MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > People responding to 10 year old threads

People responding to 10 year old threads

I don't do that. Don't they know they are not going to get a response from the OP? If people DO respond, it will likely be to the OP not the new post.

It is kinda cool to see old threads, but if the purpose is to create dialogue, the site should eliminate them or warn the respondent.

Any thread that the OP doesn't have a # is dead.


A good post, no matter how old deserves a response regardless of the poster's extinction

You can revive conversation by responding to some oldies


they are all fair game




Yes, we need a bit more chatter on the boards


I was under the impression that was invented AFTER the IMDb boards shut down.


It doesn't matter if the OP will ever see the reply or not. This is a public forum, not a private messaging system. Also, even though it's unlikely that the OP will ever see it, it's certainly not impossible. Many of the users here used to post on the IMDb forums. I've seen new replies here to some of my old IMDb posts, and I've also seen other people on here following up on their old IMDb posts.


All good points.

These gaps happened in the imdb days also. If you look at threads from the imdb era, it's not uncommon to see gaps of several years between the post that started the thread and some of the replies, or between the replies themselves.
