Analysis of DNA has revealed that it is possible to predict accurately, simply by examining genes, the risk factors for developing schizophrenia and discover that these are far higher for those of black African heritage than for white Europeans or Americans. Many other real differences between ethnic groups have also been found. There is for instance, evidence of a similar trend with Alzheimer’s disease (Barnes & Bennett, 2014). Perhaps of the greatest significance is the realisation that our own species, Homo sapiens, certainly did mate with Neanderthals and that as a result, everybody other than sub-Saharan Africans has Neanderthal genes. This has proved to be a controversial revelation and the full implications are still becoming apparent. Some of the genes which are now being identified relate to the architecture of the brain and of course an old claim of what one might perhaps call traditional scientific racism is that the brains of black people are usually smaller than, or different from, those of white people or Asians. Already, there have been skirmishes on this particular frontier of research.
One particular gene which 70 % of Europeans and Asians have is a variation of microcephalin. This protects against the disorder of microcephaly and is connected with the growth and architecture of the brain. Babies with microcephaly are born with heads much smaller than average. The outlook for such children in terms of life expectancy and intellectual ability is poor. The commonest cause of microcephaly is genetic disorders.
Another gene which helps the brain develop is a version of the ASPM gene. This is found in just a quarter of the world’s population. In 2005 a researcher at the University of Chicago called Bruce Lahn found that these two variants of the genes had only been around in our own species for 40,000 years and 6,000 years respectively (4). A paper published that year claimed that this was evidence of the continued evolution of humans, as it was asserted that the gene had spread so quickly that it must confer some positive advantage to those inheriting it (5). This simple discovery soon exploded into a raging controversy, with those connected with the research or even writing about being accused of racism (4).
Bi-curious"mind", that is factually inaccurate on at least couple of levels.
An intelligence quotient of 70 would put one into the category of mild mental retardation.
Intelligence quotient is calculated by a couple of different methods (for example: comparing mental age to chronological age) which are not applicable to the animal kingdom and therefore are not an accurate measure of intelligence in animals.
This would probably be a good time for you to use your SeminalAnus account for the inevitable reply.
It is interesting, because in your bi-curious"mind" persona, you come off as someone who is mildly to moderately mentally retarded. When you are wearing your SeminalAnus sock, then you seem to expend an undue amount of effort attempting to imitate an intellectual. The "conversations" in which you "two" feed off of each other are hilarious.
Your Pee Wee Herman comeback was just about consistent with the "voice" of your BiCurious"mind" sock. Every so often, when you are wearing this sock, you accidentally let some SeminalAnus slip in. But not today.
This simple discovery soon exploded into a raging controversy, with those connected with the research or even writing about being accused of racism
There are clear differences between races that never get discussed because of the fear of this.
You could do an experiment. Take 5 million Afghans and stick them in Norway (one of Europe's richest countries) replacing the native population, then take 5 million Norwegians out of Norway and stick them in an empty Afghanistan.
Within a short period of time, Norway would fall apart and become the worst nation in Europe while Afghanistan would become an actual functioning society.
This is what's so maddening about all the egalitarians, both leftists and libertarians. The leftists believe in magic dirt; they believe that if you plunk a Somalian down into Lewiston, Maine or a Peruvian into Denver, Colorado, they magically become just like you and me. They could run the municipal water system or the school district with the same aplomb as the Northern Europeans who built those institutions. Crime? Tax revenue? Unchanged, of course.
The Libertarians, on the other hand, think that it's the institutions of government that determine success. They love to trot out moronic arguments like, "Socialist policies are the root cause of African dysfunction!" They believe that if you just get the economics right, everyone can succeed in equal measure (which is actually a fairly Marxist argument).
To your point, we can look at the example of Liberia. Liberia's Constitution is cribbed almost word for word from the American Constitution. It's still a shit hole, always has been. Why? Because it's filled with Liberians. There's no getting around biology.
The leftists believe in magic dirt; they believe that if you plunk a Somalian down into Lewiston, Maine or a Peruvian into Denver, Colorado, they magically become just like you and me.
100%. I always tell leftists who defend third world migration to simply look at the countries they all come from. Somalia, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya etc. Failed states, lawless hellholes, backward culture and mindsets, human rights abuses, women treated like dirt. The list goes on and on. These countries are like this because the people who live there made it that way.
If they are moving to white countries, they're not coming because we ruined their lands. Their lands have been ruined for 1000 plus years thanks to them. And all their problems are merely transported to our soil when they bring their third world baggage with them. As a collective, they are nothing like the European immigrants who arrived in America and Australia. Problem is, leftists think they are the same.
Grand Wizard Satan2016 has called the local MC chapter of the KKK meeting to order.
It's obvious that the local resident racists need a group hug because their racist-in-chief Trump and his lackey aren't doing too well on the campaign trial. Prepare to witness racist rantings and stereotyping based on racist pseudoscience that would've made Hitler proud.
If the OP believes whites are so smart, then how does he explain his own stupidity?
Why do you deny the most basic of scientific facts, Keelai? From masks to human biodiversity, you're impervious to the truth when it offends your religious adherence to leftist morality.
Why don't you identify as a white person? Then you automatically gain 15 IQ points and you might be able to engage in intelligent conversation with another human.
Average IQ scores from a nationally representative sample of 10,600 ten-year-olds in 2016-18 recruited by half-billion dollar ABCD study:
White average set to 100
Asians 105.1 (63rd percentile of whites)
Hispanics 91.7 (29th %ile)
Blacks 85.2 (16th %ile)
the more we know about genes & intelligence, the more likely it is that 50-80% the iq gaps will be shown to be shown to be due to the hereditarian explanation surely.
but let's pretend that somehow it becomes established that this was all wrong, and that the b/w standard deviation gap is purely environmental. that somehow these separate populations all converged on having the exact same mental abilities. seems fantastical to me, but let's go with it.
that doesn't mean the cognitive gap would be easy to close. it may be almost as impossible if it were 100% genetic. are you going to change the culture within the populations somehow? are you going to take all of their children away from them and have them adopted by high iq people? i'm not even sure it's clear what environmental factors would need to be changed.
we've had 50+ years of fairly massive government intervention in education & the economy, placing thumbs on scales to try to improve the outcomes for groups, & the iq gap has pretty much remained where it is (there seemed to be a closing of the gap from the 70s to the 90s, but it's remained where it is since then).
i don't think the smart people in the pure environmental camp have any arrows in their quiver besides what they've done already - more money dumped into already insanely expensive government schools, money transfers, preferential hiring, race based admissions to schools. the last two tend to help immigrant blacks far more than they ever help native blacks.
the one thing that 'might' improve outcomes - school choice programs, vouchers - is something they're often against.
but it's bad to even notice any of that stuff of course, so the correct thing to do is to pretend it's all because of white supremacy or institutional racism or something hand-wavey.
lots of people use johnson's great society expansion as the marker for when black communities started to disintegrate, & when government expansion in regulation of the economy, in welfare transfers truly ramped up, & when civil rights laws became entrenched & used in unexpected ways.
for eg, amity shlaes fairly recent book 'great society: a new history' documents that era & points to it.
thomas sowell makes the case that the 60s expansion was the breaking point for black people.
jason riley makes that case in 'please stop helping us.'
richard hanania documents a lot of this in his book 'the origins of woke.'
we're talking about race.
it is in the civil rights act & the great society programs of the 60s & their expansion in the 70s that we began to see specifically race-based policies, laws & regulations.
So you're on record now as saying there is no such thing as measurable differences in intelligence among the races.
How, then, do you explain the fact that Scandanavia is reality while Wakanda is fantasy? How do you explain the fact that after South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, and China all attained first world status in the blink of an eye, most of Africa remains mired in grinding poverty, constantly begging for largesse? How do you account for the Ashkenazi controlled Israel, with essentially no natural wealth, outstripping its neighbors in GDP and quality of life? For that matter, how do you explain the inordinate number of Jewish Nobel prize winners vs. the dearth of African Nobel winners? What caused Rhodesia and South Africa to become crime-riddled hell holes once whites were removed from power? Any idea why standardized intelligence tests demonstrate great variability in the intellectual firepower of the various races?
You love specifics, right? So you must be able to explain away these pesky facts. To your feeble intellect, white supremacy undoubtedly caused most of it. I'm ready to hear that. And I'm sure you can throw in reference to some whackadoodle leftist's "book" that managed to hoodwink you, but can you go any further than that?
I recall once reading a very old essay where it was described that black people evolved physically to suit their environment, while whites evolved an intellectual capacity that would enable them to transform their environment to suit their physical needs.
When you look at the climate conditions of Sub-Saharan Africa and contrast them with those of the frozen areas in Europe it makes some sense, though of course anyone writing about such a thing now would be academically blacklisted and accused of racism, as I'm sure Keelai can attest to.
In a sane world, as a member of the negro talented 10%, a person like Joy Reid would live in the black community and use her modest abilities to help her fellow Africans. The Civil Rights movement was devastating for black communities in the United States because it leeched the talented tenth into the white world and left the remaining 90% of blacks to wallow in their own dysfunction.
And as an added bonus, whites wouldn't have to deal with her anymore.
Just another MAGAtty puke with a screed. This has zero scientific review or validity, its just this bozo's ravings. One of his 'sources' explicitly contradicts his basic assertion (that blak folks be dummies) :
6. Rushton, J. Philippe; Vernon Philip A.; Bons, Trudy Ann (2007) No evidence that polymorphisms of brain regulator genes Microcephalin and ASPM are associated with general mental ability, head circumference or altruism, The Royal Society Publishing, Biology Letters, 23/1/2007.
—Simon Webb[1]
Simon Webb, also known as History Debunked, is a British far-right YouTuber, global warming denialist, and pseudohistorian. Ironically, despite his YouTube channel claiming to debunk history, it mostly focuses on Webb's stance on modern politics, particularly in regards to the decline of British society. His content mostly focuses on the problems of immigration, multiculturalism, climate change, the black diaspora, the territorial disputes between Israel and Palestine, and supposed historical revisionism.[2]
Webb has connections to far-right influencers and white nationalists. He was interviewed by Edward Dutton and was a speaker on the far-right Aporia Magazine podcast.[3][4] He has spoken at events for the Traditional Britain Group.[5][6] He is an opponent of diversity and multiculturalism and has complained about seeing interracial relationships between black men and white women on British television.[1][7][8] Unsurprisingly, his video comments sections are rife with racists, white supremacists, antisemites, Islamophobes, transphobes, conspiracy theorists, and just about every collective crowd of far-right bigots you can think of.
Maybe, maybe not. I don't care about Simon Webb to be honest and I'm more interested in discussions amongst people here. If I say yes would that ease some tension?
So again,
Are there genes that make black people more predisposed to certain realms of athleticism?
"Its pretty obvious there are. Does that make black folks dumb, though ?"
So, there are genes expressed in black people that result in distinct effects on the muscular and skeletal systems. Is it feasible then that they are genes that affect the expression of what is commonly referred to as the central nervous system, or the brain to be more specific?
I haven't said black people are dumb. Just saying.
What's your agenda ? What is it you are trying to 'prove' ? I mean, basically, examine your conscience. Are you looking for people to exclude/marginalize/insult, or for people to welcome to your human race ?
You seem fairly reasonable. How we deploy our gifts, including our reason, is a question, actually, of character.
My "agenda" at the moment is engaging in discussion.
You may be asking for my equivalent of a meta, as people like to call it now. In that case it would be truth with a dash of humor whenever possible.
What I don't do, or strive not to anyway, is allow pretenses to cloud my thought processes. Take for example a conversation such as this, where I have no pretenses towards what I construe as ideologically constructive, or destructive, to shape my responses and am purely interested in the concepts being discussed.
Back to the topic:
So, there are genes expressed in black people that result in distinct effects on the muscular and skeletal systems. Is it feasible then that they are genes that affect the expression of what is commonly referred to as the central nervous system, or the brain to be more specific?
You let the link do the gaslighting for you, I see.
Will you continue this train of thought you established by affirming that there are expressions of genes in black people that result in certain athletic advantages by answering:
"Is it feasible then that they are genes that affect the expression of what is commonly referred to as the central nervous system, or the brain to be more specific?"
You see Nazis behind every tree, we get that. Most people who deny biology feel the same as you. You've been trained to feel uncomfortable when this subject comes up. It's OK, people in a cult, like you and Keelai, often display this behavior.
Its not biology. Its bunk. This isn't a paper in a scientific journal, it has not been peer reviewed, the genes in question have , to the extent its been investigated, no relevance in brain anatomy or cognitive effect.
What is clear is that you have you mouth agape for any hateful nonsense any MAGAtty grifter dangles in front of you.
What do you find "hateful" about readily observable facts? It's you who's getting squeamish about the differences among the races. It's you who brought up hate. The rest of us just want to be able to organize our lives according to basic biological facts and stop adhering to this egalitarian fantasy. It's hindering human development across all races.
I hope I'm not contributing to the ugliness in your opinion. All I implied is that IQ is not the definitive statistic for measuring the value of a person.
You're not. Because of what you wrote I figured you'd agree with my comment about this thread.
I actually decided not to leave a comment bc I'd be inviting replies like what SemiAninus wrote below. Must have hit the "add reply" button by accident.
I did in 7th grade biology class. No one asked permission or required waivers from the parents beforehand either. That would probably frustrate certain people.