MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > People responding to 10 year old threads

People responding to 10 year old threads

I don't do that. Don't they know they are not going to get a response from the OP? If people DO respond, it will likely be to the OP not the new post.

It is kinda cool to see old threads, but if the purpose is to create dialogue, the site should eliminate them or warn the respondent.

Any thread that the OP doesn't have a # is dead.


depends on the topic.


“If people DO respond, it will likely be to the OP not the new post.”

I have not found this to be the case.


If there is a reply button I will click it. The site designer could have disabled the said button on old topics if replies are not wanted.


I do it, I hope to revive interesting threads


how about a year old thread?


If it is that new, the OP will get a notification about a reply having been posted.
That is not possible with old threads from the IMDb days.


that's true but this thread is a year old.


I see know harm or foul as long as it is not done for purposes of trolling.


I write on them. I like being able to put my opinion to a film even if it is old. There will always be future viewers who will look up the film and will add their own thoughts too. I like that.


I generally don't since the people can't respond, I probably have unintentionally at least a couple times over the years, but I think it's OK if you are adding a point or some thought to the conversation that nobody brought up before. Maybe somebody else will eventually come along to respond and revive the conversation as well.
