nothing comes up.".... ok... i dont know what to say. he goes back to his car and holds me for 20+ minutes, thankfully i had my mickeyds.

comes back and says "you can go and get that fixed". i dont say anything and go.
definately the dumbest stop i ever had


Yes. Quite a few. Some good and some bad. Never been to jail though.

Never attacked the police verbally or physically while he was being as asshole. This is the key.


Yeah, Reggatta de Blanc was a terrible album!


You are a monster


Once, but he left me alone when I told him I wasn't black.


Mostly good.we got pulled over once for an unregistered car.the cop started out nice but then got mean and belligerent for no apparent reason.Had us all step out one at a time and frisked us.I guess he was disappointed when he couldn't find anything because he arrested my 75 year old mother on a jury duty warrant.Naturally the court through it out but it pissed me off.


When I was taking care of my elderly mother at home once I called 911 because she appeared ill. When the fire department paramedics came a cop also came. Because I had a lot of clutter in the house and a bunch of paper receipts on a table he wrote me up in his report that I was playing online poker with my mother’s money. Where he got that idea I have no clue. I have no idea how to play poker and I have no interest in gambling. I don’t even buy lottery tickets. The most I have ever done is buy a raffle ticket and play bingo for charity. The stack of receipts he claimed were from online poker were from the IHOP and other restaurants I would take my mom to. Nevertheless he wrote me up for gambling and I had to deal with DCF.
