An activity you tried once and never again
Ice fishing - I got up at 3 am on a Saturday and drove north to Lake Simcoe and then sat in this little hut freezing my ass off. We caught a few trout. I never went back.
shareIce fishing - I got up at 3 am on a Saturday and drove north to Lake Simcoe and then sat in this little hut freezing my ass off. We caught a few trout. I never went back.
shareEating coleslaw.
shareIn my teens I joined one of those evening classes for a jazzercise type of workout. It was all middle-aged women who had come as groups and pairs of friends, while I had joined alone. I had no one to partner with when it came to partner based moves. I was joining more in the spirit of joining a gym, and didn't realize how social it was going to be. Never showed up beyond that first evening. :(
Years later I actually did join a gym - opposite problem, it was all guys who knew the ropes and I didn't feel comfortable being both a beginner and a girl. I think I went exactly twice then never again. I started realizing I'm more of a loner in my exercising, and I was much happier when I bought yoga and pilates DVDs to work out to at home.
I once ate a rabbit dish in a posh restaurant. I was encouraged to do so by my in-laws, who were sophisticated gourmands/foodies and believed everyone should try everything at least once. That's a fair philosophy but I still kind of wish I hadn't eaten a cute widdle bunny wabbit.
Another food one - lobster. Again, my foodie enthusiast husband took me for a lobster dinner, never had it before don't want another. I was actually ignorant to the fact that they, of course, boil the lobsters alive. If I had thought more about that I don't think I would have wanted to eat lobster.
Did you like the taste of the lobster?
shareI don't really remember - I didn't dislike it but I think it just tasted not much different from when I've eaten shrimp, prawns, ie, cheaper versions of boiled alive crustaceans, lol! It seemed to mostly taste of the butter you dip it in. I think I didn't find it wonderful enough or different enough to rave about it or want it again.
sharemaybe they didnt boil it alive, apparently the thing to do is knife through the brain just before the pot ...
shareIt’s the same with Crawfish and crabs as they are put in the pot alive but I’ve never heard of the knife through the brain. Sounds like a Walking Dead thing. 😃
sharejust did a bit of googling ...
Lobsters and other shellfish have harmful bacteria naturally present in their flesh. Once the lobster is dead, these bacteria can rapidly multiply and release toxins that may not be destroyed by cooking. You therefore minimise the chance of food poisoning by cooking the lobster alive.
That’s great for us but what about the lobster? It has been argued that lobsters do not possess a true brain and so can’t feel pain. It is fair to say that they are not self-aware in the same way that we are, but they do react to tissue damage both physically and hormonally, so they are obviously capable of detecting pain on some level. In fact, the hormone that they release into the bloodstream, cortisol, is the same one that humans produce when hurt. But the most visible sign of distress is the twitching tail, which evolved as an escape reflex.
Researchers at the University of Maine found that putting the lobster on ice for 15 minutes before dropping it into boiling water produced the shortest tail-twitching interval (20 seconds). Contrary to the popular urban myth though, placing the lobster in cold water that is then slowly brought to the boil does not anaesthetise the animal and appears to extend its suffering.
well i'm never eating lobster again, just like Prelude!
I still dont see why they cant kill it at the last second before boiling - surely these harmfull blah blahs arnt going to do anything in the 10 or 20 agonising seconds the lobster boils in.
I never knew that about the bacteria but when I boil crawfish I’ve always gone through and thrown out the dead ones before boiling. Besides not moving the dead ones tend to have a straight tail.
Crabs are usually on ice before boiling so there is pretty much no way of knowing which ones might be dead already.
Easter brunch buffet. Overpriced. Buffet food was meh. Tons of kids rushing around the dining room all through the meal. Some guy in a rabbit suit kept lurking around our table. Greedy folks ate all the shrimp.
shareMade a macrame plant hanging to keep plant away from the cat. Looks great but never again!😸