MovieChat Forums > Politics > Why do "liberals" like to have everythin...

Why do "liberals" like to have everything backwards?

They seem to think that "trans" people are the most interesting and important people in the world, when it's the opposite.

Even more importantly they say Christians are dangerous and scary and Muslims are "peaceful" when its the other way around.

Why? Where did you get your deep-level tendency to state things backwards? Were you born psychotic or did a tragic/boring life make you this way?


They aren't liberals. Anything but, actually. They are leftists.


That's why I put "liberal" in quotes to show that it was a dubious name.

Mind you, Biden's America is so illiterate, some people now get their quotes mixed up with their asterisks. They use quotes to try and emphasise something when you're supposed to use asterisks.


Emphasise or Emphasize?
What is this, a comedy try-out?


As Jim Quinn always says, Liberals like to stand on their heads and tell you the world is upside down.


Oh wow ! This Quinn is a really insightful guy !! And eloquent, to boot ! (sarcasm)


WAAAAAYY ahead of you....


Uh oh, I think I hurt someone's feelings.



Haha. Who the hell is Jim Quinn and why would anyone care? Plus, it's a pretty dumb remark on it's face, so if that's the sort of stuff that turns your crank, crank away.


I see you're still ignoring me by responding to my posts.

What a genius.

And basically your comment was, "I don't like your comment."

Thanks for sharing. (And giving me permission to 'crank away.') LOL!


Left wingers want to be different. They want to be important. They want power. They’re worthless in the real world so they try to get these things by rewriting the rules.

Take education for example. The only way the unaccomplished losers who work in it can get noticed is by coming up with some new theory or perspective. Usually it incorporates some modern day communist political narrative to make their professor happy.

“Abraham Lincoln was pro choice. A masters thesis by blah blah idiot student who’s now $250k in debt”.

“Jesus was actually black and hated the confederate flag. A masters thesis by blah blah idiot student who’s now $250k in debt”.

“George Washington was pro untested vaccines for everyone even if they provided no immunity. A masters thesis by blah blah idiot student who’s now $250k in debt”.

These people are worthless in society. They truly add no value whatsoever and just cause society to regress.


They want to be important. They want power. They’re worthless in the real world so they try to get these things by rewriting the rules.

And yet in other psychotic far right rantings its always
The libtards control the tv
The libtards control the newspapers
The libtards control the hollywood
The libtards control the wall street
The libtards control the white house
The libtards control the courts
The libtards control the judges
The libtards control the etc etc whinge whinge

Not bad for a bunch of smelly hippies eh?
They even managed to steal that election from right under your eyes and you still can prove anything


I know you’re being a little facetious but I was listening to a podcast called the American President and the host was interviewing a college history professor who talked about how George Washington’s cabinet was not diverse enough…. In the 1790’s. The host did not even challenge the stupidity of the whole concept.


“Higher education” is such a huge sham. 95% of it is a complete waste of time. Worthless in the real world. Won’t help you in your career or future. And you spend the 2nd half of your life paying for it.

Surprised the “professor” didn't talk about how the founders did or didn’t use pronouns.


Maybe it would have been nice to have a few of the indiginous population involved in the development of the "New World" , instead of slaughtering them.
Then again , thats unlikely to happen amongst a bunch of white invaders who think its ok to own a black person.


Famous dumb words in many right-wing-nut posts ...

>> "Why do liberals ... ???? ... it seems"

In other words, make some goofball claim, and then back it up with what they say it seems like to them.


Still loving the cock I see. Maybe take it out of your mouth once in a while though?


Now this guy knows how to form an informed unbiased political debate.
No politics website should be without this kind of insight.

Its a shame you're batting for the facists , we need that kind of incisive debate skills over here omn the left?
Ever thought of switching?


Ah, so you're a cock lover too. Got it.


I believe your own personal obsession is showing. XYZ !


Indeed, I am obsessed with calling out cock gobbling liberals such as yourself. You have excellent observation skills, well done!


You seem to love using this imagery. I think you are one of those people who are so fascinated with your own obsession that you cannot keep from bringing it up even when it calls into question your own integrity. Have at it, buddy ! Just don't invite me to any of your private parties.


Integrity? Google words before you use them incorrectly next time, it makes you sound even more foolish than usual. And why, if you believe I'm obsessed with cocks, wouldn't you come to my party. Are you homophobic? Not very woke of you.


Having "informed unbiased political debates" with leftists is as futile as herding cats.


Yeah , best just to call them a cocksucker and be done with it right?


Funny, many leftards on this board have ignored every objective fact I've presented them and instead have called me a "cocksucker" or "Trump Cultist" (whatever the hell that means) and then ran away to their safe space.


That's all they have.


I’ve noticed they get quite defensive and start throwing temper tantrums whenever anyone attempts to challenge the fragile little bubbles they concealed themselves in


I don’t even think libtards believe their own bullshit. They have very empty and unfulfilling lives and what gives them meaning is feelings of virtue . To do this they seek to label certain demographics as oppressed victims and then pretend to be the ones who save them from the oppressors (keep in mind most of the time they don’t do anything rather than bitch, moan and call people racists, sexists, transphobic, etc)


Yet another affirmation of how the wrong wing has nothing to say other than denigrate the people they hate - intellectuals, people with a conscience and want to belong to a safe community.


You just described leftists like you, to a tee.


Did snepts just describe lefties as "intellectuals" and "people who want a conscience and want to belong to a safe community"? Again he has that completely backwards as lefties literally want to defund the police and make communities more dangerous and they are some of the stupidest and most evil people I have ever encountered.


I think you have that backwards, kid. You just described the primary tactic of the left. Heck just look at how they are shaming people who dared to be skeptical about getting a vaccine.


I don't know any lib who said trans people are the most interesting and important in the world. But I can understand some thinking trans people are more interesting than usual because they are different.

Libs who say Christians are more dangerous are talking about here at home, not on the world scale. You are far more likely to be killed by a Christian on US soil.

You want to think it's backwards and psychotic because those feelings comfort you. But you are not a logical or rational person. You are someone who believes an election was rigged because Trump had big rallies.


Of course you don't know any "libs" like this because these people (including you) are fringe kook, leftists, just like this administration and the leftist media. There are a lot of reasonable liberals but they have been duped by the above mentioned leftist machine. What's sad is they and morons like you don't even realize that you're brainwashed, useful idiot pawns who will be chewed up and spit out if what you THINK you want ever comes to pass.


They are just as "fringe" and kooky as Trump was 20 years ago. Then in 2010 thanks to his buddies Stone and Bannon, he discovered a way to fool millions into thinking he was a conservative.


And there we go, ultraviolex can't defend the evil in his own party so he has to resort again to deflecting to Trump. I've noticed libtards do this often and it's cowardly. But what can you expect from the libtard who claims that Antifa and BLM weren't in control of their actions when they burned and looted cities while murdering innocent people. Apparently the murder of George Floyd made them act like terrorists and therefore Derek Chauvin is the one who burned the cities down.


Why do people like you - who calls yourself a SpiritualLiar - feel the need to Lie about other people's motivations?
Have you nothing productive to do with your time?


Don't like that he has your number, obviously.


" feel the need to Lie about other people's motivations"

I didn't "lie", you're pathetic.

If I lied, can you tell me what the supposed "true" motivations are for your brand of lunacy? Please go ahead...


Most leftists are idiots and will think whatever the news and Hollywood tells them to think, since they're too dumb to question what they've been told. Democraps in charge love idiots like that because they'll vote away everything (including their souls) if they were told to, never once considering how bad such a thing would be. Those idiots would vote Satan into the White House, horns and all, if the media told them it was a great idea, particularly if they made up a story about Satan destroying Trump as one of his campaign promises.
