MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Ever been kicked out of something?

Ever been kicked out of something?

A club, school, or other thing you were a part of and then expelled? What was it and why?


I was banned from a message board site I had been a part of for 4 years and had originally loved that community....until I found out what kind of assholes were running the place. I had fallen for the fake, sweet masks they showed in public to us all, but the truth is, they had two faces, and I had the great displeasure of finding out just how vicious and toxic they could be to people they saw as a threat. They kicked out a friend of mine, and I read the story she posted on what happened, and I was horrified.

I confided in someone still on the website that I shouldn't have confided with, because I didn't know that a.) she was not really my friend, and b.) she was acting as a spy for the webmaster. She told everything I'd said in confidence to the webmaster, and the bitch kicked me out. I got so mad that I posted a bunch of messages around that part of the web, warning people not to fall for the fake mask this person had shown them. They then lied about why they threw me out. The bastards claimed they had thrown me out for saying racist things in chat, rather than the fact that I discovered their dirty laundry in how cruel they had been to this other person they'd banned. Sad part was, much of the community believed them, but luckily, they don't really own the entire community.

They got what was coming to them anyway. The webmaster croaked 2 years later due to their own stupidity, and I figured it was Karma teaching them a lesson. Too bad their friends couldn't croak too. Those toxic snakes are still around.


That's harsh. I'm sorry that happened. I was kicked off a message board and the story that went around of why I was booted was also a complete lie. I just had to accept they were never going to know the real reasons and to reincarnate.


I'm utterly charming and always welcome
Ask anyone😃


I think I'm charming too, until a jerk thinks that I've broken some dumb rule. Then I get to hear what a terrible person I am...


Eh, I hear that all the time;)
Badge Of Honor imo👍


i was suspended from twitter for...i think it was a week. it was a little while back, so i'm not sure on the length, but probably a week. & for something really silly. i've said dumb things on twitter, no doubt, but this incident was a misinterpretation of something completely harmless. i tried to plead my case, but i never even got a response from the twitter overlords.

one of the directors at my old job banned me from communicating with his staff because i was annoying. i couldn't really argue with that point.


That last line made me laugh. I try to look at criticisms of myself and really reflect on whether it could be true. I've been annoying, I've been difficult, I've been stupid. Rather than deny it I choose to move forward with self-knowledge. At the end of the day, I also know that at times I've been witty, insightful, and compassionate.


i absolutely believe all the bad things people say about me. particularly since lots of different people say the same thing.

if it wasn't true, everyone wouldn't say it!


I've kicked out the jams a few times.



I saw them supporting Alice Cooper last year in Cardiff - great gig! 🎸🤘


I got kicked out of confirmation class after me and my delinquent buddy decided to rearrange a nativity scene.

You can probably imagine.


this facebook group previously unseen and/or unpopular meme's, my meme skills weren't to great so I hosted a watch party of wizard of oz but it was meme related in some way because pink floyd was playing, they finally banned me

I guess I broke one of the rules or something


I had a math teacher at community college kick me out of the class because I missed a class. I remember reading about how left handed people could be more gifted in math and I was super excited but the fucker kicked me out of the class

I finally got to take some business calculus like 10 years later but I needed help with tutors and I lost intrest in the business degree but the statistics and calc was fun,


Twitter dumped me a few times.
I have a big mouth and I thought Twitter was at least in part, FREE SPEECH. IT IS NOT. My mistake. LOL.

Youtube dumped me twice.
Shitcanned for making rock music videos with Hollyweird movies.

Strip club threw me out.
A complete misunderstanding. LOL.

Spanish class.
Teacher hated me and blamed me for melting candy under the desk. I didn't put it there. We had a big F'n round over that candy. LOL. F'n B'ch

Drafting class.
Cussing. I think the two words that got me thrown out were horseshit and cowshit.
