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National Football League

What are your impressions after this week. I don't think it was Trump's place to call athletes out but at this point what is done is done. I understand the feelings of non-white athletes when it comes to not (previously) experiencing the same life events that the more prosperous have enjoyed. In fact in quite a few non-white households families have known a bleak existence for generations. But at the same time quite a few non-white military personnel have served our country and many paid with their lives. Standing for the the national anthem is about them as much as it is for anybody else. I get CK's frustrations and empathy but protesting while "on the clock" for his employer is not the way to get his point across. There are and were plenty of media outlets who would have given him airtime to say whatever he wanted when he was on his own time. While Trump was out of place he was saying what many were thinking. Quite a few people of all backgrounds serve in the arm forces and quite a few served at the front. CK may feel enlisting is a default thing in life but for quite a few regardless of where they come from enlist because they believe in serving their country which they love.


It's laughable now with the owners saying that Trump should stick to politics. Maybe the NFL should stick to sports. If they want to bash Trump or the establishment they could find plenty of air time on ESPN or NPR to do so. With the way ESPN is operating now they might as well become a "lite" version of CNN. In any event the "spin" campaign being employed by the owners will not help put out the fire which is the widening divide between the average American and the pro athlete.


I think the episode in London where the players knelt for the U.S. anthem and then stood for the U.K. anthem is going to cause a major backlash.


As a black man in America I'm appalled at what Obama has wrought. I was hoping that a black president would immediately and forever stop this stupid "victimization" of blacks in America. Sure there remains racism, (and I suspect there will always be racism) but it's coming from both sides, mostly from ours nowadays.

What do these players want? They're OK if white thugs get shot by police but demand that black thugs not? How racist is this? If I need help and dial 911, it's the police who will show up and defend my family not someone like Michael Brown who punches out old white folks and attacks cops right in the street. If Michael Brown were white no one would have heard of him.

As a conservative, I defend the rights of any American to say what he feels (regardless of how stupid and how racist it might be) but also feel that he must do it in the right context. You want to shut down white supremacists? Stop counter protesting them. No one would give a rat's behind what this scum thinks if it wasn't pointed out. Counter protesting brings out the news crews and gives them publicity.

How would BLM activists feel if any latent white supremacists in the NFL (there must be some) gave a Nazi salute or Rebel Yell during the National Anthem.

There is a time and place to protest, and football games are neither.

I'm *so* done with the NFL. I shut my TV off after seeing this abomination and I will NOT ever watch another football game as long as the owners buckle to political correctness and as long as the racists in the NFL take a knee.


Thank you for your reply. I just don't get how a person can equate the national anthem to a buckle under to police organizations. I would understand more if this were the draft era of the military such as it was with the Vietnam War and blacks comprising a far greater number of draftees. Even so where I come from there were more than a few white military personnel that were killed in Vietnam. I wonder if statistics were compiled to determine the percentages lost or if people were going by perception. In any event the criticisms are fair in that the rich were able to far more effectively avoid the draft than the poor.


Even though I'm from a country that doesn't put much value on its flag or national anthem, I can't help but find these "protests" ridiculous. If you truly believe police violence or the president are a problem, then start an honest and fair discussion. These kinds of actions are just lazy and disrespectful.


All this SJW virtue signalling is idiotic and doesn't belong in football.


To me the issue has now shifted from a "should" to a "can" thing. I liked the larger number of player kneeling today and it bleeding over into baseball because it shows that this is America and the president doesn't get to tell people when they have to stand up.

Really, all of this shows how weak Trump is and how little respect he commands. First about a couple people on every team were doing it, after he says not to, everyone starts doing it. The formal powers of the office remain the same, but Trump has less informal power than any president in recent memory. Yet another health care failure this week only compounds the issue.


I am trying to concentrate on the games - Packers/Bengals was a good game. They don't show the national anthems here in Canada so I can block out the politics.


It is unprofessional. You aren't allowed when you are on the clock at work to stand outside your work holding up a political protest sign. You would be fired and the company would be well within its rights to fire you. You have a right to free speech and protest but the business has the right to expect you to perform within their standards.

By allowing this the NFL is guilty, not the players, of allowing the unprofessional behavior. The point trump was making as far as I can see is that the NFL as an organization is allowing this and they should do something about the unprofessional behavior. Trump is not ordering people to do it, because he does not have the authority to do that. He is making a suggestion, in his Trump way, of how the NFL should be handling it. And I think he is right, just not suave in his presentation.

Enough with the politics in sports. It is Entertainment. If the player goes to a game on his off time and kneels during the anthem, fine no one can do anything about that except say they see it as disrespectful (which is within their first amendment right). But during game time when they are representing their organization, if the organization does nothing those that find it disrespectful should turn it off. I personally would prefer the politics getting out of everything entertainment related.

BTW, you do know that Trump still has his rights correct? So he still gets to speak freely on how he thinks things should be done, he just has the largest platform in the world to exercise his rights. And you have the right to disagree with what he says.


Which still does not change my mind. This is "sticking it to the man" without the proper context. CK did his thing after a few minority incidents with the police. He never initially said that this was not an intended insult towards the military and those who serve in the military. Everybody in the NFL at this point is just retconning to protect their business. It does not bode well for a country when you put money ahead of principles. After all, that is how we got to the point of having institutional slavery in this country up until the Civil War.


Personally, I don't think Kaepernick deserves to be put into the company of civil rights greats such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Muhammed Ali, as some people insist on doing. He hasn't earned it !


Kaepernick has created a situation where if one stands for the National Anthem, they're considered racist. This is a mess and I blame the NFL for not nipping it in the bud. They could have simply made it clear that players can protest on their own time, not on the field.


Goodell wanted the adulation of all the media outlets that broadcast the NFL and it was no coincidence they all have a liberal slant. Goodell only cares about making himself money and if a few television sets snap off in fly-over country then it is no loss in his mind. The league office is still probably trying to figure out how to move franchises that are not on the coasts to more "lucrative" markets at least in secret. In any event Goodell did not want the media ripping on him on a daily basis for telling people that they can practice their politics on their own time just like the rest of America does. Work at a place like Walmart where they probably dog you if you need to use the rest room.


Agreed. His phoniness and dishonesty about how they "tried" to keep my San Diego Chargers in San Diego told me everything I needed to know about him and the NFL. It's a shame.


I agree that the NFL treated the people of San Diego shabbily. Not that SD would want it but I think the NFL will work to put another team in SD at somebody else's expense. Teams such as Buffalo have a very old stadium and no doubt the NFL is developing the spin that there are other stadiums that are not modern enough out there. Personally, I think the NFL has peaked in terms of popularity and revenue in the long term can only go down. Which is to say it would not be prudent to get on the hook for a billion dollar stadium nowadays.


I think you're right about it peaking. With the brain injury issues, poor officiating, team favoritism, too many ad breaks, cost of tickets, politics, etc., how can it grow?


It's interesting that CBS is pimping Young Sheldon for tonight with presumably a brother wearing an Oilers jersey in the promo. Back in a more innocent time for the NFL I found the Oilers interesting even though they were a conference rival to my team. Today I disdain the generally borish behavior of players and coaches but it was interesting to see Glanville and Bum Phillips. Even more interesting to see Chuck Noll or Schottenheimer (when he was with the Browns) to show open hostility towards Glanville. Apologies to those who felt cheated when they moved to Tennessee.


Ah, yes, those were the days. I still think of Houston's team as the Oilers, lol.


The replay crew got the call right in the Falcons game. Tate's knee was down before he crossed the plane and because of the ten second run off rule the game was over. Tough loss for the Lions but the better team won.
