MovieChat Forums > Politics > In response to 157,000 lives lost, Trump...

In response to 157,000 lives lost, Trump says “ It is what it is”

With 157,000+ lives lost to Covid Trump responded “ It is what it is” in an Axios interview last night.

Crickets from Fox News.


Less than 100 days until the orange shitgibbon will be voted out of office.


He's done.


It will be nice not to see that bloated, orange, fat clown dominating the news anymore.

I'm fucking sick and tired of seeing that Flamin' Hot Cheeto Puff face and yellow 30 ft. long rat's nest combover THING on this bloated, fat hat head all over the news sites.

This board will be reduced to whining about Biden and "The libs" by our resident Trump cultists on this board.

Unfortunately, Turtle might win his term, meaning he'll suppress everything Biden tries to do during his presidency.


Trump 🇺🇸 2020


From an out-of-touch, incompetent, over-privileged sociopath like him, I'd expect nothing less.

Ironically "It is what it is" is the same thing Donald will be told once he loses the election and tries to call it "Fake".


Can’t wait for that day!


Have the popcorn ready. Things are going to get UGLY when that day comes.


Sooooomebody needs a Xanax the size of a throw pillow...don't want to be around

when your head explodes into a pile of Democrat dust the day after the election!


And you think having an incompetent buffoon running the show is a-okay. Pretty damn funny even. No thanks for your ugly endorsements of this creep who self-admittedly nobody likes. We all are sick of being the laughing stock of the Western world.


Oh, stop talking stupid for a minute, if that's at all possible!

I didn't 'endorse' anybody. Sorry your government funded education didn't teach you the basics like READING!

I was referring to the latest screeching, psychotic, hateful rants of dteam.

Now go get your pacifier and blanket and tuck yourself in. You need the rest.


Trump is a sick carbuncle on the ass of this nation. If you find it enjoyable, bully for you. Being a proud American, I'm sick of it. So go on with your childish diatribes about what I should do and wear I should be. I'm trying to defend this country while you act like a junior high school know-nothing.


"what I should do and wear I should be". WTF?

"The ass of this nation"...uh that would be where you and others like you reside, right?

You're not even junior high school level with your demonstrated grammar "skills"! LOL

Sorry, I just can't take fools like you seriously. Now BACK to your finger painting!


Anyone who has the audacity to defend that big fat retarted baffoon needs to go back to finger painting. The only person "talking stupid" here is fact, I've met finger painters smarter than you.

Anyone with an IQ higher than 10 knows that any democratic nominee is better than Dumpster.

He literally killed over a million Americans this year with his denial and incompetence. Not only does he NOT deserve to be defended and re-elected, he deserves life in prison without parole.

That's probably the only reason he wants to get re-elected btw.


Anyone who spells RETARDED as "retarted" should just STFU!

And you "know" fingerpainters! Well that figures. I can't imagine anyone with a higher than kindergarten education association with YOU!

The idea that someone who is so spectacularly ignorant is allowed to teach young minds just chills my blood!

I've tried to give you the benefit of the doubt, but you are just too stupid to be taken seriously. LOL

I'd put you on 'ignore' but it's so much fun screwing with your hamster level intelligence.


I've seen you running around insulting other users and complaining like a whiny whimp. You did your former students and coworkers a big favor by quitting that job. You're not fit to teach anyone with your 14-year-old maturity level attitude.

Correcting other people's spelling doesn't make you superior to any of us. Anyone who defends Donald Dumpster or anyone associated with him, is not in any position to criticize others.


Matilda dear, you've "seen" me running around? I didn't know you could "see" me through your computer screen. Or maybe it's just a symptom of your dementia!

So NOW I have a "14 year old maturity level"?

Guess I'm moving up in the world thanks to you. Your very FIRST post had me pegged at a second grade level.

True, "correcting other people's spelling doesn't make me superior to any of us." Just superior to a dolt like YOU!


Stop deflecting!

Why are you supporting a sociopath president who is responsible for the deaths of over 157,000 Americans and responds to those deaths by saying "“ It is what it is”?

BTW, I don't believe you ever taught because you have no critical thinking skills.


Oh believe what you want! LOL Actually after teaching in the public school system for several years, I came away with the realization that "thinking" was not all that important as long as students could be INDOCTRINATED to a lefty, socialist view of the world. Just like you!

But anyway, you wouldn't know a "critical thinking skill" if it jumped up and bit you on the a@@!

I don't believe YOU ever held a job that took more skill than using a mop.

So whatever... you're just too closeminded to talk to about anything.

When you happen across one of my posts, just do us both a favor and go weave a basket or cut out some paper dolls, that is, if the institution allows you to play with scissors.


Your insults are a product of you getting owned. Hertz donut.


Owned?? By whom? The uninspired comebacks around here are the product of slow little minds. You couldn't come up with a clever response if your lives depended on it.

But what insults? You mean like the stuff you folks dish out? Trumptards? Trumpists? Retards? He's a fat orange clown, buffoon, baffoon, Cheeto man. And Matilda's latest "Donald Dumpster"!!
It's as though all of you took a class -Sophomoric Name Calling for Those Who Can't Think 101.
I regret that I can't compete with the level of sophisticated wit that goes on in these threads.

I learned a long time ago that if I simply state my position, the far left rains a sh#t storm on my head. They have no argument, just insults. I don't attempt to change minds. It's futile. I just give them a taste of their own medicine and now it's "Boo Hoo, you're insulting me" Hypocrite

Sorry if I embarrass you by revealing your utter insipid dullness.

What the hell is a "Hertz donut"???

Is that a "clever" leftard inside joke?


"I don't believe YOU ever held a job that took more skill than using a mop."


"leftard" AND "The uninspired comebacks around here are the product of slow little minds."

Obviously, you're projecting.


Obviously you have no better response than "projecting". Sad
Did you find that word somewhere in an article called, "How to fool people into thinking you took a Psych course"?

People who "use mops" in their work do work hard. I suppose you once again refused to admit my true meaning in saying that to you. To be clear, you are too dumb to do anything else! I'm not being elitist, just honest. If someone handed you something to work with that had more than two movable parts, your little head would explode.

Nothing of substance to add, so why do you bother? Go do something useful with your time.


"To be clear, you are too dumb to do anything else! "

In other words, you're saying people who "use mops" are dumb!

I already wrote that you're being an elitist. You just proved me right, again.

When you stop projecting, then I'll stop using the word.



If you're so effin bored, so somewhere else.
We're bored with you.



Republicans and Trumpites are the ones who complained about "coastal elites" and then voted for Trump who is a coastal elite and elitist.

He's the one who called his own supporters dumb. We're both in agreement about that.

You've placed yourself in a conundrum. It's not possible for you to call me an elitist and a "mop user" since they're mutually exclusive. I demand that you be consistent in your insults!



Whatever, Keelai. You've proved yourself over and over to be a brainless fool.

Have a nice day!


"Matildawormwood (555) 2 days ago
He literally killed over a million Americans this year with his denial and incompetence."

He LITERALLY killed????
Over A MILLION Americans????!!!!!

Are you watching CNNMSNBCABCCBSNBC again? 🤥


He could've saved many lives had he taken this pandemic more seriously back in March and enforce stricter lockdown orders.

He's so eager to play the dictatorship game (wanting to postpone elections smh) but won't do it when it really matter and could potentially save lives.

Stop defending that morbidly obese, overweight clown and learn to think for yourself like a big grown up.


Saying someone is "morbidly obese" and "overweight" in the same post is redundant and does nothing to advance your already slender (no pun intended) argument.


Blah blah blah. Woulda, coulda, shoulda...
Easy for you to say.

Meanwhile Nancy Pelosi was encouraging people to come down to Chinatown a month after Trump's travel ban. What would the Dummycrats done better? Killed us all?

You have suffered terribly from CNN syndrome. Learn to think for yourself, teacher.


Yeah NormanAndNorman- I remember that. LOL

Many people who have trouble with the English language confuse 'literally' and 'figuratively'.

Of course when one has as much trouble as poor Matilda, that's not surprising.
She's referred to people as retarded in several posts only to spell it 'retarted'. lol


Isn't that most people's attitude? I don't see many people calling for memorials to be built or anything. Most figure that this is some sort of 'survival of the fittest' scenario and they don't really care about the weak dying off.

It's terrible but that's the vibe I'm getting from most people. "Oh I'm healthy, I'll be okay."


But with the 157K people lost they lets us only have 500K people lost to cancer.



Those other 8,000 people that die every day from non-covid ailments...fuck them, who cares amirite?


That's a stupid argument and a false equivalency.

157,000 people didn't need to die from Covid-19. A sociopath president who played golf as people died and responds by saying “ It is what it is” when asked about those Americans who needlessly died because of his inept handling of the crisis and his total lack of leadership.

Have you injected disinfectant today?


He's right though. It is what it is, and what is is will be the cause of his downfall.

Too bad for you DJ. It is what it is.


It is what it is...but it never had to be if he did his job and took the 'hoax' seriously.


And this is the "president" that's suppose to "make America great again?"

He's a joke and a disgrace. How can anyone in their right minds vote for him in 2016 let alone support him after the crap he did in 2020?

No wonder countries around the world are pointing and laughing at us.


I have to say, this is the line everyone jumped on that excluded the many other far worse comments Trump made during that interview.

When asked about John Lewis, D- Ga., he said something like he did some things, but so did many others. Trump is allergic to saying anything decent about anyone.

He also botched his comment on Russia and Afghanistan and then lectured his interviewer about "there used to thing called the Soviet Union ...". Like he had to give people a history lesson that he himself did not understand. Then he said Russia had no interest in being in Afghanistan which was not the question he was asked.

There were so many things to criticize Trump for or that showed his ignorance and crudeness that the "it is what it is" comment was relatively minor compared to everything else. "it is what it is" means a situation speaks for itself, in this case obviously speak poorly of Trump, and it made Trump appear as usual, uncaring and blasé about C-19.


Good post 👍


Sorry, I read that again and edited it because I did not think it was quite accurate enough. Not sure you would agree now so just thought I would let you know.


I have to disagree. "It is what it is" is not far worst than the comments you mentioned because we're talking about 157,000 Americans who needlessly died due to inept handling of the crisis. Inject disinfectant lately for the hoax? Trump is a sociopath and his comment demonstrates that.


Reminds me of what the Unicorn killer said when the police found a his girlfriend's body in his closet: "you found what you found".


