MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Why do girls say they want a nice guy?

Why do girls say they want a nice guy?

Who shows that he cares. By buying her flowers, holding the door and texting her daily with compliments, and posting daily on social media how no such guys exist when literally the majority of men would happily do those things.

Women are being inherently dishonest here. What they’re leaving out is that they want a guy who’s otherwise a complete ASSHOLE to do these things, and even they wouldn’t be immune to being friend zoned after exhibiting these behaviors for an extended period of time.

I have had countless girls who were admittedly physically attracted to me only to watch them slowly lose interest as they discovered I was a genuinely good guy. Now I’m not talking pushover, hanging on their every word “nice guy.” I’m talking genuinely good hearted person, very few women want that and that alone. If you don’t have some serious cockiness about you they will not stick around, they simply aren’t attracted to genuinely nice guys. It’s been acknowledged in practically every psychology/sociology article about dating and is the very foundation of pick up artistry. Frankly I think it’s total bullshit.


If you have seen the film "What women want" there is a telling scene where just after Mel Gibson's character starts hearing women's thoughts he hears a woman thinking how nice it would be to just be directly asked out or something like that. So he does exactly what she was thinking and is shot down. Now sure, maybe he isn't her type. But the point is that there is way too much emphasis on trying to work out what women want.


Meaning women are batshit crazy? And even they don’t know what they want?


Yep. I think they are spoiled for choice which does not help them at all.


Spoiled by choice and trained from birth in this modern society that they don't have to settle and deserve the very best.


Yep until they find out that there is no such thing as the "perfect deal" then they want to settle but by that stage they have grown old and all the men they rejected are now banging 18-25 year olds. Women peak before 30. Men peak after 40 and keep peaking well into their 60's.


I’ve never once read an article on how to pick up women. I would say just be who you truly are and the right one will come around.


Well, that's how it should be.
Many people change beacause of womens. They realizes 'good guy persona' just isn't working with womens. Or in my opinion, they were always like that.


The classic romantic gestures are a very bad idea if you want to have any success with women today. That's not to say that you should be a jerk, but flowers, etc. are out. It's a slightly different story once you have an established relationship.


I've experienced this my whole life, to myself and people all around me, and it's a true thing. My theory is women are terrified by nice guys who would make great husbands and wonderful fathers because it's something of a life snare that you could get caught up in and goodbye to good times and hanging on to your youth and freedom. Also related, falling in love is really scary. There's something very comfortable about being with an asshole because you don't let yourself become too comfortable with them, which is itself a comfort for women. But that's the real trap cause eventually you've spent so many years with assholes that you're either stuck together or you're damaged goods no longer capable of being in a healthy relationship.


The ladies start getting knocked up by those same assholes because assholes don't like to wear them.


true dat. bad decisions have a way of multiplying.


I've never had any trouble getting or keeping a woman.

Sounds like the problem might be with you?


Every guy has a completely different experience when it comes to one's love life. Good for you if you've never had trouble. This thread isn't for you.



Why would you think that every woman wants the same thing in a man? It's really all about attraction. You could be the nicest person in the world, or the biggest jerk in the world. If someone isn't attracted to you, they aren't attracted. Perhaps the women that you are attracted to, just aren't interested. I'm sure that there is someone out there who is attracted to you and you aren't paying any attention to them and they are wondering something similar about you.

I've always hated flowers as a gift. They die. If you are making a compliment, make it genuine. I don't know what you are saying in these compliments, but daily compliments would seem to me like you wanted something from me, not that you were just being nice.

I will also say that attractions change over time. When I was younger I was attracted to the outer package more than who a person was. Now that I'm in my 40s, there are very few men that I look at and judge by their looks. I can't tell you if I'm attracted to someone until I know them and can see who they are.


You are trying to rationalise something that is impossible to rationalise.


Oh, like straight men have realistic expectations of women!

Love is ridiculous and nonsensical, start by accepting that and things will start to make a little more sense. Then, maybe, start thinking of women as individuals with their own likes and dislikes, anyone who expects all women to behave the same way is going to find reality frustrating.
