MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Are you watching anything right now?

Are you watching anything right now?

On your TV, some other screen, same screen?

I have the movie Inconceivable (2017) on in the background on TV, but clearly not paying much attention.
sorry i just don't like Nic Cage


I just went to Netflix. I am watching Frasier..... the Christmas episode, "High Holidays" where Niles gets a pot brownie from Roz, but Martin eats it by mistake. It's from the 11'th season. Freddie comes to visit in his GOTH stage. This is a good one.


I have so many fave episodes of Frasier. Coots and Ladders, Three Valentines, The Life of the Party and To Kill a Talking Bird especially. I had to look up the names just to list them, but I find these are laugh out loud funny. I didn't put them in any order or anything. I'm sure you've seen them though. That is a good episode you were watching too. That show was great. :)


Just finished watching "The Guilty" - the original British version.


Ww2: the price of empire...something else then movies...


Muriel's Wedding is on right now on the Indie Channel. I forgot how good it was.



Yes! That accent! I feel so sorry for Muriel's mom. She's so sweet and everyone is so mean to her.



Yes, that dad is atrocious.


Just finished watching Anatomy of a Murder. Loved Jimmy Stewart in that. The whole cast is great.


Just watched an engrossing segment profiling author John Le Carre on tonight's 60 Minutes. What an absolutely charismatic individual !


The Strain series finale


The Twilight Zone....... Episode? Young Man's Fancy.
This one sort of creeps me out.


The Vietnam War on PBS. I have been waiting to see this documentary series for months now. It's coming on next.
The next part is on tomorrow night.
