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Ever walked out?

I've never walked out of a movie in the theater, but I have come close. When I saw the Walden media/Disney version of Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, I detested it beyond words and had to stop myself from walking out. I loved the BBC Narnia productions so much for their faithfulness to the source material and the new version had none of the subtlety or style that I loved. Disney's version was this gross action and bad cgi fest that got worse and worse as they made more films, stories that had already been flawlessly adapted.


I wanted to walk out of Tommy (1975). Longest two hours of my 'movie' life. I couldn't leave because I was with a group.

I'll probably get blasted for this, but oh well.


I would blast you if it was The Wall, I really have no loyalty to Tommy


Blast away. 😬 Just not my thing. Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―


No need, don't wanna scare away GlenEllyn, one of my fav posters


You're moving up my list of favorites! πŸ‘



Yes, I'm from Glen Ellyn - it's my hometown - but I haven't lived there for years. My dad grew up there, graduated from Glenbard - I believe it's Glenbard West now.


My brother and I walked out of Kiss of the Spider Woman. Not sure why we walked in to begin with.


Interesting, I don't hate that one


I barely remember the event, but I think we were geared up for a different type of movie, i.e. sci-fi or fantasy. I know it is very well regarded critically.


I kind of liked "Kiss of the Spider Woman". It was kind of weird, and the ending, where the guy closed out his account and ended up being killed in the end was rather sad.


Not walking out but, the first time I viewed The Human Centipede on DVD, I couldn't get through it because I got so turned off. The following day, my curiosity about the ending got the best of me.


I actually did see that one at the cinema and it was walk-out-worthy. My cheapness must have kept me in the seat till the end because man it was gross.


I'll probably get crucified for this one, but had I been in a theater, I would have walked out of Slumdog Millionaire. It was on my watch list this week. I got about 20-25 minutes into it and turned it off. I couldn't take the meanness and violence any longer.


But by the end it's uplifting, gotta get through the mud to see the light


I've heard that it's an uplifting ending, but still... Maybe someday I'll try it again, but I have quite a few titles on my watch list so I've moved on for now.


I think the only movie I walked out on was Ice Age 2. I really liked the original (still do) but didn't like the sequel at all. I walked out of that one and went to the next room over to watch something else.

I might have walked out of another movie too, I feel like I might have, but if so I don't remember which one.


Nope...but I've snoozed through a shit load!!!πŸ˜΄πŸ˜‰


I was very close on doing that,but i gave it a chance


Come on you liked it enough to go back eh


Yeah,kind of quilty pleasure


Ha ... I hate to say it, but I walked out of "Lincoln". I like history but that movie was so slow and boring.

There have been a few and that is the only one I can think of right now. Give me time. ;-)


Took me four passes to fully get through it on Netflix. I kept falling asleep.


I recall getting pretty sleepy in this one myself. Didn't walk out though. Lincoln is a good example for that thread about great performances in shabby movies.
