There was this one movie on Netflix, I had watched at my friend's place and it was about this guy and gal driving around this field. They end up driving and see a dead body on the ground and they find that it died by some kind of weird virus. After they leave, cops come by and see the body. While one of the cops stays with it, the other cop looks for help. When he gets back, he finds that the body disappeared and now his friend is on the ground. It pans back to the guy and gal, who are still driving around in the car. They come across more dead bodies. Finally, the guy decides to get out and see what is going on.
Meanwhile, it pans back to the cop and then it is revealed that his friend is actually alive and zombified. The other cop gets bitten and he then lays on the ground.
The camera then pans back to the couple and when the girl gets out, after waiting a while, she finds that her boyfriend and the dead body he was identifying, are gone. She then goes back in the car and then all of a sudden, all these zombies come out and attack the car. She yells and screams, the car runs out of gas, and the the movie is over.
After sitting through that, I had to say that it was the worst movie I had ever seen. Then again, I had also learned that anyone could make a home movie and put it on Netflix. Not sure how they get it okayed; however, it seemed like it was a really low budget film.