An activity you tried once and never again
Ice fishing - I got up at 3 am on a Saturday and drove north to Lake Simcoe and then sat in this little hut freezing my ass off. We caught a few trout. I never went back.
shareIce fishing - I got up at 3 am on a Saturday and drove north to Lake Simcoe and then sat in this little hut freezing my ass off. We caught a few trout. I never went back.
shareMissed the Bus
I can't think of anything.
Was in high school play and was so struck with stage fright, I said I won't ever do that again
shareIndoor Skydiving
It was fun, but now I’ve ticked that particular box I probably won’t try it again.
Looks better than ice fishing
I’m not a fan of the cold.
shareI went to a judo class once, not for me.
shareMixed Martial Arts training, damn all the submission and grappling just for 6 hours straight totally killed me. Especially when you have a guy build like a tank rag dolling you all over the mat. I admire any fighter that does it cause it's pretty damn tough.
shareIce fishing is just an excuse for day drinking lol
Don't worry, it can be fun if only done occasionally. I enjoy getting plastered when I go to baseball games in the summer.
I honestly wouldn't go if they didn't sell beer.
Have you ever heard of 10 cent beer night?
They would probably make more money if they lowered the prices. And since they installed metal detectors, they stopped patting people down, so a lot of people bring in nips.