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Leftists in Full-Panic Mode

Isn't crazy how the trolls are trying to flood the post in desperation that it will somehow change the fact that their rhetoric for the last 7 years has brought us to this crazy violence?

We need to have a real discussion about this.

Leftists: Your commie revolution is not going to happen in the USA. You will be stopped every time, so find a new hobby and stop trying to cause violence everywhere you go. The rest of us are trying to live our lives, do our jobs, and survive in this world. We don't need you losers making all that more difficult than it already is.


>Leftists: Your commie revolution is not going to happen in the USA. You will be stopped every time, so find a new hobby and stop trying to cause violence everywhere you go. The rest of us are trying to live our lives, do our jobs, and survive in this world. We don't need you losers making all that more difficult than it already is.

Do you think all leftists tried to do this?

In addition, where was your outrage when Donald Trump made fun of when Nancy Pelosi's husband was attacked?


The shooter is allegedly an Antifa member... par for the course.

Your deflection attempt has been ignored.


>The shooter is allegedly an Antifa member... par for the course.

Based on what evidence is the shooter an Antifa member?

And are you of the opinion that every single leftist is an antifa member?


In addition, where was your outrage when Donald Trump made fun of when Nancy Pelosi's husband was attacked?


"Based on what evidence is the shooter an Antifa member?"
Evidence!? Blacksurn don't need no damn evidence!


he is Antifa. it was confirmed already.


Who said "all leftists"?


"Leftists: Your commie revolution is not going to happen in the USA. You will be stopped every time, so find a new hobby and stop trying to cause violence everywhere you go. The rest of us are trying to live our lives, do our jobs, and survive in this world. We don't need you losers making all that more difficult than it already is."

OP seemed to be referring to leftists as a group, as if all leftists plan for a communist revolution and plot to cause violence to that end.


So any time one uses the plural, it automatically means they're referrering to each and every person in that group?


So who is he talking to then? It's also clear from Blacksuns general narrative that he seems to think every left-winger is radicalised.


the liberal media is spreading disinformation now saying it was an inside job. how sick is this? the shooter was a deranged antifa member.


Who is saying it was an inside job?

Where is your evidence the shooter was an antifa member?


where is your evidence he wasnt an antifa member? I will wait.


By this logic he could just as equally be a KKK member. Should we just assume that unless something can be disproven that it's true?

There's no record of him having any connection with any antifa group.

Who is saying it was an inside job?


Registered Republican gun nut armed by MAGA gun nut grooming dad. His schoolmates also said he was Republican and conservative.


Tucker Carlson predicted this a few weeks ago...

Leftist rhetoric is out of control.


wow, thats crazy he predicted this.




I've been saying for several years that these liberal twats have no concept of how dangerous a game it is that they are playing.


You owe all Democrats an apology. Gun nut Republican shooter is one of you!


Go fuck yourself, Keeliar. You owe everybody here an apology.


Shooter was a registered Republican and gun nut.

You tried to shift Jan 6 blame on antifa when all those charged and in prison are Trumpites, far-right extremists, white supremacists, right-wing domestic terrorists and other Republicans.

You owe Democrats an apology!


I'll take "Things That Will Never Happen Because trump Supporters Are Incapable Of Even Considering The Possibility That They Might Be Wrong About Anything" for $2000 Alex. ; )


The shooter was conservative and the right participates in irresponsible rhetoric too. Oops.


Woke socialists are the biggest threat to the USA and other western countries, using marxist tactics to push their views and unfortunately it has had success.

Communists countries just laugh at us, because they know it divides us and makes us weaker.


The ugliness of the leftist party and their captive media in display, they can't control their hate which is why they are in decline as an institution as more and more people tire of their dumb negativity and hate.
