1950s, Golden Age America
So, a lot of people asking questions like, "when was America Great" or such shit.
So, I wanted to offer the 1950s, as the Golden Age of America.
Massive economic growth, massive growth of the middle class, massive growth of the nuclear family, rapid and major technology advances,
AND to put it in context, this was right after the terrors of WWII, and before that the dark time of the Great Depression.
The glorification of the nuclear family and the stereotype of the kind and wise Father figure, ie the trope of the wonderful, "Leave it to Beaver" idealized family, also there as a good aspect of a great time.
Discuss. What, looking backwards, is your favorite element of that timeperiod, cementing it as the Golden Age?
Or, alternatively, do you have an age you would like to offer as an even BETTER golden age for America?