MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do you scrutinise movie sound effects?

Do you scrutinise movie sound effects?

I will sometimes think "nah it wouldn't have made that sound in those conditions".

Or "it would only sound like that up close, not from my POV"


That 'metallic' sound when someone pulls out a knife or picks up an axe in a horror movie always seems pretty don't make sounds on their own


Yeah that one is bad.

The sound effect I'd just seen was the movie It, the little boy, Georgie hits his head on the wood of a road closure barrier. You could hear a vibration sound and I realised that the wood held by the barrier wouldn't vibrate at all. It was a really misplaced sound effect.


They really do over do the sound effects;/


Mostly ambient stuff and good sound engineering/editing.

Prometheus is one that has excellent audio engineering, especially in the underground sections, and especially with great speakers.

I also like hearing about the "recipes" behind iconic sounds.


I scrutinize camera angles. I want to see more top down shots like in old school video games.


I've been noticing lots more of this with the advent of camera drones
The effect is very cool looking


I scrutinize firearm sounds in movies constantly.


They are always WAY too low
Guns are annoyingly, painfully loud

You would find yourself deafened and disorientated for an hour by firing a
gun in an automobile or a small room...Hollywood does not really film gun scenes right


My thoughts exactly on the confined space!! Many things determine firearm sounds. On the other side firearms discharged away from you in a very open area in high wind can sound like a clap.


Movie guys know very little about guns👎


Also the sound of guns with silencers. In movies they always sound like "choob choob."


They must make more noise than that!
I call BS
Maybe we have a military guy on here to explain it...doubt it


Little Known Fact - if you buy a handgun, ask the salesman for a Hollywood Silencer. He'll nod quietly and hand you a barrel-shaped device that screws onto your gun easily no matter what make and model it is. This device makes every shot whisper-quiet and sniper-accurate, and also makes your rounds last for at least 30 shots without reloading. And it turns your enemy's rounds into kittens.

Why we don't see more of these in use I'll never know.



Almost like magic??
Now I simply have to have one😬



Jesus was a smooth dude...he didn't even want a Winchester
He was offered one and he was like 'nah'



He is a Winner!

I've got him and a worries here;)


I've seen at least a couple of shark movies where the predator emitted a type of roar underwater while in attack mode, which I thought was really lame, cheesy, unnatural and unnecessary.


Yup, that's a really dumb one too




I hate the sound of kissing in movies. I don't know if they add sound effects or the actors are directed to kiss loudly, but it's like nails on a chalkboard to me.

I agree with db20db that sharks do not roar and it's really cheesy when they do in a movie.


I think more than the effects, I scrutinize the volume. Like, certain things that wouldn't be loud are too loud, but other things don't even make a sound or go unheard by characters when they shouldn't. Bugs me.


Yeah, that can annoy me. Or wind in the background and no wind sound effect.


That wind thing is so annoying. Also when phones ring and it scares someone in one scene, but never before or after that even though it's rung ten times.


Sometimes, if its too loud, and the dialogue is not as clear... I was going over this a few days ago in a movie. It seemed to use gimmick music if that makes sense.
