MovieChat Forums > Politics > Wokeness as a secular religion

Wokeness as a secular religion

Over the last 20 years as religion has faded, it created a vacuum, and in its place, Wokeness has risen like a malignant cancer. It took root in leftist spaces and spread, infecting everything it touched. This new dogma treats the LGBTQ community as saints and nobles, elevating them to the highest ranks, deserving of constant worship. Slavery is the original sin, for which we must endlessly atone. And racism is the ultimate evil, which must be destroyed at all costs. Anyone who dares question this orthodoxy, or fails to demonstrate piety through endless virtue signaling, is branded a heretic, excommunicated from the fold, viciously attacked, and then shunned.

Wokeness is not having empathy for the downtrodden, it's the weaponization of empathy to coerce people into compliance with a corrosive, authoritarian ideology. It uses guilt and moral superiority to enforce conformity, manipulating people’s compassion to serve a radical agenda. Rather than fostering true understanding or addressing real suffering, it demands blind allegiance to a set of rigid, oppressive beliefs that stifle dissent and individual thought.

Wokeness is a cancer that poisons everything. It needs to be eradicated by any means necessary.

This was originally a reply to another poster, but I thought it was an interesting topic that deserved its own thread. It felt like something worth exploring in more depth, so I decided to post it here


Yes it is, but I consider it a Cult. It’s so radical and evil that some leftists have fled from it.


I'm one of those Leftist that fled. I ran as far away from this ideology as I could. That's how I ended up a far right White Nationalist.


An alternative view is that Woke was, and is, together with movements like BLM, an inevitable corrective to those lingering bad old days of societal racism and misogyny. One has to be socially aware of, and alert to, racial or social discrimination and injustice. and recognise them before attempting to change them. It also suffers from deliberate misrepresentation and misapplication from those who inevitably oppose it and wish to preserve the status quo.


Blah, Blah, Blah. What AI is scripting all that bullshit for you?


I am happy to say that it was all my own work. Lack of rebuttal noted.


That makes it worse. And your nonsense isn't worth a rebuttal.


That must be very convenient for you. You can go now.


No, that's what people like you 'think' it is. It's how you want to be perceived. It's also 180° from reality. All it really seeks to do is replace one flavor of hatred (perceived) with another (real). It's just how leftist politicians manipulate idiots.


What you’re describing isn’t Woke, it’s traditional Leftist ideology. Leftist ideology aims to address societal racism and misogyny through awareness and deliberate effort to bring about change. Wokeness, on the other hand, is a mutated and malignant form of this. It claims to address these issues but instead weaponizes empathy to coerce compliance, as I explained in my original post.

And it’s telling you mentioned BLM. While it presents itself as Left-wing ideology, in reality, it’s just a toxic, anti-White hate group masquerading as a social justice movement.

And finally, societal racism could be eliminated all together if blacks were simply remigrated to Africa. It seems to me that this is the solution to our problem. As for misogyny, women should know their place. Society functioned much better under a patriarchal system. Feminism has destroyed societal harmony, leaving both men and women more miserable, hateful, and lonely.


What you’re describing isn’t Woke,

Woke : 'aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)' [Websters] which is why I said that one has to be socially aware of, and alert to, racial or social discrimination and injustice. and recognise them before attempting to change them. Such is the misinterpretation of 'woke', used to condemn it, that I have seen things like the Daily Telegraph - which sees it everywhere - claiming that the provision of disabled toilets falls under that category (said online, before it was hastily deleted)!

But thank you for your opinions, thereby showing, er, your own.awareness of and being actively attentive to important societal facts and issues ...

if blacks were simply remigrated... As for misogyny, women should know their place

I have covered remigration before, just lately on another thread, where I said

Remigration is a far-right and Identitarian political concept referring to the forced or promoted return of non-ethnically European immigrants, often including their descendants who were born in Europe, back to their place of racial origin, typically with no regard for their citizenship. (Something which ought to appeal to Native Americans and Australians perhaps, in regards to their own respective culture and countries?) Some proponents of remigration suggest excluding some residents with non-European background from such a mass deportation, based on a varyingly-defined degree of assimilation into European culture. It all sounds so practical and humane. Critics of the idea suggest that Remigrationists typically avoid the regular word 'deportation' because of it recalling the Holocaust. All very practical and humane.

In bringing this up again, as well as the provocative view on women, thank you for making me laugh as usual.


Woke no longer carries its original meaning, or at least it’s not used that way today. Now, it’s a pejorative term used to criticize the overzealous social justice warrior.


Now, it’s a pejorative term used to criticize

You mean it has been weaponized by the right?


You could say that.




Question, what happens if you have always held beliefs similar to those that are now all lumped in the “woke” category. Like you have believed in fairness and equality for all despite gender, race, religious beliefs or sexual orientation since as long as you can remember and you are now entering your senior years? To be accused of jumping on a bandwagon or quasi-religion now, does that seem correct and fair?


It sounds like you’re describing Leftist ideology, not Wokeness. As I explained in my OP and my response to FilmFlaneur, Leftist ideology is about 'fairness and equality for all regardless of sex, race, or sexuality.' Wokeness, however, is a corruption of this. It hijacks those ideals and twists them. As I wrote earlier, 'it’s the weaponization of empathy to coerce people into compliance,' using guilt and a sense of moral superiority to enforce conformity. It manipulates compassion to push a radical agenda, demanding blind allegiance to rigid, oppressive beliefs that crush dissent and stifle individual thought. It’s corrosive and authoritarian.

By contrast, Leftist or liberal ideology, at least in its uncorrupted form, is a reasonable worldview. I once subscribed to it myself, but Wokeness ruined it for me. It took noble ideas like 'fairness and equality' and made them repulsive. Abandoning them allowed me to question whether they were worth believing in at all. Without my liberal blinders, I realized that these ideals, while seemingly virtuous, don’t lead to a healthy society. They pave the way for degeneracy, social strife, and anomie — unraveling the social fabric and accelerating societal decline.


I suppose my point is that it’s absolutely impossible today to express any liberal leaning view without being immediately dismissed as being woke for woke’s sake. You know this is true. A suggestion can be made that all homosexuals are pedophiles and if you vocally oppose that you are instantly labelled a “woketard” as if you have suddenly just decided to join a movement and your opinion has no value or merit. It happens to me here all the time, almost daily in fact.

Not once have I been asked if there is anything about modern liberalism that I disagree with, and just quietly there are several things. I’m just woke. Dismissed. Irrelevant.

I honestly feel there are a mass of conservatives who use woke as a weapon to effectively kill all discussion that opposes their own views. It really frustrates me.


I think that's accurate. One of the worst things about Wokeness is that it has so thoroughly tainted Leftism and Liberalism. For many of us, myself included, Wokeness is so repulsive that we no longer want to be associated with anything that resembles it, including traditional Leftist and liberal values. It's really unfortunate.

That said, I think your criticism of some conservatives is a valid one. There's a tendency to lazily label anything liberal as 'Woke,' which complicates the discussion. That said, things are constantly shifting, and the political landscape is dynamic. As a result, terms like 'Woke' and 'cultural Left' are in flux. At this point, Wokeness has so thoroughly overtaken Left/liberal spaces that the two terms have become almost synonymous. That's why figures like Bill Maher or Jimmy Dore, who are critics of Wokeness, often describe themselves as an 'old school liberal' or an 'old school socialist' respectively.


Thanks for that response. I admit I may have been too hasty in judging you myself, although there are still some of your hard right views that honestly repulse me, reading these thoughts makes me appreciate you on a different level.

Also, my apologies for my angry responses on that gay teacher movie thread. You got me on a bad day and I was in no mood for another attack on the gays. I still disagree with what you said, but there are better ways to express that and I’m man enough to admit it.


Thank you, Kiwi Jim. I know we've had some heated discussions, but this post clearly shows that you are a man of integrity, and I hold no ill will towards you. In fact, I would go so far as to say you were right to be as hostile as you were, as I often make a point of presenting what are often unpopular views in the most extreme way. I do this so my opponents come at me with everything they’ve got. I want my views to be attacked hard so I can learn to defend them well. But it’s always nice when, after the gladiator arena, I can share a beer with my opponent. So, Kiwi Jim, if we ever cross paths in real life, I’d like to buy you a beer.


While that sounds like it could be a trap, I never refuse a beer.

Kidding. Appreciate the sentiment.




Weird Skavau-like interrogation involving irrelevant straw-questions.


It was a question, not one directed at you, and one that curious was quite willing to respond to rationally without attacking me or making a judgement.

But thanks so much for your swipe. Consistent as always Melton.


It was a series of Skavau-level straw questions. You’re not flattered to be compared to your anal mentor?


What’s wrong Melton? Is it burning your toast that you tried to get curious to pile on with you but instead, despite our differences, we managed to talk it out like adults and respect each other’s right to have a point of view?

Don’t worry, one day you may grow up enough to have a similar experience. It seems unlikely at this stage, but you can always hope.


As woke dies out you automatons will eventually drop it like a hot turd and pretend you had nothing to do with it, I’m glad people like Curious are building that bridge so you can come on over and save face.

He’s a more tolerant man than I am, I don’t forgive evil as readily, and I delight in the seething and cope of nasty creatures like you after your defeat by Trump, and Skavau’s subsequent abandonment of you.

So don’t disappoint, keep the cope coming!…


Here’s a challenge for you buddy… write a reply that doesn’t include the word Skavau.

Aaaaaaaaand GO!!


🤣 Nice try at getting me to stop mentioning your abandonment by Skavau. Sorry kid, your rage dumping is too funny.

Squeeze another one out, go on…


It's sad that you let Skavau live rent free in your empty head. That's got to be uncomfortable for you. Why are you so obsessed with him? He doesn't even post here anymore.


You misunderstand. When Hitler was defeated it was right and proper to celebrate his defeat, we still do it to this day, it is a reminder that good ultimately triumphs over evil.

Same with Skavau, he is evil and he failed, good triumphed, and so we celebrate this. Your butthurt seething over this is part of that celebration. Please, continue…


Nah, it’s definitely an unhealthy obsession and creepy in the extreme. You’re literally the only person who doesn’t see it.

Let him go, Elsa.


Your butthurt tears especially are a major part of the celebration. Your impotent screeching, your empty threats, your rage-thread (which you deleted after it immediately backfired 🤣) - all fuel the party.

Keep them coming…


What are you talking about Melton?

I can assure you I have no tears. I’m laughing at you. You’re a joke.



Keep up the cope rage-thread-kid… 😂



Come here and kiss me you fool, you know you want to..


Whoah! This is new. Having humiliated yourself trying to copy Skavau you’ve now moved into mimicking Kowalski - chief homosexual predator of Moviechat.

Let’s see how this develops…


I’ll grab the popcorn sweety 🍿


You and Kowalski are in competition for Head Sister now that Skavau bailed on you. Are you sure you want to be mimicking your opponent? It shows submission…


I Skavau don’t Skavau think Skavau this Skavau conversation Skavau is Skavau going Skavau anywhere Skavau

Fuck, your ailment appears to be contagious. Is there a cure?



Easy kid, I know you want him back but he was always a coward. Screaming his name over and over won’t bring him back, he’s too butthurt over Trump’s win…


You fucking need help bro. All joking aside, you sound literally insane. Have you ever asked yourself why you’re the ONLY person still mentioning that person every day? You can deflect all you like but think about it, if you saw someone else acting the same way, would you think it’s normal, rational behaviour? It’s so fucking weird man, really. What did that guy do to you?


Always fun watching a Wokist try to pathologise normal people 🤣

Have you stopped crying over the Trump victory and Skavau’s abandonment of the site yet?




As long as Wokeness exists and is forced down our throats, we’ll keep calling it out and criticizing it. We won’t stop until it’s eradicated. We’ll continue to challenge it, expose its flaws, and dismantle it piece by piece through relentless criticism and open opposition. We’ll criticize it out of existence.


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adjective: conservative boogeyman buzzword
Something that doesent benefit me or other white males.

"I hate Woke because somebody id benefitting and its not a white male"


Everything in the West should serve the interests of (straight) White people, and (straight) White people alone. Everyone else is irrelevant. If they don’t like it, they can leave — in fact, they should leave now, voluntarily, rather than face the inevitable reckoning in the future where they will be removed by force.


Wow, you really nailed it. What's really weird, is that the entire ideology (which had an earlier iteration as "Political Correctness" in the 80s and 90s), is rooted in Marxism. Go figure.


Thank you, AmeriGirl! And you’re absolutely right. It is Marxism, or a bastardization of Marxism to be precise. I refer to it as Neo-Marxism — the application of tools originally meant for analyzing class, but misapplied to issues like gender and race. This misapplication leads to the absurdities we see today with things like Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.


Yeah, in fact, when the communists were taking over in China, they pushed an ideology called Critical Class Theory, (sound familiar?) that pitted the different classes of Chinese people against each other so that they would be too busy bickering while the commies took over their government. Anyone who complained about the changes would be treated as a societal pariah, called names, ostracized, paraded through the streets in humiliation, and even put through Struggle Sessions until they recanted.

Remind you of anything going on over here in the States? Seems every time communists wanted to take over a country, all they had to do was pit different groups within that society against each other while they took over the government behind closed doors. It happened in Russia, China, the Soviet Bloc countries, and it's happening right now in America.


"Wokeness is not having empathy for the downtrodden, it's the weaponization of empathy to coerce people into compliance with a corrosive, authoritarian ideology."


Strangely enough, Muslims are turning the empathy of European countries into a weapon to allow them to move in and essentially do a "soft invasion" right now.


Funny you should mention that. I just posted this last night:
