MovieChat Forums > Politics > Why is saying "All Lives Matter" racist?

Why is saying "All Lives Matter" racist?

Data shows that almost 50% of people who were killed by police were people who had some degree of disabilty. Stats also show 1/3 of people who were killed by police were Aboriginal. Yet, people are told that saying "All Lives Matter" is racist and "were talking about black lives right now". It's almost like it's some sort of fad.


Yeah the BLM movement can go to hell. Like black people have ever protested on behalf of other minorities, they only care about themselves.


And The Policed need to be Police who put a 75 Year Old in the hospital and walked past him The Buffalo Police is corrupt and full of Criminals with A Badge


Black people have less resources, and their needs are lowest on the list. No one else is spending their resources to help blacks, so blacks have to work together to bring themselves up economically. Why should they spend their limited resources helping groups that aren't spending their resources to help them? Protesting to get shot less, but still more than if they were white?


Clearly minorities are joining in on the protesting right now, you see minorities posting BLM slogans all over the place. Black people don't care about other minorities even when it doesn't cost them anything. Even with less pressing issues like the Academy Awards being all white a few years ago, it was all about how black people weren't nominated, instead of highlighting the fact that other minorities were also overlooked.

If black people want others to stand up for them, they need to show a little solidarity and try standing up for other races too.


This has been happening to the homeless community for years as well. Does Kayne West care about poor people??


"Like black people have ever protested on behalf of other minorities"

I bet you claim to not be racist.


I'll bet you claim to not be a lefty troll.


I wonder how many times in the last week someone in this country has been called a “racist”? The record has to have been broken by millions.

I decided to take a much needed break from the news starting tonight. There’s too much censoring, misinformation, political bias and intimidation in the media now to look at anything logically at this point. People have COMPLETELY lost their minds. I’m not allowing all of it to frustrate me anymore.

And here’s my obligatory statement before I have to defend myself of being called racist myself. The murder of George Floyd was horrible, and the officers responsible should be punished to the fullest extent of the law, times infinity. And the same goes for the innocent black man killed that BLM doesn’t want to talk about, David Dorn.


It's sad that you have to say that to defend yourself. People are just so quick to judge. It often causes them to miss the point or leave out details.


I don’t think there is anything racist or offensive about saying all lives matter. It does seem to me that black lives matter has become a popular trend and I suspect some people are only saying because everyone else is. I believe we should always focus on equality for everyone all the time and not just when it is trendy or popular.


I see people who have never mentioned Black Live Matter before are doing it now. And then they'll say a stat that you know they read off of a meme.


It's not about some straightforward, rational argument. If BLM supporters gave a damn about even black lives they wouldn't be focusing on the cause of such an infinitesimal percentage of black deaths, to the point where they're now demanding police forces around the country be abolished, which would lead to vastly more black deaths from crime.

This is about power. Period. It's been credibly compared to a cult. And cults can't tolerate dissent.


I just don't understand this defund police thing.


BLM is, among other things, a criminal movement. Crooks' wet dream is to abolish police forces. Then there's the hard ideological element that's bent on destroying America so it can be replaced with something else. Eliminating the social stability and physical security police provide is a huge step in that direction.

In short, abolishing police enhances the power of evil people.


No one is demanding that police forces be abolished - you're as phony as fake news. And as for defunding the police, maybe they'll "defund" the evil ones - nothing wrong with that. If you're arm causes you to sin, cut it off.


What did this anti-semite say again?


Oh, he represents BLM? I thought only criminals were pushing for that? Are you connecting the two as well?

Which is the Representative, a BLM protester or a criminal??


He? Did you read the article? What the hell are you even talking about? Take your damn adderall, Tabby. Then maybe you'll begin to make some sense.


I'm not sure any medicine is yet that effective, LOL.


"If BLM supporters gave a damn about even black lives"

I love how you sound like one of those racist old southern white men who know what every black person thinks.


You just proved sut6432’s point. It’s not racist to say All Lives Matter! You your ilk throw that word around so easily to the point it’s watered down.

“He’s racist because..., she’s racist because..., they’re racist because...” Insert your belief where the
ellipses are.

Sure Black Lives Matter so does mine and everyone else’s on this planet. When you continue to refer to blacks in that manner you are agitating and dividing people. I will not use the phrase “Black Lives Matter”, but I will have empathy for them if mistreated. Instead I will continue to use “All Lives Matter” except for the rioters/looters/ they black or white. Then their lives mean nothing to me.

You are either Black, then I understand your reasoning, or
you are white, have white guilt and hate being white.


I love how you sound like one of those racist old southern white men

Thanks for unwittingly showing your own true bigotry, you dumb clown, but you can shove your prejudiced stereotype where the sun don't shine.
who know what every black person thinks.

And nowhere did I mention “what every black person thinks”, you halfwit. I spoke of “BLM supporters”. That includes any race, and doesn’t represent all black people.



"Why is saying "All Lives Matter" racist?"

Because it doesn't need to be said. This is the ideal.

People who say that just want black people to shut up.

That response to the name BLM is an examply of WHY BLM exists.

Mic drop.


But this doesn't address what I said about almost 50% of people who were killed by police having some degree of disability as well as 1/3 of people who were killed by police being Aboriginal. Why is it racist to include them into the conversation by saying "All Lives" when the percentages are even higher than black people getting killed by police?


Problem isn't that it's racist, but in this particular situation, it's black/African Americans in particular being targeted, and they need the support at the moment.

It's like one particular person getting hit by a car and people are rushing to see if he/she is ok and call an ambulance. It wouldn't be right to just say, "I hope everyone else in the neighborhood is ok"


As I said in my original post, people say, "were talking about black lives right now". Is this some kind of fad? Shouldn't we always care?


You need to read this person's statement again, seems like you missed it. OF COURSE all lives matter, BLM is about drawing attention to the problem of black people being targeted and abused by the police. Saying all lives matter is ignorant to say because it's stating the obvious, the 'point' is that a lot of people in our society devalue the black community. It's not accusing YOU, the message isn't targeting you unless you think less of the black community than other racial or societal groups.


The point I was trying to make is that if a disabled person said "all lives matter" because disabled people are disproportionately killed by poli e, should they be considered racist?


Of course not, but if the disabled person was holding a sign that said 'Disabled Lives Matter' and you went up to them and said, "hey mate, ALL lives matter!" it would be a douchey thing to say, no?


But the thing is that people are being called racist for saying all lives matter without even knowing the reason. They get called racist just because some people use it to piss BLM off.


That's obviously a shame, but that happens a lot in life, when we lacking knowledge or awareness about something we get called names. It's not right but we all do it to one another, I think it's part of human nature. When we feel passionately about something like sports, religion, politics, we are fast to call the opposing side stupid, racist, evil etc.


The Internet.
