MovieChat Forums > Politics > Should Scott Adams, Dilbert creator, be ...

Should Scott Adams, Dilbert creator, be getting canceled?

Right or wrong he should have kept his yapper shut.

Adams effectively encouraged segregation in a shocking rant on YouTube, calling Black Americans a “hate group” and suggesting that White people should “get the hell away” from them.

What do you think?


It was obviously his goal to "cancel" himself.


He could have been trolling for a retirement to get out of a contract.


Why should anyone want to hang out with a group that hates them?

Isn't it a good idea to stay away if they hate you?

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.


why are you making sense?
please stop, it's incredibly disturbing


Where is it suggested that anyone hates anyone?


Yes. To call black people a hate group because of some random poll is just racist. Also, saying that he's going to avoid them because they don't benefit him is racist too.


I agree.
He should not have generalized or painted them all with the same brush like that or better yet just not say anything.

There are racists and some do hate but not everyone in that poll is going to be one.


we're all just a bit racist, some people let it rise to the surface more often than others


No it’s not racist. Black people who hate white people are racist. Why would white people want to be around people who hate them?


But that's assuming the poll is accurate.


The poll sampled like 60 black people, and the statement "it's okay to be white" is a well known meme and wink to white nationalism, which would undoubtedly been understood by some of the respondents.


Nobody should get cancelled.

Adams has always been about helping blacks, but this pole which revealed a startling hatred of whites by a majority of blacks, drove a stake through the heart of his lifelong compassion for them.

The constant videos of real life violence by blacks against whites and other groups also made him review his position, as did the constant false accusations of him as a ‘racist’ while he was trying to help.

White people are human too, there’s only so much bullying and abuse they will take before they push back.

Not that he’s advocating violence, just that whites stop fruitlessly trying to help blacks, and keep a safe distance from them.

It’s a sad state of affairs but can you blame the guy?


Constant videos are not representative of the whole, not the vast majority. It's powerful imagery, so I can see why it's easy to forget this and feel like it's "all" of them.


The endless videos of unprovoked black violence, coupled with the fact that they are 13% of the population yet cause 50% of the nation’s violent crime, is making people lose patience with this group.

Scott Adams dared to utter something that many are thinking but have been bullied into silence around.


How about statistics.??


which revealed a startling hatred of whites by a majority of blacks, drove a stake through the heart of his lifelong compassion for them.

He should have seen through that .
The poll was obviously biased misquoted or something .

probably polled 100 black guys in prison just after a gang rumble with the white guys.


It was a Rasmussen poll, one of the leading polling companies, they asked people of all races across the nation via telephone and online.


Doesn't it bother anyone that almost half of blacks can't agree with the phrase, "it is ok to be white"?


The poll sampled like 60 black people, and the statement "it's okay to be white" is a well known meme from 4chan and wink to white nationalism, which would undoubtedly been understood by some of the respondents. Obviously the term doesn't inherently mean that, but the link is there.


The poll sampled like 60 black people

do you have access to black twitters?

there is millions of black who hate white peoples on their hahahahahahhaahahahahah

before i go on social medias i think only white people racist. i did know how much blacks hate white before then. social medias was real eye openers hahahahahahahaah


Is "Black Twitter" being polled specifically?


no but they start many topic on their about white people everyday and in 'likes' it get 100K plus for saying something they hate about white hahahahahhahahah. that is better than poll it show many just hate whites and not just racist white like chowvin just all whites hahahahahah


What tweets specifically are you referring to?


their are many but look for man call buttreeq nasheed


You mean "Tariq Nasheed"?

Most of the world thinks he's an idiot


he is one of many i cant remember all there shit name one man call bishop tutubot and another is white man who pretend to be black and some call him 'talcum x' and another was a fugly indian women call saira roa.

i have no been on twitters since chauvin riots but i remember there names posting hate to all white (not just racist white) and 100K like there posts and it surprise me, open my minds. i think that is better than small poll.

go on black twitters many race obsess retard on there.


And what specifically have these guys said that was directly hateful, or promoting violence towards white people that garnered 100k likes?


this was few years ago skavau i do not remember specify words just that they hate whites much and i dont go on twitter anymore

original point you make is how 60 people on poll is not reliable to show black hate of white and i agree which is why i tell you about black twitters where you can find many hating white hahahahhahahaahahah

just look at those shit names i give you those are names i remember of race obsess retards it is better than poll. these retards are influencers they are like people who take shit and set it on fire and leave it on doorstep and ring doorbell and run away. they have more effect than you think!!


There are tons of far-right grifters and people who peddle all kinds of hate on Twitter though.

There are people on twitter ranting about transpeople, and gay people day in and day out, and they get tons of thousands thousands of likes.


yes that is my original points we know white racist we hear everydays but i surprise to see lots of hate other way that is not good it is only white who suppose to be race hate hahahahahahah

your country doomed!!


My country is doomed? Why is that?

And no-one said "only white race hate".


everybody say only white can be racists this is what
i read all time hhahahahahhahahahahah


I don't say this


We have a situation where a poll, hopefully a bad poll, shows that nearly half of blacks are deeply racist agaisnt whites.

The media ignores that and focuses on destorying a single old white guy who dares comment on that.

That is... a big red flag.

Also, "it is ok to be white"? I don't care about the source. If you can't agree with that statement, that is anti-white racism.


Do you think 60 people polled on their opinion on a phrase that emerged in practice from 4chan represents a meaningful poll?


I think that the react this phrase has gotten, proves that anti-white racism is a real issue in today's America

60 people is a terribly small poll. i would love to see a better poll.


I think that the react this phrase has gotten, proves that anti-white racism is a real issue in today's America

And I'd argue given the scientific racism from many users on here, and outright racism against black people I've seen (not from you) - that it goes both ways.


Last time a real w.s. ran for national office, he got like .05% of the popular vote.

That's a lot less than almost half.


I'm not talking about people running for office. But the very attitude of posters on this forum.

And again: Do you think 60 people polled on their opinion on a phrase that emerged in practice from 4chan represents a meaningful poll?

You clearly don't understand the history of that specific phrase.


This survey/report was from 1000 people:


13% of whom were black


....and what is your point?!


That the actual sample of black people polled on this was not 1,000.


Where did I say that all 1000 were black?!


Well you pointed out that 1,000 took the poll - but if you follow the trail I initially said: "The poll sampled like 60 black people"


1000 total people....does everything have to be spelled out precisely for you?! You do realize that 13% of those 1K is more than double your mentioned amount.

So once again, what is your point about the 13%?


Even if it's over 100, do you think that's a credible number to draw conclusions about all black people based on a loaded question?


You imbecile, where the fuck did I imply "all black people".


That's what Scott Adams, and other people here suggest - that a single poll is enough to justify a sweeping generalisation about all black people in the United States


I didn't ask you about "Adams" or "other people", I asked you "where did I imply it"?, ..... you are an idiot.


I mean you originally said the poll had 1,000 people polled - which implied you thought all of the respondents were black.


No.... "you thought", and "you implied', and you made your own assumptions and conclusions.

It is clearly evident that you are been willfully stupid.


So what's the value of the poll here then exactly?

And stop insulting me. Do I need to report all of your posts?


By all


I have done.


Do I need to report yours?


For what? Who have I insulted?


Your parents, your teachers, your pride, your manhood.


Yeah notice how you conveniently left out how 13% were black. GTFOH!


That makes no difference.


It makes every bit of difference.


It is a poll-report.

If you don't accept it or believe it, than you should do one with "only blacks" so you can compare them.


I know but you conveniently left out that only 13% were black. I do no need to polls to make up my mind for me. That is you.


Why would I mention that?!...I pointed to a poll-report of 1000 people which also mentions that there were also "whites" and "other" in that report and I didn't mention their percentages either.

I also didn't mention the percentage of Republicans, Democrats, and Independents used in that report.

Yes, I can see that others have already made up your mind for you.

I'm going to ask you the same question I asked the other idiot: What the fuck is your point about the 13%.


Lets get you back on the ignore list where you belong. I can't take anymore stupidity from you. Keep on boot licking and worshiping conservatives. You will do it where I can not see you. Back on ignore list champ.


Look at you, a ray of sunshine whereever you go.

What would happen if you didn't do this?


I've given up being nice. That ship has sailed. I revel in conservatives entertainment being destroyed. You guys deserve no less since you are scum of the earth. I laugh that you give racist people money. Keep being a good battered wife. Do as you are instructed to lapdog.


What would happen if you did not do this?


Did not do what? Be rude to conservatives?


Let's just say, spend time online. This behavior of yours, can't be healthy for you and does nothing but annoy others, ,so,

what would happen if you just didn't do it?


Nah I've tried that. I've tried to be civilized and people are still rude. So I figure i will join in on the negativity. Better that than try to be nice for nothing.


You're playing dumb again.

What do you get out of being online here? Even if you enjoy being a dick to people, you do realize it is not healthy for you, right?


You spreading lies isn't healthy either. Get off this board. The fact that you called an uncle Tom like Candace Owens brilliant I find hilarious. She is a stupid lying shill.


You are hurting yourself by wallowing in hate.



I don't care about the history of the phrase. If people can't agree that "it is ok to be white" they are racist.


I think people can see everyday what's going on.

And its crystal clear, just ignored


This single old white guy has been going down this path for years. And he's not destroyed, he's worth $75 million. He'll be ok.


Not at all because why should they after the sh*t whites have and still give them for over 300 years?


So, you agree with them, that it is NOT "ok to be white"?


I do.

That doesn't mean they are racist.
It just means that they disagree that they feel like they have to be different.
If they are comfortable in their own skin, why not feel that way?

Seems to me that a lot of you don't understand this poll and are twisting it to mean something else than it really does.


They are saying of a race, taht it is not ok to be that race.

If that is not racist, then nothing is.




FACT: He is being cancelled by people who do not know the definition of racism. Prove me wrong.


No one ever tries to prove you wrong. Why are you still doing this shit? You totally stole it from Steven Crowder.


FACT: Proving me wrong is not the same as changing Steve Crowders' mind. Prove me wrong.


lol, instead of beancrisp, you should have chosen the username: ProveMeWrong


Let me get this straight, the 53% of blacks that hate white people aren't racist but the guy who says "stay away from them because they hate us" is racist???

A big reason why that 53% of blacks hate whites is because of white liberals stoking the fires of racial tension for five or six decades. They're worse than the Klan ever was. I have to wonder at what point do liberals actually "wake up" and realize that they're the biggest purveyors of hate and they hate for all manner of ridiculous and often made-up reasons. Their brand of hate makes less sense than racial hate.


Where exactly does it say that those 53% hate anybody?

He is just exaggerating and making up stuff to fit in with his racist agenda.
Looks like you are doing the same thing.

Funny at how right wingers never blame themselves for being racists when actions are louder than words and their actions are worse than any alleged racist words the left throws around.

Sure, there may be racists on the left but they don't lynch blacks or drag them behind on trucks until they are dead or wave confederate flags.
Point a finger and you have three pointing back on the same hand.


If 53% of blacks said it is NOT "okay to be white", then what other conclusion may be reached? If I said it's NOT okay to be black, what label would you foist upon me?

Okay, who is lynching people, dragging them behind trucks? I've never done that and know no one who has.

Confederate flags are not inherently racist. In fact, they have nothing to do with race.


I could take the time to explain it all but why bother when all you would do is just contradict, continue to be in denial and argue.
The back and forth gets boring and goes nowhere.


You have no argument, got it.


They assualt white people all the time just for being white.
At night fall there are many places you cant go if you are white..the chances of you getting attacked goes up 10 fold.


There is racism and violence based on that hate on both sides.

The difference is that I am willing to acknowledge it because it is true while there are those who are color blind and will only look at black on white violence as if whites never do any violent crimes against blacks anywhere.


Here's the important distinction, nobody makes excuses for white criminals. NOBODY.


He didn't say anything that isn't true. I've been posting video after video about this exact thing. White people are not safe anymore. It's coming...history is going to repeat itself but the roles will be reversed like in Planet of the Apes.


A racist troll agreeing with a racist troll.
Not surprising.


Scott Adams's thoughts and opinions were so relevant that it was printed in hundreds of papers for decades. Facts don't have feelings, bootlicker.


Are you done yet breathing sighs of relief that Black History Month is almost over?


Trouble staying on topic?
