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Leftist US professors praise Chinese internet censorship in The Atlantic op ed; "China was largely correct"; US "wrong".

And they aren't alone on the US left in praising the totalitarian Chinese system.

"The intelligentsia’s love affair with the Chinese Communist Party shows no sign of cooling, not even for a viral pandemic enabled by China’s ruling officials.

The Atlantic published an op-ed this weekend arguing that the United States has a lot to learn from China when it comes to regulating online speech. Sadly, it is nothing new for ostensibly free academics – and members of the free press, for that matter – to praise the single-party state where dissent is brutally and violently suppressed.

“Internet Speech Will Never Go Back to Normal,” reads the op-ed's headline. Its subhead adds, “In the debate over freedom versus control of the global network, China was largely correct, and the U.S. was wrong...Significant monitoring and speech control are inevitable components of a mature and flourishing internet, and governments must play a large role in these practices to ensure that the internet is compatible with a society’s norms and values."

The article continues, noting that the U.S. social media platforms that are aggressively censoring coronavirus-related misinformation are merely catching up to what the Chinese and Russians have been doing for years.

Goldsmith and Woods write:

'What is different about [online] speech regulation related to COVID-19 is the context: The problem is huge and the stakes are very high. But when the crisis is gone, there is no unregulated “normal” to return to. We live – and for several years, we have been living – in a world of serious and growing harms resulting from digital speech. Governments will not stop worrying about these harms. And private platforms will continue to expand their definition of offensive content, and will use algorithms to regulate it ever more closely. The general trend toward more speech control will not abate.

The Atlantic op-ed is not merely a clinical study in how world governments treat free speech rights in times of crises. The article is written from the perspective that China is ahead of the curve and that the U.S., with its outdated First Amendment, must change.

If you can believe it, the authors of the Atlantic piece are not alone in throwing plaudits in China's direction amid the viral pandemic the authoritarian state created. Not even close. Many in the ostensibly free press have also used the viral crises as an opportunity to cheer China's alleged leadership qualities.

“How uncomfortable is it,” MSNBC’s Chuck Todd asked in early March, “that perhaps China’s authoritarian ways did prevent this? Meaning, had China been a free and open society, this might have spread faster?”

Jacobin publisher Bhaskar Sunkara said elsewhere, “This isn’t blanket praise for an authoritarian party-state, but thank God this pandemic started in a country with a strong state that took serious public health measures. Imagine if China was run by the GOP instead of the CCP.”

That is exactly “blanket praise."

The Atlantic op-ed this weekend cheering Chinese authoritarianism is not even a first for the Atlantic.

“China has reacted to the outbreak of coronavirus in Italy by sending aid,” Atlantic staff writer Anne Applebaum noted on March 12. “The U.S. has reacted by suspending flights. Who is the superpower?”

If all of this sounds familiar, that is because it is. American academics, politicos, and the like have been praising the Chinese Communist Party for years. Recall that the New York Times’s taxi cab correspondent Thomas Friedman wrote in 2009, “One-party autocracy certainly has its drawbacks. But when it is led by a reasonably enlightened group of people, as China is today, it can also have great advantages.”

“That one party can just impose the politically difficult but critically important policies needed to move a society forward in the 21st century,” he added. “It is not an accident that China is committed to overtaking us in electric cars, solar power, energy efficiency, batteries, nuclear power and wind power.”

And this is to say nothing of the many overeager U.S. reporters and pundits who have more recently parroted outright Chinese propaganda cheering the regime's supposedly competent response to the virus and other agitprop absolving it of culpability.

So, it is not unprecedented for a mainstream publication in the U.S. to publish praise for the Chinese Communist Party. Members of America’s commentariat have been cheering this murderous, authoritarian regime for decades."


Reminder of the Chinese communist party's role in creating the global pandemic through incompetence, coverups, and silencing whistle blowers:


Remember something, many Liberal Professors are just a few fries shy of a Happy Meal when it comes to their grips on reality, particularly the profs that are arrogant enough to think they are scholarly kings in their ivory towers. A lot of how they view the world is very distorted, and often they visit the same ideas onto their students, which is kinda sinister, because many of them are completely unaware that they are having their opinions and ideas shaped by someone who might not necessarily be a good influence on them.

Many such professors are part of groups that wanted to radically transform America from within, and often started out with advice from other radicals in the 60s and 70s, saying "You want to destroy America? Cut your hair, put on a suit, and become a college professor."


American leftists have totalitarian mind sets.


They're nuts. Many people I've talked to on the right say Liberalism is a disease, and judging by the [nameless] childish, air-headed, shrieking banshees you see on this site, there might be something to that.


Both sides are this way....


No they're not. If you analyzed the non-extremists, you'd know that.


I've known some strident, screechy moderates too, and some polite, thoughtful extremists. It's been a looooong time since I've encountered a polite, thoughtful leftist though.


"childish, air-headed, shrieking banshees " - your one of them!


You all have that honestly.....


No, I honestly don't.


You're labeling everyone on the left.
Not one, not one!?
You need to get out more my friend. Plenty of left and right wingers are insanely polite.


You just blindly labeled me and "all" of us as having a "totalitarian mind set", LOL. At least I only correctly applied that label to people whose ideology is intrinsically statist, and who reflect that government-worshiping dogma by supporting censorship regimes, silencing opponents by any means necessary rather than engaging them in debates, and jettisoning freedom rooted in natural rights philosophy.

You're wrong. I've been out plenty, my friend. My other post indicated that I had encountered polite, thoughtful (you left out that part) leftists before. They've just become so exceedingly rare in this era that it's been a long time.


Ok fair enough.

Good reply my friend.


Where are y'all from? IMDB V2? I think I briefly checked in there along with some other places after Bezos pulled the plug on IMDB. I began posting here because it has dedicated movie/show/actor boards and therefore the most long term potential. The creators even uploaded a ton of archived IMDB posts, so there's some sense of continuity. I've seen several of mine going back to the mid 2000s on various boards.


I posted on in the Trump/Obama boards (Same was my user name here).

Im from V2, yes. Shadyvsesham on there too. Im basically hated by left/right/center everyone.

No one knows what to label me really. I won't vote republican or democrat atm. Like Tulsi/Yang/Bernie, not perfect, best I can get.

Yes, Im from IMDBV2, began posting here some.


I remember you from IMDB on the Trump board right before they took it down. We had a lot of conversations about James O'Keefe.


Yea, you were one of the ones I knew.

OKeefe is still an amazing idiot.

I always wondered where averageJoe went. A lot of us went to V2 sadly, bioslave (Recall him) just got banned...


I bet they change their tune if the University fires them. We should also disbar Commie lawyers. CCP will hire them!

Harvard Law School professor Jack Goldsmith and University of Arizona College of Law professor Andrew Keane Woods.


The left are nothing but bitches of foreign powerful groups they are afraid to talk back to.

Muslims and Democrats are best friends even though they have complete opposite views on womens rights, gay rights, religious freedom.

China. High censorship, lack of free speech. Against what the left preaches but they still praise China?

Such a strange relationship. Muslims see the left as the weak link and their way in.
Easy to manipulate.


No doogie response yet? Must be something wrong with him lately.


He's too busy drooling over Trump's rear end.


Yeah, let's add a hyphen to totally own the Orange Man! Also, how is using "Drumpf" an insult? Its his family's original surname...I don't get that one at all.


He's too busy drooling over Trump's rear end.

A lot of red flags with doggiedaddy. His obsession with Trump's rear, making up incest fantasies, putting "daddy" in his own screenname....


No doogie response yet? Must be something wrong with him lately.

"Lately", lol?


China owns the left in the US. Big tech, politicians and media benefit from it financially. And their lemmings are too ignorant to know better.


Talk about foreign interference in our elections...

The Top Gun sequel Maverick apparently even replaced the Japanese and Taiwan flag decals on Tom Cruise's jacket at Chinese insistence. It's a shame because I was looking forward to that movie.


It’s not hard to see. Name a communist Democrat party policy that doesn’t also benefit China.

They’re one in the same. Just as they were with communist Russia.

This started in the late 50s early 60s. The Democrat party’s last pro America/Capitalist President was JFK.


Oh look, a right wing circle jerk. Did you guys videotape?


Impressive how you typed that with communist China's cock in your mouth. Guess you've had lots of practice.


I'm independent, did you write that with Hitler's dick in your mouth?


😄 Suuure you are. That's why you replied to an article about professors praising the Chinese censorship system as something the US should adopt by crying about the "right wing". And no, I oppose totalitarianism. You're the one sucking statist cock.


Oh, you got me. You sly twit.

Trump Dicksucking Syndrome I hear screws with the mind. Kind of like syphilis.


Should have stuck with the first line as a graceful exit. Your clunky edit is forced and witless.


Oh, that's a damn shame you feel that you bootlicker, and guess what I could not give a crap what you think. How does it taste when you swallow the big T's D?



Think that up all by yourself?


No, it's been around a while now. Ever hear of it?


You are working at a step behind, please keep up.


You know you cream at every rally he holds. Don't ya buddy? Have to clean them undies every speech he makes.


😄 You just replied to me 3 times in a row with mindless drivel while I was away, as if you're angry I didn't immediately respond. We've got a live one!

I'm honored you're devoting such a large chunk of your roughly 100 all time posts here to me, dackbar, but also creeped out. I hope you don't leave a rabbit boiling in my kitchen.


Only took like 30 seconds. No real devotion required.


Watch, I post things.


Still more things


It's like wow, typing is easy. I don't have to sit here for like 20 minutes poking each key with my index fingers while staring at the keyboard to figure out what button is what.


How long does it take you to figure out where the laughing emoji is?


Oh, here we go, TDS belayed.


Wait, no, it's almost like I can't stop posting. I think I love you Krl97a. Must be the catchy name.

Either that, or it's like typing is easy when you don't stare at the keyboard with each button press.


IDK, I just can't stop posting, maybe I feel insulted by the 100 post comment. Maybe I can get to 200 soon.


Holy cow, posted again...while you were away...because I would know you were away...because I see you through the internet...omg still typing...what is happening...TDS taking over...need a Trump rally....


Oh wow, what a meltdown. 😄 Someone is pissed.


Are republicans always these deflecting cunt types?


Yes, somehow the Ultra Right has taken over these boards. I just sit and eat popcorn watching them humiliate themselves.


I should just watch as well, but it's like watching a monkey fuck a football, and i just have to goad him on.


😄 Oh look, it's a left wing circle jerk. A pitiful wallflower being fucked by a monkey while sucking communist Chinese cock.


Think that up all by yourself?


OMG, it happened again, I just can't stop posting. Are you away?


How long did it actually take you to read and bold the comments in this article? Must have been painfully long. Oh shit, posted again, you're probably away. Damn!


Are you there yet?


Hmm...waiting...waiting.....waiting.......waiting.....are you there yet?
