MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Does anyone else get hot and sweat reall...

Does anyone else get hot and sweat really easily?

It’s really annoying, it’s extremely disruptive in my life as I literally have no idea what kind of temperatures I’m going to find myself in and so it’s practically impossible to dress appropriately. People generally have their heat way too high in the winter and their AC way too low in the summer, so I almost never wear long sleeves under my jacket in the winter and dress as light as I can in the summer.

I wish I could just enjoy the heat like people seem to although I’m skeptical of how many people actually “enjoy” it, at least where I live with high humidity. The ONLY way I’m able to enjoy the heat is if water is involved, I kayak a lot in the summer and I enjoy going to the beach on vacation. Other than that I absolutely hate the summer weather and usually have to decline invitations to mid day festivals and concerts.


It depends who I'm with and what we're in the middle of doing ;)

cos my Nan likes to have her heating turned up high when I go round to help her sort out her recycling.

In all honesty I do sweat a lot during the summer, but it evens out for me during the winter as I just go around wearing a T Shirt once the temperature drops below 3 Degree's Celsius as I enjoy the cold weather and don't feel it as much as other people tend to.


Only when I watch the show Cops.


Only in hot, humid climates, which I loathe and despise. Even after 5.5 years in Texas, I still have not gotten used to the hot, miserable, sticky, energy-sucking heat of summer. Northern CA has been a breath of fresh air by comparison.


Yeah, it sucks. I always feel like I stick out because I'm overheating every time I step into a grocery or department store with the heat on. But my sister has it worse - hyperhidrosis. She sweats like a pro-athlete even in cold weather.


Yeah I can sweat like crazy. Doesn't have to be hot either.
