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Question about Trans people

Why should we accept them as they now identity themselves if they didn’t accept themselves the way they were originally?

Pretty hypocritical attitude to have.


Because they see themselves as a bunch of victims who think that we all need to accept their delusions and tip toe around their fragile little feelings while they don’t have to do the same for anyone else. It’s pure narcissism.


I may do that for kids who pretend to be superheroes and princesses, but not adults.

What next, some lunatic walks in thinking he’s a tulip and we’re supposed to happily stick his feet in dirt and water him?


Hey! That’s tulipist!🌷




I’m not gonna flower this up.




Why should we accept them as they identify themselves? If I had to give a reason, it's because they have gender identity disorder, and that disorder makes affirmation of their feelings their source of emotional relief. Much like narcissistic personality disorder gets relieved by constant attention and admiration.

It makes them feel good.



But stop threatening people and destroying their lives and careers if they don’t accept them.

The more you try to force people to do something the more they’ll push back.




What stupid fucking Question that is nothing to do with trannies but basic human rights.

because them is them ffs , who tf are you to tell other people how to live?
people have the right to control their own lives and make their own decisions
If they want to change their car , the color of the their Tshirt , or their name they can . Free country .
If you want to be a dick about it that is your right too (within limits) , just because thats your legal right doesn't stop you being a dick.


People have the right to control their own lives and make their own decisions. Indeed. And I have decided to to accurately refer to cross dressers as mentally disturbed perverts and freaks. Demanding that I cease to believe so and that I celebrate their degeneracy is nothing short of "teling me how to live."


Nobody is demanding that you cease to believe cross dressers are mentally disturbed perverts and freaks , just that you stfu about it and be civilized towards them.


Why do I have to "stfu" about it while they get to use state funded media to trumpet their cause? Again, it sounds like you're telling me how to live and I thought that was a mortal sin.


I’m polite to everyone I meet, regardless.

I’m not saying go out, point at every trans you see and ridicule them

But people like JK Rowling are being crucified because they aren’t bowing down and supporting the trans delusions.

That’s the fucking problem here.

Like I said, pretend all you want.

But don’t fucking threaten my life and others because I don’t buy into your delusion and support it publicly.

I chose to identity as someone who doesn’t support the trans bullshit.

But being a straight white male, I don’t have that right apparently.

So fuck them.


Oh give me a fucking break. No one is denying “trannies” “basic human rights”. Literally no one is trying to tell “trannies” that they can’t dress up as the opposite sex. What people have a problem with is being shamed or forced to go along with the “trannies” delusions and fantasies. We all have sexual fetishes, the difference is most people keep them confined to the bedroom and don’t expect society to validate them.


Is that what you really think the immediate problem is? Them just living their lives, and other people telling them how to live?


Did you just label him?


Pretty sure no one is telling them how to live. They don't need to involve the rest of us at all. Yet they seem determined to force everyone to play along with their delusions. As usual, you're clueless.


Meh if it has boobs and wears a dress, just call it "she". Not rocket science. It doesn't mean you don't know it's a man.


99% of the time, everyone knows it's a man. This notion that the entire world has join in their delusions is frankly immoral.


I have more important things to do than argue about pronouns with some trannie. Just be polite.


See, in my world demanding that others participate in your delusions is rather impolite.


This was like 20 years ago, but I was served by a clerk at the DMV who was obviously a man dressed as a woman. What do you suggest people do, cause a disturbance and out her as a man? And remember, there's always the chance it's a very ugly androgynous woman. I don't see the point of making it an issue.


I would have done just as you did. Nothing. But if he started demanding that I call him "ma'am" or "miss", I'd have politely refused.


Politically, I agree with you. The government should not be changing birth records - born a male, you're always a male. But in everyday life, just accept people as they try to present themselves and don't make an issue of it.


Likewise, if I'm uncomfortable calling a biological man "she", just accept that and don't make an issue of it.


how many times has that come up so far ?


Personally this has never happened to me. Has it happened to many others? Yes.

Should I not have an opinion on something until it directly crosses my path?


I just find it amazing that republicans spend 50% of their time ranting about this tiny inconsequential issue that has never affected them and doesent even affect the ones who have seen it first hand.

If you're going to worry about other peoples problems (even though thats more of a commie simp democrat SJW pov),
Why not worry about child poverty or domestic violence or something ?


I worry about keeping my child out of poverty and I maintain a domicile blessedly free of violence. Beyond that, I want my family to enjoy a life free from aggressive and toxic degeneracy. Those are my priorities. That my priorities aren't the same as yours is something you'll just have to deal with, sweetie.


I thought we were talking about things that happen to other people that havent "crossed your path"

You seem very concerned about other people out there having to live through the nightmare of addressing a man in a dress as "she" .
There are are far worse things happening , and on a far larger scale.


But in everyday life, just accept people as they try to present themselves

If they don’t accept themselves for what they are, then why should everyone else accept them for what they are pretending to be?


But in everyday life, just accept people as they try to present themselves and don't make an issue of it.

Fair. But what happens if they demand that you accept and affirm it as "the truth"? That trans women are real women? And decide what you have to do for them to prove it?

Give them a spot in the women's team.
In the women's restroom.
Give them women's jobs.
Their scholarships.
Tell your children they are real women because they said so, and don't ask questions.
Date with them. Whatever next with them.
List goes on.


Their ultimate goal is to normalize pedophilia.


That's kind of a controversial take. I'll need more info, and some examples, on this one.


Nicely parodied ... for a moment there I thought you were being serious.


I am.

You made what looks like a pretty serious accusation, and if you don't make at least some effort to defend it, you're just a fearmonger.


Are you denying that they have been allowing the grooming of kids at schools and other places?

Are you denying that they have been allowing the castration and mutilation of children?

Are you denying that they have been allowing adults to identify as whatever they want so they can identify as a child of any age?

Are you denying that they are trying to label pedophilia as a mental disorder instead of a crime?

... Yes, they want to normalize and decriminalize pedophilia.


None of that is pedophilia or normalizing or decriminalizing it. They certainly do those things, but not with the intention to sexualize children.


Before they allowed any of those things I mentioned and people were told they were going to allow those things, people like you also denied it; and yet, here we are.


I didn't deny anything. But if you're going to make an accusation, you need to be clear about what reasons motivated your accusation.

I.E. You accuse them of crimes, you need to explain the crimes.

When you said normalizing pedophilia, I half expected you to say something like, they want to watch more child drag queens, or they want to drag dance in front of more children. Or stuff like that.


I.E. You accuse them of crimes, you need to explain the crimes.

Everything I mentioned above are crimes that they legalized.


Pffffft. No sane person left or right wants to promote pedophilia.

The trans movement is about eliminating differences between males and females. The end goal is unisex. That's the left's agenda. The left is more against pedophilia than the right.


Do you know where all the multigender nonsense comes from? .. The Talmud; the same source that promotes and supports pedophilia.


Oy vey. So the Talmud promotes pedophilia?


So can you answer the question I asked you? What would you do if they demand all the stuff I listed? Which are significantly more than just accepting them as they present themselves and not making an issue of it.


Lol. You don't give it to them. That's why I started this by saying the government should not be changing birth records. Born male, you're male. Big Brother can't change that.

So no trannies in women locker rooms, blah blah blah.


Yes, just be polite. I am all for live and let live.

The one problem I have is when trans women get all upset when men won’t date them. I have even heard some say that it should be illegal to refuse to date trans women.

But many straight men do not want to date a chick who used to have a d***.


I'll date a woman or I'll date a man. But I want the real thing. A trans man is not really a man.

By the same token, I have had sex with transwomen and that's fine. But I knew who they were. I don't like pretense.


What does it matter to you? Pretty shitty attitude from you and your kind.

Signed, million man.



It matters to us because the LGBT mafia is mutilating and sterilizing children. You and people like you have had this explained to you, repeatedly. The answer is always going to be the same. They are destroying these kids lives and the lives of their families. Now remember this the next time this topic comes up so you dont repeat yourself again, you drooling moron.


when trans people stop destroying lives I'll stop being critical of them. And dont some retard tell me trans people are not destroying lives. They are transing children.


And destroying lives on social media of anyone who opposes them.


I really don't care what they do in their own lives, as long as it ends there. I just think if a dude in a dress and heels wants to fight because I call it "sir", I'll probably laugh myself into utter helplessness.


They are degenerates and they belong in asylums. They need to go back to being invisible.
