MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Why do girls say they want a nice guy?

Why do girls say they want a nice guy?

Who shows that he cares. By buying her flowers, holding the door and texting her daily with compliments, and posting daily on social media how no such guys exist when literally the majority of men would happily do those things.

Women are being inherently dishonest here. What they’re leaving out is that they want a guy who’s otherwise a complete ASSHOLE to do these things, and even they wouldn’t be immune to being friend zoned after exhibiting these behaviors for an extended period of time.

I have had countless girls who were admittedly physically attracted to me only to watch them slowly lose interest as they discovered I was a genuinely good guy. Now I’m not talking pushover, hanging on their every word “nice guy.” I’m talking genuinely good hearted person, very few women want that and that alone. If you don’t have some serious cockiness about you they will not stick around, they simply aren’t attracted to genuinely nice guys. It’s been acknowledged in practically every psychology/sociology article about dating and is the very foundation of pick up artistry. Frankly I think it’s total bullshit.


This charming phrase from the current president in regards on how to treat women: "You have to treat 'em like shit.".


Probably for the same sort of reason that I say I want ten million dollars.


you should ask halomaniac out.


Guys aren't much different, we fantasize about the cute 'girl next door' Mary Anne type that bangs like a $2k/night hooker.

If you just want to get laid, the best pick up line is, "Hi, I'm from out of town." Works even better if your friends introduce you around that way but if you aren't really from out of town it's not very repeatable. Also if a girl asks you to buy her a drink or borrow money, ask what you get out of it. If she says "nothing" or similar, tell her to buzz off. It gets under their skin because most guys will just buy them a drink without asking for anything in return. But really, don't give them money or buy them anything unless they tell you what you're getting in return. Good girls won't pull that stuff so no worries, you're not losing a potential spouse.


Women LIKE MASCULINITY, nobody likes asshole.


I feel you answered your own question. These girls who were physically attracted to you weren't looking for a relationship. When you showed them who you were, they were disinterested not in your personality as it stands, but because they were never interested in your personality. In other words, they didn't want to date you either before or after getting to know you. Hence the word "physically" attracted, not romantically attracted.

So there's your mistake right there. And it's one women make, too. Often. They're good to the people they're attracted to, but are pissed when the attraction isn't returned over time, even though it was never promised. And then they consider those people assholes and end up saying they just want someone nice, when the reality is those assholes were never assholes to begin with.

As for what women differs in individuals, regardless of gender.

For me as a woman, I don't understand the whole dating scene now. I don't enjoy being hit on by strange guys I've never spoken to, I don't do casual hookups, and I don't try to build relationships from these. I fall for people that are friends first, that I get to know first, and that's how they become attractive to me. Maybe I'm just old-fashioned or something, beats me.


So then what do they want if they’re physically attracted to me, if not a relationship?


Probably want you to join their bowling team.


Could be that. Or maybe they want physical intimacy and nothing more.


I’m ok with that lol, how do I signal that though? Almost every girl will say she’s not interested in just a hook up.


What indication do you have that they are physically attracted to you?


Men are exactly the same way...chasing the bad girls. They are even worse at chasing the physical and ignoring all the red flags
I think when people are young they can't discern between lust/attraction and love. It doesn't help that everyone puts their best side forward at the beginning.

I think it takes maturity and experience to appreciate qualities like "nice" and those that will treat you well.


Men going after physical attraction makes far more sense then women going after assholes. Men aren’t attracted to “bad” girls because they’re bad or mean spirited, they go after them for their looks in spite of their shitty attitude.


Women on the other hand will pursue a bad boy for the excitement and his general recklessness especially when it comes to money. If he is cute it is a bonus of course.

Men will pursue a bad girl for the fun but ultimately they want the good girl for marriage, if they want marriage at all. A bad boy exhibits traits at least on a shallow level of being independent and tough which also makes him attractive to women.


And you think women do?
They go after men they think are hot just as men do..What qualifies as "hot" may vary.
Women are not actively pursuing assholes anymore than men that go after those snotty narcissistic bitches.
People see what they want to see.

Anyone that insists on making women some foreign species may not be such a "nice guy" after all..
Same with women, by the way.


Not making women out to be a foreign species, and no it is not equally seen on both sides. Women consistently favor men who treat them like shit, and then complain that there are no good guys. It’s completely asinine, and it’s not just “hot guys that happen to be assholes,” a good percentage of these guys have no outwardly attractive features or assets.





And men say they want a nice girl, but all go after the high maintenance slut bag.
