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Raising minimum wage is needed

America isn't a cheap country. It's expensive. So why have people try to survive on $10 an hour?




That's a fair point. Maybe push it out.


And then the business will lay people off to be able to pay for it, the people still hired will then just have to do more work so it’ll even out except for the people who lost their jobs , that or they’ll raise their prices and the consumer gets to pay for it


The standard argument is...

1. It's MINIMUM wage. It's not supposed to be something you live on forever, buy a house with, feed all your kids.
2. Companies will downsize and it will affect employment, service, and quality. You'll have fewer waiters, fewer people ringing up your orders, etc.
3. It will cause more automation/computers doing regular work. Fewer people working at a checkout line and more auto-checkout. You'll be ordering your next Big Mac from a computer, not a person.
4. It will cause more people to work less hours. You might think that's a good thing, but if you're making $13 or $14 an hour and suddenly get that extra dollar more, your employer might cut back your hours two or three a week and you'll end up losing money. I guess you can get a second job with that extra time.


It sounds great but what are the actual costs? Will it cause reduced hours, cut jobs, move towards automation, price increases, kill smaller businesses?

I’d say there’s a good chance of all that. There’s got to be some repercussions. I don’t see can’t even see bigger companies that are able to eat the cost wanting to. Shit rolls downhill.


It’s not meant to be a living wage. These types of jobs are for high school kids, college kids, first time being employed. It’s that first step job or extra cash job. No hamburger flipper is worth $15.00 an hr.!
Every time it’s raised jobs are lost. When was the last time you pulled into a service station to gas up and sit in your vehicle? A low wage worker filled your tank, washed your windshield, checked the oil & tires if you asked. I knew men who took those second jobs in order to make extra money. Nowadays we go inside a restaurant and you may see one or two servers. The order is placed on the tablet and the kitchen staff serves it. Where did all the grocery cashiers go? They lost their jobs due to self-checkout. Why? The government telling private industry what to pay their workers!

There was a day when businesses competed with other businesses by offering higher pay...not because the government told them they had to pay more. If you didn’t like what you were being paid you went somewhere else. Most big companies on their own want the better worker so they stay competitive.


The thing you are not considering is that some people are trying to make ends meet and have done everything they can to move up but get pigeonholed into a job. Companies like Amazon got away with not paying their employees a good wage for years despite raking in record profits. Also if people have a more feasible wage they will not have to take on multiple jobs in order to make ends meet thus leaving more jobs open to others. Why is it fair that Jeff Bezos only payed his employees more when he was forced to? If it was up to people like him he would work you like a dog while paying you nothing. My relative had to work 3 jobs and still lost the house they were in. Credit got destroyed and ultimately almost became homeless. Then once they applied for assistance got constantly ridiculed by the public for being a lazy piece of trash who was not willing to work.


A company pays a person what they are worth. It wasn’t that long ago people could walk into anyplace and get work if they had the skills needed or they would start on the bottom. During my early working years a lot of women were able to stay home. Their husbands made enough or he would pick up that part time job to supplement. The minimum wage goes into effect. Those part time jobs begin disappearing. Costs and taxes rise so then the wife had to work. She’s in competition with the men who did the work. Some of my aunts never worked outside the home. Their husbands made a good wage and if worked slowed they took in ironing or babysitting.

Medicare is passed ...more taxes are needed. Medicare is one of the worst boondoggles this country levied on people. It pays diddly squat, but is going broke.

Think of it this way, every damn time the government does something, makes someone do costs you in your pocketbook or your wallet! Government was not created to raise you from cradle to grave. Now the Dems are wanting to pass college loan forgiveness. What about the poor slob who worked two jobs and paid to put his/her kid through school. Or the college kid who worked nights & week-ends to get through school? Guess who caused the costs to rise? It was when the government got involved with student loans. There are a high number if people who don’t belong in college. Just as some people aren’t meant to be homeowners. Who’s picking up the tab for the loans? We are and the irony is the kid doesn’t have a job after the degree. It’s a vicious circle.


No actually sometimes people are underpaid and worth more than what they are making. Now sometimes you are correct but there are exceptions to that. The world has changed now it is common to see both people in a marriage work unless one person is making a six figure income. Ideally yes companies pay people what they are worth but we do not live an ideal world, therefore as I stated earlier there are exceptions to what you said.

Lots of things has caused the country to go into recession. It isn't simply the fact that we are supporting people on welfare we did have a very expensive war happen in the early 2000s whether you support it or not is irrelevant it still costs lots of money.

Sometimes you are correct but you did not address my point about Amazon. The only reason they payed their workers more was because they were forced to. Should we just have let them continue to do what they were doing? Some are not meant to be in college or home owners but how do we determine that? The approval process for buying a home was way more lenient which led to people getting into houses they could not afford. Also I feel you have this mentality well I went through this in order to get where I am therefore everyone else has to also. This is bad because just because I have had friends have a drug problem and have to work their tale off to take care of legal fees does not mean I wish that on other people. I feel the drug war needs to end. College shouldn't only be for people who have a fat wallet. There are plenty that would excel and do well in college but simply will not go because of how much it costs. That is the other lie we must break though, going to college does not guarantee you will make money. Lots of times people fall into that mindset of thinking that college will get you a fat wallet and once it doesn't you are stuck with student loans up to your eyeballs.


You completely missed my point.

” The world has changed now it is common to see both people in a marriage work unless one person is making a six figure income.”

Why do both have to work? Government! Companies used to be competitive until when? Government! College tuition is through the roof, why? Government! It didn’t used to be for those with fat wallets. What changed? Government got involved! A student didn’t need to go to an Ivy League university to get a good education.

As far as Amazon I’m not familiar with the circumstances. The employees didn’t have to stay. Go somewhere else! You don’t seem to grasp when the government continues to step into private companies making demands it’s the little people who get hurt. They are no longer full time therefore no benefits. Their hours are cut. I graduated with a gal who became a cashier with a major Southeast grocer. She stood behind that register for over 30 years. In the early ‘80’s she was one of a very few who had benefits out of the thousands of employees. Why? The government’s demand of a minimum wage. She was grandfathered in because when she hired on employees were full time with benefits.

You also don’t seem to grasp many after school, after work jobs are no longer there.


So let me ask this are you of the mindset that the least amount of government is the best? I think colleges take advantage of the public's perception on education. People assume that when you get a high priced degree or go to any college that it is guaranteed to fetch you a good high paying job. Once you have paid your money and given the time and you realize you might have been duped it is too late and you are stuck with bills. Not saying that is the case every time but I have seen that happen.

Amazon is a reason that corporations having too much freedom is a bad thing. They are one of the highest grossing companies in the world yet they pay their employees the bare minimum until forced to pay them more. The employees did not have to stay but you are acting as if someone can just up and quit their job with no consequence. Some were relying on that job in order to get by. What happens when that job is the only thing keeping you off the street and you have to wait there until you get your side hustle or other job going? Sometimes there is not another option, or even if there is it will not come immediately. Leaving is easier said than done. I am not saying you can't but it is not something you can simply do without thinking of the repercussions in a lot of cases.

So in the Amazon case it did not punish the little people it helped them.


Because there has to be some jobs that are low paying, low skill.

A summer job for a college kid cannot be the same as someone who works that job thinking it will support a family

Raising the minimum wage creates big business to look into more robotics and automated technology.

Raising minimum wage will cause big business to hire eveyone half time.
Instead of working 8 hours , more people will work 4. Half time work will also avoid these companies from playing taxes

Restaurants especially during this time just cannot afford it. 15 minimum wage would damage small. Business.

And what was the previous minimum wage? Increase that drastic is just radical. Should be more slowly worked into the system.

But this thinking sums up the Democrats. Short thinking, no thought of long term effects.


Why bother being a high skilled worker when your wages are in competition with Taco Bell?


You can't be serious. Oh, wait ....


I didn't get a raise when minimum went up. Did you?


Raising one set of people's living standard doesn't mean everyone across the board gets the same bump.
We are trying to help the working and deserving poor, not throw a bone to everyone who wants one.


There are plenty of people who make more than minimum wage that can't make ends meet either. What about them?


He doesn't care about people, he cares about getting attention.


ROFL. I can barely stomach participating here, but I can't let all the lies and distortions go unchallenged all the time.
You throw the rocks, I board the windows. I'm confident I'm in the better position, and I certainly don't give a crap about getting attention from the likes of you. I'll try to remember your handle and avoid any more cross talk.


I think you're convincing yourself of this rather than me or anyone else.

If the better position is: "Lefty Talking Point Troll fully armed with personal attacks, and zero actual arguments"... then yeah, you definitely have the better position.



Yeah, adios to you, da.
Keep supporting the insurrection so some complete idiot can claim he's King Of The Hill, or his similar acolytes of the R party make public asses of themselves, yet somehow the rest of us calm and reasoned folk try to make sense of the mayhem the R party has provoked.
I know you are comfortable with being a lying creep here. Your claim that I'm not putting forth arguments is stupid. You just don't want to confront them, so eff it.


What are you asking? If people are already making $15/hr and still can't make ends meet?


It's very simple. Raising the minimum wage to unreasonable levels isn't the answer. Why not $20.00 or $30.00/hr? What do you think is being accomplished?




I don't click on anonymous links.


McDonald's Grill Cook is a job meant for teenagers to learn the (value?)of the dollar. Not for lazy adults that don't practice birth control.


I don't necessarily disagree, but how do you force a company to pay it's employees more money; especially if they can't afford it?


That's a Hannity argument.

And it's stupid and belongs in the 1970's.

Walmart employs a vast majority of people...of course any major company Amazon, McDonalds, Target would all love to pay people $3.00 an hour.


That's what they want.


It's stupid to ask where money will come from? Stop being a party hack.


The AVERAGE FAMILY HOUSE IN California COST $579,332.



So leave CA like so many are doing! You still don’t want to accept that $7.25 is NOT meant to be a living wage! It’s a first job. It’s an after school job. It’s a get through college extra money job.


It's funny you called me stupid and just repeat the same shit over-and-over with any mention whatsoever of logistics. If companies can't afford this, they're gonna cut corners to compensate. Got 100 employees who need $15 an hour? Say goodbye to a certain percentage of them. Or kiss your 40 hours goodbye so they can call you part time and not pay you benefits. There would be fallout and your a douche for not considering it; and lecturing those who do.


I read for a whole 3 seconds.


You completely dismiss the facts given to you by kuatorises and me.
It’s not More Hannity? Cooper?

More Mark Levin? More Don Lemon?


It’s common sense! It’s a fact! You can see it where ever you go. Less employees, more automation. You dismissed my reply about grocery stores not having full time employees. More business owners are deciding to be on the job site using family members because they cannot afford the government mandates.

I recall when O’care passed a small business man paid his employees well and also paid for benefits. There was no way he could continue paying for benefits due to the mandated 10 Must Have coverages written into every policy. He decided to let his employees choose what they wanted..either lay off some workers & retain benefits or everyone stay employed without benefits. The employees chose work over the benefits. They decided they would find health insurance on their own.

At one time every booth on the Florida turnpike was manned or womanned. They have disappeared due to automation and Sunpass.

In a nutshell government cannot continue to mandate what employers must do without having a negative effect. Doctors are selling their practices to conglomerates because of all the government red tape.


More Hannity? Cooper?

More Mark Levin? More Don Lemon?


More commentary:. I have NI. User seems stupid and programmed for a response from the troops of idiots.



I read for a whole 3 seconds.

More Hannity? Cooper?

More Mark Levin? More Don Lemon?


More commentary:. I have NI. User seems stupid and programmed for a response from the troops of idiots.



Did you have a stroke? Your not making sense.





$15 minimum wage would reduce poverty, increase debt: Congressional Budget Office report

The report from the Congressional Budget Office cites several positive and negative effects from raising the minimum wage. On the positive, the number of people living in poverty would fall by about 900,000 once the $15 wage is fully in place in 2025. On the negative, the number of people working would decline by about 1.4 million.


$15.00/hr. won't buy that house either.


You do realize most McDonald’s are franchised by small business owners...right? They aren’t run by corporate.


So McDonald's doesn't exist? It's really just a bunch of small businesses? Really?


Jesse Ventura is advocating a maximum wage.
