Good news. It seems like they’re finally doing what I’ve been advocating for: rolling back the last 60 years of progressive nonsense. We've already eliminated abortion and affirmative action. Now, DEI initiatives and anti-discrimination laws are being dismantled as we speak. Based on this video from Kyle Kulinski, gay rights might be next on the chopping block. If all goes according to plan, the country will be reverted to the social landscape of the 1950s. And that's where we want to be — a socially conservative, White, patriarchal society, combined with left-wing New Deal economic policies.
I don’t mind the Democrats being in power — as long as we shift the Overton window so far to the right that they resemble what they were in the 1930s. And how do you know people weren’t happy? I’m sure degenerates and minorities weren’t — but I don’t care about them. I care about the straight White men who were the core of American society — the majority and the norm.
1950s = severe poverty especially in rural America. Outhouses because no indoor plumbing and no electricity. There was a lot of misery. Very little freedom.
Conservatives don't care about the majority of Americans, including white men. I bet you didn't know that just before the Civil War, they wanted to expand slavery to include poor white people. Trump & his oligarchs will remove social services and federal government programs so that the rich can become richer with more tax cuts.
Liberals believe in strong social programs... along with equality and diversity.
Then you have a problem because Trump & co will gut social programs. They'll basically say go to a soup kitchen supported by a private charity for food. Good luck with that. 🍿
And as I’ve said a hundred times, that’s why I don’t support Trump. He’s not a National Socialist — he’s a Republican. That means he holds some conservative views I agree with and others I don’t.
No, in a merit-based society, minorities have virtually no chance of competing. As for women, they can hold their own in some areas but not in others — but that’s irrelevant because I don’t want them in the workforce to begin with. I want to bring back the Good Ol’ Boys Club — no women, no minorities.
The biggest fuck up in Supreme Court history was to desecrate the sanctity of marriage. The ruling was a massive, blatant attack on Christianity. The malicious lawsuit against the Christian wedding cake makers was first, then Drag Queen story hour, then transing kids too young to consent, gay porn in school libraries, cross dressers in high ranking military positions, men in women's only spaces like bathrooms and changing areas, 900 male athletes taking away female athletes medals, an endless destabilization of American society.
To be honest, the Supreme Court had no business deciding what could constitute as "marriage" and what wasn't. It makes about as much sense as them legalizing abortion for the entire country in the 70s. They are there to deal with the big issues, not anything that involves family or reproduction. That has always been a state issue, and should have remained that way.
But then again, the brown queer in the White House was more than happy to push this ahead to mark his presidency in 2015...
Very true, it was legislating from the bench since Barack Hussein knew an unpopular change like that couldn't get the votes to pass it into law any other way. Massive overstepping of Supreme Court powers by circumventing congress.
Oh yeah! He played what apparently is a very old, Democrap trick to get around the will of the people. Ann Coulter talked about it in one of her articles, how ever since the 1960s (maybe even earlier) Democrats figured out that many of the policies they wanted to implement would never be accepted by the populace. So the way to get around that was to have their stupid pet laws go through the courts, where they could sway judges into ruling the way they wanted, without the people's consent. (Remember, they think all voters are too stupid to know what's good for them). There are multiple events from the past 60 years supporting this, including many unpopular laws that were struck down by the people voting, but were made into laws anyway because a judge could be bribed to do what their backers wanted instead of actually upholding the law.
That’s right — states should decide. But even states shouldn’t have the authority to define marriage. Marriage is a religious ceremony, and only churches should determine what it means. The Bible is crystal clear that queers aren’t kosher, as the Jews might say. The only role the state should have is in recognizing civil unions. If queers want a civil union, that’s their business — but that’s not marriage.
And the more I look back, the more disgusted I am at Wall Street’s colored mascot. He was truly one of the worst presidents of our time. We’re still trying to recover from the damage that bastard inflicted.
I'm merely thinking from a judicial standpoint, not what I would have wanted our law to actually do. The only true marriages are between an adult man and an adult woman. Everything else is just a farcical joke, done only so the couple in question can get the insurance normally granted to straight couples. They don't really care about being married most of the time. Most gay civil unions are transactional anyway, particularly between some of the more volatile lesbians and the more promiscuous gay men. Some don't even make it to the 6-month anniversary before the moving truck shows up in the driveway.
Yeah, I'm particularly angry the CIA was responsible for that slime getting into the White House and getting away with all the shit he did. If there was ever an ex-president I'd happily watch get executed, it's him. The Clintons and Bidens could join him too.
” Hopefully, Antifa/BLM 2.0 will be designated as domestic terrorists and be dealt with accordingly.”
It would be the best action for our country. Over 20 people murdered by both domestic terrorist groups in 2020 yet do we hear about trials and prison sentences for those groups? A mob of them breaks through a security fence, gather on private property, the owners in the house brandish their firearms out of fear from the damn mob, but it’s the owners who are arrested! In order to be released from the government authorities the owners had to relinquish their firearms. What’s wrong with this picture?
Yet, we hear constantly about the Jan 6 protesters.
That's because Antifa & BLM burned down Democrat-run cities, where many people didn't have guns, and the people in charge told the police to stand down and let these criminals get away with their crap. I didn't see any of that happening in red state cities. Ironically the people hurt the most by these "mostly peaceful" fiery protests were black business owners!
Yep. The fact that the press tried painting him as a murderer and a terrorist, and completely ignored the fact that the men he killed in self-defense were criminals, just shows you where most of the crooks in Washington stand on these issues. Criminals always stand for other criminals, and hate law-abiding citizens doing the right thing.
It really is disgusting when you lay it all out like that — so much degeneracy. This is exactly why I’m a National Socialist. In a National Socialist society, this kind of filth wouldn’t be tolerated. And any cultural Marxists trying to subvert family values and social norms would simply be disappeared — never to be seen or heard from again.
With freedom of association enshrined as law, these "fags sue Christian bakery" cases would be laughed out of court. It would codify the right to discriminate without having to explain or justify it.
I don't know about you, but have you ever really stopped and thought about how utterly fucked up it is that we're not allowed to discriminate, and if we do, we are the bad guys? Like, what the fuck happened? How did we end up here? Where did it all go so wrong?
The fact that they targeted Christians specifically after the SCOTUS made their decision, and ignored dozens upon dozens of other bakeries that could have done what they wanted, and the fact that the state govt. supported the queers over everyone else, just shows you that this entire thing was nothing more than a witch hunt, with Christians as the chosen target.
You bet it is. All the bullying I got from black kids at school in the 90s is a testament to that. And I'm just one of millions of kids who suffered at the hands of that BS, no thanks to LBJ.
I went to a predominantly black school in Chicago from first to sixth grade, but the students were kept segregated (like in prison). The Polish kids had their own classrooms with a Polish teacher, and the same was true for the Mexican kids. Only White American students had to endure being in the same classrooms with blacks. Then we moved to the suburbs, where there was only one black kid in the entire school. High school was also in the suburbs, and while there were a few black kids, I only had one in a class during my time there.
You're lucky. I had to sit in class with those degenerates and watch them get away with shit. The teachers were white, liberal wimps that always punished me and let the black kids off easy. The worst situation was where the school principal herself in one of my schools was protecting a black boy that was bullying me, and all the teachers had been instructed not to do anything to him, whereas I was constantly being punished for fighting back when he came anywhere near me. If there is any justice in this world, that principal is now dead and in hell, and that boy who bullied me is dead or in prison where he belongs.
They want the medical insurance benefits that married couples can get. Not surprising, considering how many extra mental illnesses and diseases the gay lifestyle brings in.
There are none. Honestly, there's nothing gays have brought to society that have proven useful or innovative. Anything they have had to offer, we could easily get from straight people, and that includes art, fashion, baking, and making movies.
I believe what's done is done as the courts decided the issue. I do believe straight couples who can produce children should be valued more in society as opposed to those who dont.
There's a reason nobody took them seriously before the days of social media. Because we could see them for the mentally ill freaks and clowns they were, and didn't give them the time of day because it would have been a serious waste.
It’s definitely a “last in, first out” kind of thing. But it really can't go that far back. For example Loving v Virginia is very unlikely to be overturned, seeing as how Vance and Thomas (among others on the right) are in interracial marriages.
With this crop of conservatives, yeah, it probably won’t happen. I mean, even Justice Thomas is married to a White woman I think. But who knows? If we keep heading down this path, who can say how far back we could go? As for me, I’d love to return to the 50s... The 1850s.
CM is someone who posts to provoke and stimulate debate, something he has admitted in the past. I have found him sincere in some things he posts, able to argue strongly and coherently in favour in the things he says. In others, a sense of self-parody creeps in, when I think the lack of a easily discernible dividing line can detract from his sincerity of any overall position (or maybe it all just adds to to the fun). A personal history, revealing a left to right swing politically, that he provided recently was illuminating, seemed genuine, and I believed it. There is an interesting tension between some of his views (eg he is liberal on welfare matters but, as he says, 'right of Hitler' on others), which is sometimes contradictory I think, but that just makes for more interesting encounters. At least on this board he provides an intellectual weight which is often lacking, and he rarely resorts to the regular failings found elsewhere of fallacious reasoning or personal insults in lieu of argument. Overall an asset to the board, and I say that as one of his regular adversaries.
What FilmFlaneur said is a pretty good description of what I do. I'm essentially a deeply conservative socialist — left on economics, right on cultural issues. My ideal society would be like Switzerland economically (a welfare state) and Poland socially and culturally (a traditional, conservative society).
I often engage in self-parody, presenting these sincere views as 'National Socialism' to be provocative and humorous. But even that has a layer of sincerity because 'National Socialist' carries a double meaning. You can interpret it as Nazi, which I obviously am not, or you can take it literally — as a socialist who believes in nationalism, specifically White Nationalism. In that sense, it’s accurate.
My ideal society would be a homogeneously White, high-trust nation like Switzerland or, even better, Poland. I oppose multiculturalism, multiracial societies, and forced diversity. However, I support a European-style welfare state, making my views a blend of nationalism and social democracy. Since I advocate for expanding the welfare state even further, I describe it as socialism. Nationalism combined with socialism is, quite literally, National Socialism — hence the joke.
When did White Nationalism equate to Nazism? Why is being a White Nationalist akin to racism? I am White and love my nation (the USA) and our banner. 🇺🇸 Would I then be a White Nationalist? What am I missing here?
BTW, welfare has totally become abused. Clinton’s “Welfare to Work” (2 years) was positive and it worked…until Obama.
Yeah, just ask all the lazy, ABLE-BODIED, welfare kings and queens who just have to have babies and they get money for free, whereas everyone else has to work and pay for the welfare pigs' right to sit on their asses and collect a free check.
I have put the words "Able-bodied" in caps, because far too many people yell at me for being "unsympathetic" towards people who are genuinely disabled or elderly, completely ignoring my point about people who are perfectly capable of working, but they have played the system, are exploiting their kids, and have no business taking taxpayer money for doing nothing.
This nation has become the “entitlement” nation. This is the Millennials:
“I want now what you have. I don’t want to work and wait 50 years to have what you have. I’m entitled to it, but I’m drowning in my college loans. This country needs to pay my debt so I don’t have to wait to be where you are.
Thank goodness we have OCare and Medicaid because we are entitled to free medical care. It may have screwed others out of their affordable premiums, but so what!”
The above fits the Millennials to a T. Then we have to contend with the illegals. It pisses me off when the illegals receive everything they need. They receive better care than our own citizens. The “anchor baby” system is one of the worst. They drop the kid by jumping illegally into the U.S. The kid of course is an American citizen. Is the brood mare going to be deported? Hell no! The next thing is to permit the extended family into the country. Of course all are living off the taxpayer’s dime and living 7 families in one house.
Apparently so. It fits my grandson to a T. No wonder he’s a teacher with $20K in student loans. He has the mindset the government (we) should pay off those loans. Of course he went to one of the most expensive Florida universities, UCF. These high school grads don’t realize they can achieve just as good an education at many small colleges. How does the adage go?
I guess having Boomers for parents makes a difference. They always made sure I ate humble pie every time I got too uppity. And they always taught me that you never start out rich, you gotta work for it.
I am before the boomers right after “The Greatest Generation”. The love of country group, who didn’t have their hand out, believed in making your own way in life, who fought and came through WWII, who so many had no tangible assets, but worked hard to achieve what they did have.
My mom retired from working for the same bank she started with decades ago. One day she received a flower arrangement from the bank. The bank surmised she had to be ill because she had never missed a day of work for 9 years! My dad was pissed because at the time the company’s mandatory retirement age was 65. Shortly afterwards it was raised to age 70 during the Reagan administration…btw, one of the greatest POTUS we’ve had.
That would have been an interesting experience, being between generations like that. And it also sounds like your mom was with a good group of people at her job if they cared enough to send her flowers or even notice she was gone. You don't see comradery like that in workplaces anymore, and it makes me sad at times.
My generation has lived through so much…not all good, especially for Black people. There have been so many technological changes in my lifetime. Mobiles, PCs, etc. Most of those changes came from those WWII vets. Dad bought one of the first tvs. Tiny screen and of course b & w. “It’s Howdy Doody Time” and “It’s A Bird, It’s A Plane, It’s Superman!” He also bought me one of the first transistor portable radios, RCA. I’m sitting here watching a 65” tv. For years we watched a 19”tv from across the room. I can recall when color tvs hit the market.
When my kids were born we still used cloth diapers & soaked in a diaper pail after rinsing up & down in the toilet. I’ve lived with & used wringer washers because Mom worked. I think about my mom working hard for decades yet she didn’t have the things I have in my kitchen.
They truly were “The Greatest Generation”. They made life so much easier for the generations to follow.
Well that is what I do here. I advocate for White Nationalism — not as something evil or racist, but as an expression of love for my people, pride in our heritage, and a desire for an exclusive nation where we can thrive, with a system that works for our benefit and no one else’s. However, due to the political climate — where our culture was in the grip of wokeness — anything positive said about White people was deemed not just politically incorrect but racist. So, I decided to lean into it, embracing the labels of "Nazi" and "fascist" while subtly rejecting actual Nazism and fascism. Instead, I redefined these terms to represent conservative socialism, a White-homogeneous, socially conservative welfare state — something I semi-jokingly call National Socialism.
The problem with praising Switzerland's way of running things is, what works for them would not work for America. America is far too big, diverse, and into a Forbidden Fruit culture to ever be able to handle the societal changes that implementing the Swiss or Dutch models would bring.
The only reason places like Switzerland or the Netherlands gets away with such strange, radical changes to their societies, is because they have smaller populations and a more homogeneous society compared to America. They've also been around longer, and are better disciplined than most Americans. Any decision they make, most of the populace can come to a consensus because most of them follow the same societal morals and ideals. America has far too many people who don't hold the same views, as well as hard-working people who don't want any more of their paycheck taken away than necessary, moochers, criminals, foreigners who don't like our culture but love our stuff, and swindlers who will do anything to get a quick buck, including taking advantage of radical new law changes.
If any of those things were done to America, it would work for five minutes before someone did something stupid, and the law would be changed to go back the way it was before. That includes legalizing prostitution, putting everyone on digital currency, and having a massive welfare state for everyone. Honestly, with America's debt problems right now, bringing in UBI would bankrupt our country immediately, because there just isn't enough money to go around, and people would stop working.
I'm not going to dive into the whole UBI — or in my case, UBD (Universal Basic Dividend) — discussion. All I'll say is that it is entirely feasible and would not bankrupt the U.S. There are various ways to fund it, such as establishing social wealth funds, but that’s a conversation for another time.
As for the United States, I agree — a Swiss-style model wouldn't work under current conditions, and for the exact reasons I always point out: we are a multicultural and a multiracial society. This is why I advocate for a White homogeneous ethnostate. A social democratic welfare state can only function and thrive in a society bound by a shared identity. Had we established this in the 1940s and ’50s — when America was still over 90% White and European — it would have been highly successful. In fact, FDR implemented several socialist policies that truly made America great, many of which still help people today, though they are constantly under threat from evil selfish right-wing libertarians who despise the idea of helping their fellow citizens.
Since the 1960s, however, things have steadily declined. The opening of our borders to non-White, non-European immigrants, the Civil Rights Act, and the rise of feminism have all contributed to our nation’s deterioration. We no longer share the same values, heritage, or even the same language. In such a fractured society, a European-style welfare state would only fuel division and resentment — as we see now, with foreigners receiving benefits that should be reserved for citizens.