Do conservatives have a point about some trans events?
shows a drag queen lifting her skirt and gyrating while lip-synching lyrics to the song “P—y” by Lady as a confused kid looks on from one of the nearby tables.
“My p—y good / p—y sweet /p—y good enough to eat,” go the lyrics as the drag queen gyrates.
The young girl sits in a booth at the at the “Garden of Eden” brunch show in Plano restaurant Ebb & Flow, watching the proceedings as several adult women in her party look on with blank faces.
What the actual hell is this? I am all for adults and trans adults making their own decisions for themselves but this is rankly sickening, whether it a straight man or woman or pro LGBTQ brunch. This is giving a bad name to the movement and if we on the left do not call it out and make excuses we look bad. share