MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > People responding to 10 year old threads

People responding to 10 year old threads

I don't do that. Don't they know they are not going to get a response from the OP? If people DO respond, it will likely be to the OP not the new post.

It is kinda cool to see old threads, but if the purpose is to create dialogue, the site should eliminate them or warn the respondent.

Any thread that the OP doesn't have a # is dead.


I do sometimes, if I've got a response to it. Sometimes I wish the OPs were still around because I've got questions I'd like to ask them.

Some people don't realise a lot of posts were imported from IMDb, and that the OP has no way of knowing anyone's responded to them.

Personally, I love reading the old threads. They generate new discussions, and it'd have been a real loss to permanently lose a lot of those threads and posts. Some of them are invaluable.


"Some people don't realise a lot of posts were imported from IMDb, and that the OP has no way of knowing anyone's responded to them."

That's right. Unless you become a member of MC, you will not be informed (if you have chosen e-mail notification) that someone responded to your thread.

I've never minded revived threads (unless someone is doing it to be a troll). It may be an interesting topic or answer to a long unanswered question.


No need for an additional warning, the age is right there in front of their eyes.


Sometimes they are good topics so I am interested.

They tend not to generate too many responses though.


Yeah that is the problem, the good topics are in reality dead threads... dialogue and debate is OP is a ghost.


They're not dead they're just hibernating.


Exactly! I have no problem with people resurrecting old threads if they have something pertinent or entertaining to add.
I don't think anyone expects a response from the OP, but that doesn't mean they can't throw their two cents in anyway.


I respond to threads of any age. I'm not looking for a response, I'm just expressing my opinion, and I never go back and look because I don't care what anybody thinks about what I say.


Reminds me of Forrest Gump. When replying to a forum post on the internet, you never know what you're gonna get. I've gotten anger posts hurled at me many times. Very strange posts a few times. Actually got banned for a short time for posting this word in a reply, "this". No shit.

PS. I've been on a LOT of forums over the years


I do it all the time. I obviously know I'm not going to get a response but a) it will show up on the trends on the main page and people might want to join and b) somebody could have just seen the movie, type the film in manually and want to discuss it with the current users.


Yep, that just about sums it up!


I think it´s fine if the thread was interesting and popular, and will invariably create more discussion if you bump it. That said, I think very short replies to questions that are clearly coming from someone who will never come back to read the answer is kinda not cool.


an update to the Conversation


You needed to wait another 9 years!


missed the mark for sure


obviously i don't even look to see when the Post was made
