MovieChat Forums > Politics > Were you called gay in high school? If s...

Were you called gay in high school? If so, how did you handle it?



It was the 90s, no one cared.


Tell them you're not gay, you just run funny.


I echo B1cksurN's comment — It was the 90's and no one gave a fuck.
Back then when someone called me gay I would say "Fuck you faggot" and we'd both have a good laugh. We would all throw racial and homophobic slurs around like it was nothing. It was a glorious time.

Those were the days...


It was exactly the same in the 80's. I remember one time in the early part of that decade, I was hanging out at my cousin's house, who was a bit of a ruffian, and two other kids from school, one black and the other a dark skinned Puerto Rican. At one point, the PR pissed off my cousin, who then jacked him up against the house and said, "you dumb fucking nigger!". The black kid with us corrected him, "Spic-a-Rican, Randy, he's a Spic-a-Rican!". And in another minute tempers had calmed and it was forgotten. But words and insults weren't anything that most of us concerned ourselves with. We dealt with things on a personal level and wouldn't think of running to someone else - a parent, teacher, etc. That's what fags did.


Me and this Mexican kid had a whole routine in high school (1996). We sat next to each other in our CAD drafting class. At some point, we got into an argument — he called me a Polack, and I called him a spic. Then we started throwing out derogatory things about each other’s races and ended up laughing. We tried to outdo each other, and that became our daily routine. Every day we’d sit down and it’d be, 'What’s up, spic?' 'Fuck you, Polack!' LOL. We both had fun with it. Good times.


Yes. I just either cried or ht the people calling me "gay".


(Keep in mind that this was in the late 90s/early 2000s). In junior high and high school, the kids were very mean and accused me of being gay several times because I didn't date or sleep around with the guys in my school. I usually told them I wasn't and that they were full of it.

See, it wasn't due to my orientation at all. I didn't date any boys in my Illinois schools because most of the boys were immature, stupid dickheads with overactive glands, and all the cute ones were either gay or taken already. I also was not in the business of premarital sex, unlike the trailer trash girls I had for classmates. And to accuse a teenager of being gay for hanging out with friends who are the same gender as them is very stupid, considering it was normal for teenage girls to hang out with other teenage girls, and for teenage boys to hang out with other teenage boys at high school.

It got even dumber later on. When they couldn't find any evidence of me being gay, they then said I was doomed to become a nun. So apparently, according to that logic, the kids in my school seem to think you can only be gay, a slut, or a nun. Gotta love how F-ing dumb they were.

When we moved to TN for one year, I easily found a boyfriend. My brother was able to finally get dates too! We were shocked at how much nicer the Southerners were compared to the cold, cliquish Illinoisans.


So basically if you don't want to be a whore you must be gay. I can see how that could make sense to 14 year olds. LOL
BTW, I also went to school in Illinois (Chicago).


Those kids were assholes, a hallmark of the Midwest. It was popular to kids to cruelly insult each other by accusing kids they didn't like of being gay, using every excuse in the book. Considering many of them came from blue-collar families and trailer parks, that doesn't surprise me. They never could understand anything other than extremes. Like if you don't sleep around, you're gay, if you're not gay and you don't sleep around, you're a nun. They really just don't understand morals or celibacy outside of marriage, because their parents don't understand it either. It's the same reason they hated books or smoked and did drugs despite what the DARE program taught them: their degenerate parents did it too.


Would you be able to give the ethnicity or surnames of the Illinois females that called you gay and a nun?


Yeah. They were white. And the guys who said it were white too. Why do you ask?


What was their specific ethnicity? Can you say their last names?


I can't remember their last names, but a good clue is the fact that it was in central IL, so you could imagine that most of the white people there would have had ancestors from England, Germany, Poland, Scandinavia, and maybe a bit of Scottish, Irish, Dutch, and possibly French. We had a surprisingly large Polish community in one part of that town, but I didn't learn about it until I was in my early college years and volunteering at a theater that was very popular among that particular group. Most of the last names probably would have been British, Scottish, and German in origin, like I said. A lot of them were the children of idiot Townies, and I doubt that any of them knew of their ancestry at all beyond what little they snored through in history class at school. Another good clue would be to look at a Demographics map of America, circa the Millennium or the late 90s.

Not sure why that matters. They were still mean.




I always found a quick handy-j behind the bike shed would clear up any confusion.




