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What's the absolutely, positively worst movie you've ever seen?

For me it is without a doubt, hands down, bar none, Zombie Nation.

This movie is so utterly horrible that words fail to describe it. It was, at one time, the #1 Bottom Rated movie on IMDb. Now I think it's inexplicably moved up to #13 or so. Although how or why is a mystery to me. I can't even fathom a movie being worse than this one!! A 2.1/10 is TOO KIND for this garbage!!!! 😰😰😰😰


Jaws The Revenge is soooo bad. Bad acting and a bad plot that make no sense.


21 Jump Street. I've literally never hated a movie so much. It was like being tortured.


Manos The Hands of Fate.


Battlefield Earth is indeed a piece of crap, but I want to mention a movie that I was told was so bad it was fun to watch: Plan 9 From Outer Space. Nope. Not fun to watch. Horrible. So bad it's...really bad.
