MovieChat Forums > krl97a
krl97a (5619)
Biden: "I’ve done some dumb things. And I’ll do some dumb things again."
SMOKING GUN Hunter Biden email 100% authenticated by forensic analysis. He still doesn't even deny it's his laptop.
Twitter blocks Border Patrol Chief's account, saying his post touting wall's success against criminals is "hateful".
Biden's serial plagiarism exposed; 1980s mainstream media newsclips savaging him; Bizarre. Creepy. Must Watch video.
"Anonymous" exposed as young, low level staffer; even liberal reporters mocking/blasting NYT and him for lying.
GDP grows at 33.1% rate in 3rd quarter, shattering all records and beating "expert" expectations.
Trump v Biden: Which candidate is racist? Devastating/hilarious video montage with the real clips. Case closed.
Biden's long, extreme history of plagiarism; forced his withdrawal from 1988 race; He "never really stopped".
4 Dem states skew up USA's covid death rate, which is still in line with Western Europe's.
Biden: "You ain't black" unless you vote for me.
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What better symbolizes Biden's call for national "unity" than a <i>second</i> sham impeachment against a guy who's already out of office? Can you get more petty and partisan? The totally baseless and unconstitutional charge was mostly a little too desperate attempt by the ruling class to disqualify him from running again, the way the Iranian regime disqualifies candidates from running in its "democracy". Democrats and their Never Trumper allies saw the Iranian mullahs in action and thought, "What a great idea!"
<b>Trump - Acquitted Forever. Again.</b>
A never Trumper astroturf outfit founded by a few criminals in debt, a group with zero grass roots support only taken seriously by a few mindless leftist bottomfeeders on boards like this.
Their behavior was disgusting. Good riddance to those evil scumbags.
The "Great Migration" already reversed half a century ago. Blacks started migrating back to the south from the north in the 1960s along with other races, a trend that's continued to this day. That's because the south has been freer and filled with more opportunities in the era of the New South Economy. The south's income, while starting from a poorer point, has also risen faster over those decades than any other region's.
I wonder how many supporters of the anti-American BLM/Antifa bloody riots condemned the Capitol Hill protest as "treasonous". How many supporters of the leftist secessionist state CHAZ labeled the Capitol Hill protestors "Confederates"?
And that protest, the first conservative one in 20 years with some sharp elbows, was made up of patriots waving US flags who were there because they love their country and were rightly concerned about the left ending American democracy with permanent election rigging. For their trouble several unarmed people like Ashli Babbitt, who served her country 14 years in the Air Force, were killed in a scene more reminiscent of the Boston Massacre than anything else. The opposite of the treatment true traitors and terrorists in BLM and Antifa have received.
I've been busy, you commie halfwits. Like I was too busy to post here for much of last year before the "election" (note scare quotes) too. I see y'all don't have that problem. 😄 Thanks for bumping the thread though. As for Hunter, things have progressed way beyond the (since confirmed) laptop.
<b>"Joe Biden: This is [name of 14-year-old girl redacted] right
Hunter Biden: She told my therapist that I was sexually inappropriate with [name of 14-year-old girl redacted] when she says that I facetime naked with her and the reason I can’t have her out to see me is because I’ll walk around naked smoking crack talking [redacted] girls on face time. When she was pressed she said that [the unnamed 14-year-old girl] never said anything like that but the bottom line is that I created and caused
Hunter Biden: A very unsafe environment for the kids.
Hunter Biden: If it stopped there I would let it go
Hunter Biden: But then [redacted] friend [redacted] sober coach."</b>
Good news for Hunter though. Turns out that woman in the video giving him a footjob was a hooker and not his own niece like some originally thought.
<blockquote>Your post makes too sense as usual</blockquote>
LOL! And you just agreed with me, moron. It was easier to dodge taxes under the old, pre Trump system the Democrats want to go back to.
At least with a Trump win there's the potential for a strong federal response to save law abiding citizens and restore order.
Spamming some random leftist attack pieces doesn't constitute a cogent argument.
Trump has employed massive federal resources and was widely credited, even by some Democrats like Cuomo in a more real, less campaign oriented time, with energetically contributing creative solutions to improve logistical efficiency.
It's extremely doubtful that Biden would have used the military as effectively as Trump did to deliver supplies. That he would have even thought of something like "Operation Warp Speed" to accelerate the vaccine timeline to record levels like Trump did. That he would have intervened aggressively to kick the existing infrastructure into developing much better testing in an insanely fast time period by historical standards, rather than just going with the existing bureaucratic flow. We know Biden opposed Trump's early travel restrictions on China. His recent, clumsy backpedaling notwithstanding, Biden was very much in the Pelosi/de Blasio deny the virus-call Trump "xenophobic"-grandstand by publicly celebrating the Chinese New Year phase for critical weeks.
In other words, the Biden and DNC response to the Chinese Virus has been entirely political while Trump was largely focused on substantively combating the virus.
Trump is also right that it's insane and possibly suicidal to pretend the virus is the only problem. If you truly care about lives and society you have to at least look at the other side of the ledger: the cost in lives and civilization from shutdowns. Democrats don't even want to ask that question because their response is entirely political, with blinders on.
No, Biden, or more precisely the leftist establishment pulling his strings, is by far the worse evil. Trump's reelection wouldn't guarantee America's survival as a free country in its traditional form, but it would at least give us a chance.
Vance is a nutjob and it's hilarious that you feel her being a "professor" in an age where that career field is filled with terrorists (former and current), ideologues, and morons automatically enhances her credibility. That you cite appearing on MSNBC as a sign of being "widely respected" forces one to consider whether you're just trolling or out of touch with reality.
You're spinning your wheels with leftist propaganda that's been long since debunked on this board (including that "" piece that was trumped by more recent revelations) and elsewhere. It's not worth reposting everything here and derailing this thread about the current, real Biden scandal, but feel free to go through the posting history here over the past couple of years for an education you apparently didn't receive within the leftist bubble.
I already talked about this, moron.
Your reading comprehension sucks, dickless. That alone is way more concrete evidence than there ever was against Trump.
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