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Are you watching anything right now?

On your TV, some other screen, same screen?

I have the movie Inconceivable (2017) on in the background on TV, but clearly not paying much attention.
sorry i just don't like Nic Cage


Yes! Halt and Catch Fire's final season is on now! I've been eagerly anticipating its return. It's the only show I truly love. It's going to be tough when it ends for good :(

Never heard of Inconceivable. Is it not holding your attention because you don't like Cage, or in general?

A lot of people dislike him, so you have a lot of company there. I thought he was great in quite a few films. Some are even my favourites.


Yes, that and the fact that I didn't put it on. I don't think I would choose a movie like this. Yes, I'm sure there are some films of his I like if i thought about it. :)
Have never watched Halt and Catch Fire though. Pretty sure its on netflix now though.. so that makes it easier. I HATE when one of my fave shows end. I always wait forever to watch the finale like a weirdo. It made the Lost finale all that much worse I think.


Eh, I just read the synopsis. Doesn't sound great, judging by that.

He was superb in Face/Off. Best drama performance I've ever seen from him. Charmingly, weirdly offbeat and fun in Moonstruck and It Could Happen to You. That's all I can think of at the mo'.

Yes, the first 3 seasons of HACF are on Netflix. The lead, Lee Pace, is a freaking amazing actor. All of them are good, but he's riveting. If you decide to give it a try, I'll tell you the first season doesn't get its sea legs until around episode 4. You have to keep on your toes watching this one, and pay attention -- something I love to do :)

I know, it sucks when a favourite show ends! You wait until after it's aired to watch the finale? I knew a lot of people who were into Lost. Most hated the finale, so I can imagine waiting to savour it and then, ugh, would have been insult to injury.


Eh, I just read the synopsis. Doesn't sound great, judging by that.

Yeah, its really not. And that's okay.
Yes, I love shows that keep you are you toes for sure. More fun that way for sure. And yes I usually wait until after it airs to watch the finale. I'm weird that way. Funny I don't run into more spoilers. haha And it can be total insult to injury as you said.
Is Halt and Catch fire on its final season you said? Or episode?


Just finished another rewatch of Lake Placid. Lost track of how many times I've seen this movie yet it still entertains.


I am on Season 4 of The Killing


I started watching this years ago.
How many season are there ?




I vaguely remember season one was very good.
Do the other seasons hold up ?


Seasons 1 and 2 are compelling. I like how they show the effect of Rosie's death on her family. Season 3 is also good especially the death row inmate story line. Season 4 there was a drop off as they cut the number of episodes in half and it seemed rushed to me.


Is that the one with the buddy cops investigating the murder of the girl in Seattle?

If so, I saw that a few months ago. I thought it started out very good but the conclusion to the Rosie story at the end of season 2 was absolute bullshit... Though I won't spoil it here. I didn't bother watching any further after that. I felt like it had gone far enough and there wouldn't be any more to interest me. In my honest opinion, the show should have ended with the conclusion of season 1, and it would have been fantastic. Everything after that was too much.


yes right series but Rosie's death wasn't solved after season 1.


Right now at this moment?
I just have the news on. msnbc.


Keeping up with the current Rick & Morty season. One of the best shows ever made.

Slowly catching up on "People of Earth" so that I can watch it as it airs (season 2 is on now). It's enjoyable.

Waiting for the next season of Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Fantastic sitcom. Oh and if you like Andy Samberg and/or his Lonely Island group, I just saw their movie "Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping," and it was great. Not only was it legitimately funny, but it was very well done overall.



I really have to check out Rick & Morty.
People of Earth is really good. I just recorded Popstar. Looking forward to watching it.


Episodes of Rick & Morty can be enjoyed on their own, but it does have an ongoing storyline that is better fleshed out by starting from the very beginning. Plus, the show gets weirder as it goes on, and was a bit more straightforward when it started, AND season 1 has some of the best episodes. You won't regret going to the beginning and it's not a lot to catch up on.


Baseball on the TV and Black Keys on the stereo.


Wanted: Dead Or Alive! (Steve McQueen)


I had Lara Croft in my tv screen 5 hours ago,now i'm going at work😉


you have to broaden your horizons


What do you mean,hownos🤔


more than gaming with respect


It's my way to relax,hownos.


I appreciate that but don't you get bored ?? I like to have a variety TV/movies/music/sports


Sorry to reply so late,hownos...i am currently at i don't get bored...never with Lara😉
