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President Trump’s approval rating hits all-time high of 54%

The last time the public opinion of Trump’s performance as commander in chief was at that level was in February 2017.

The new mark is derived from a RealClearPolitics average of nine recent Trump job-approval polls.

A Rasmussen Reports poll, conducted from Sunday to Tuesday, earned the president the highest job-approval rating of all.

Trump took advantage of the favorable numbers, tweeting the results of the Rasmussen poll on Tuesday with the caption, “THANK YOU! #MAGA #KAG2020,” acronyms for his campaign slogans Make American Great Again and Keep America Great.

The president later Tuesday tweeted again about support numbers, claiming his approval ratings would be even higher if Democrats hadn’t kept going after him over Russia and Ukraine.


Thats fantastic, I hear the dems are already spreading collusion rumors too.

They be skeered!



Looks like Joe's Willy got skeered for posting this bull shit. Today he changed the OP from 64% to 55%.

By tomorrow he will probably drop it another 11 points and make it 44%, which is where it should be.

I'm certain you will say: "That's fantastic!"


I miscalculated some numbers and it was updated. More than likely it will go up soon.


It continues to fall - why aren't you updating it as it continues to fall ?


Approval just went up again.


Except for Rasmussen Trump's approval rating has never been over 50%. Trump is an incompetent leader and he has proven this with his mishandling of the coronavirus crisis. In November Americans will remember this and Trump will not be re-elected.


I think the highest T-rump ever got was 47% and that was within his first few days in office (I believe January 24, 2017). Since then it's slid backwards, and has hovered around 40-42% on average. Real embarrassing for a guy who thrives off numbers and popularity.


Just went up 1%.


Seriously ? A whole 1% ? Hot damn! He's sure to win re-election now, with a spike like that.

BTW, which conservative poll are you referring to which reflects the 1% increase?


This hasn't aged well. lol


What Joe'sWilly forgot to mention is that Rasmussen Reports poll is a CONSERVATIVE polling group, and favors positive conservative results. That said, they still couldn't tip the approval beyond 64% for T-rump despite all his 'triumphs' in the past three years. Can you imagine ?

Here's the results for 538, which averages dozens of polls from the left, the right, and the middle.

T-rump sits at a much more accurate 43.3% - almost hitting his all-time high from three years ago.


Actually Rasmussen is truly non-partisan while 538 was literally founded by a long time Democratic operative, Nate Silver.

More importantly virtually all these polls have consistently understated Republican strength in recent years, as some of them (like Gallup, the oldest, most established outfit) have admitted, whether due to a tendency to over sample urban dwellers or other methodological flaws. So what I mostly look at them for at this point is trajectory in apples to apples comparisons, and Trump is certainly on an upward trajectory.

That said, Gallup has him 4 points higher than Obama was at this point, and Trump's economic approval rating is the highest since George W. Bush's in those aberrationally heady days soon after 9/11 skewed things.



I'm not interested in clicking on your biased partisan smear jobs, but I'll note that you didn't actually dispute my points.


If you clicked on the links you would see I not only disputed your points, but won - and took another victory lap around you. But you didn't click on the links because you knew damn well they would prove you wrong.

You're so damn predictable and transparent.




Indeed - another victory lap around krl97a. As I told her earlier this week, getting a victory lap around her a few times a day is the best physical fitness workout one could ever want - she's better than a Peloton bike.


LOL. No, you lost again as always, Doggiedaddy.

Take another defeat lap around that toilet bowl.


Again, I don't have to invest in a Peloton bike - I just have you post nonsense every day. It's fantastic, and I've saved quite a bit of money. Thanks for the victory laps!


Your lies continues as you swirl around the toilet bowl on your defeat lap....


Speaking of lies, your komrade Joe's Willi changed his OP from "64%" to "55%". Can't wait for you to rip him to shreds for lying in his OP.


It was obvious to anyone who closely follows that stuff that the "64%" number was the small business owner approval rating that came out. My posts, which were replies to you, didn't mention that but were about job approval versus Obama (4 point advantage for Trump at this point), the sky high economic approval rating (up to 63% recently), and the polling trajectory in general.

But I do find it funny that you and Buckyboy are gleefully trying to attack the op for possibly misunderstanding the news report when you spent many hours apparently operating under the same misconception, LOL. You even said Rasmussen is reporting "64%", which is weird since you had apparently just spent time looking it up and had replied to and about the op several times. Do your research skills suck that bad?


It was obvious to anyone who closely follows that stuff that the "64%" number was the small business owner approval rating that came out. My posts, which were replies to you, didn't mention that but were about job approval versus Obama (4 point advantage for Trump at this point), the sky high economic approval rating (up to 63% recently), and the polling trajectory in general.

More word salad to cover up the fact that once again, you were wrong. "My posts didn't mention that, but..." - Lolz!

So when a republican komrade lies, he's possibly 'misunderstanding the news' ? Lolz!

Another victory lap around krl97a - and JoWill to double the work out.

I can't even believe you posted such BS ; actually, I take that back. Yes I can.


LOL! You can't quote a single thing I got "wrong", moron. Everything I said was correct. What a weak retort from you.

Take another defeat lap around that toilet bowl.


What a fucking dick-tuck!!!! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!


Here you go, ma'am. Stomping you two losers is too easy. ;)

"Donald Trump just got the best polling news of his presidency"

"Trump's current 49% approval puts him ahead of where his predecessor -- Barack Obama -- was at this same time in his first term. (Obama was at 46% approval.)"

"More than 6 in 10 people now approve of the job Trump is doing with the economy, which is both the best Trump has ever done on that question and the highest mark for any president on it since George W. Bush in the immediate aftermath of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. (Bush overall approval numbers shot to 90% following the attacks.)"


And actually, CNN being unprofessional crap, they shorted Trump's advantage by a point. As I posted earlier and journalist Sharyl Attkisson accurately affirms here, Trump's rating is FOUR points higher than Obama's 45% at this point.

Those polls were taken in late January while the one blip to 46% that CNN cherry-picked for the comparison was later. Gallup doesn't poll as frequently as it used to. Obama had six 45%s out of eight measurements through January and February.

Trump appears to be on a stronger trajectory, carrying Republicans with him.


Wow that’s amazing! ;)


It's unrealistic is what it is.


It just fell to 55% thanks to Joe's Willy changing his OP. LOL!


Too funny!!!!!!!!!!


Tomorrow he will knock off another 11 points and bring it to 44%, which is what other non-partisan pollsters are saying.

In the meantime, I can't wait for krl97a to call him out for lying in his OP! I'll be waiting with my popcorn...


Don't hold your breath.


Another sock account gone missing.


Surely you jest! A president who is a racist, homophobic, misogynist, among other things? Approval rating of 64% ROTFL!!!


lolz, nice try...


This is a horrible epoch in American history, and you stand on the sidelines and chuckle. What an embarrassment this administration has been.


64% is fucking laughable.


No one is reporting 64% except Rasmussen. It’s mostly 44/46%.


Did they only poll registered republicans?


Seems like registered republicans only watching FOX NEWS. It would have been 100% if they only focused on those watching "Fox & Friends" and "Hannity".




Absolutely delusional. Not surprisingly Trump supporters are buying it.


Hahahaha! I Googled "RealClearPolitics average of nine recent Trump job-approval polls" and this was the top result:

Spoiler alert: It's NOT 64%


Actually, I just realized the average is 46%, so perhaps you're merely dyslexic...


That's what I found above - 44-46%, which is his highest since February, 2017.

Let's see krl97a spin this one!


You’ll notice the OP has now changed the number in the topic header from 64% to 55%.


Why did you change this to 55% ?

What happened to the 64% ???????


Tomorrow it will be 46%, Trump's ACTUAL approval rating.


LOL! Joe's Willy has gone radio silent.

This has not been a good week for conservative posters on this forum, starting with TopCat last weekend.


Topscat, the zaq, now JoWilli. Bad week indeed!


sock account gone missing, odd,


You should note that you have edited the title. It would save the little bit of credibility you have left.


“Wow his approval dropped 9% since the debate. Another Trump loss.” - ABCNNBBCBS
