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President Trump’s approval rating hits all-time high of 54%

The last time the public opinion of Trump’s performance as commander in chief was at that level was in February 2017.

The new mark is derived from a RealClearPolitics average of nine recent Trump job-approval polls.

A Rasmussen Reports poll, conducted from Sunday to Tuesday, earned the president the highest job-approval rating of all.

Trump took advantage of the favorable numbers, tweeting the results of the Rasmussen poll on Tuesday with the caption, “THANK YOU! #MAGA #KAG2020,” acronyms for his campaign slogans Make American Great Again and Keep America Great.

The president later Tuesday tweeted again about support numbers, claiming his approval ratings would be even higher if Democrats hadn’t kept going after him over Russia and Ukraine.


I think you forgot about the White House receiving Intelligence Reports about the new virus back in December.


Proof? Source? Link?

This is the narrative that the left is pushing. So far there is no substantiated proof.


I'm sure you could look it up.

Would like to ask why every Trump supporter feels the need to defend him to the very end in every detail? It really comes across as ludicrous at times. Just because you voted for the guy by no means makes him infallible, in fact his lack of experience in domestic politics and foreign politics/relations/diplomacy most likely makes him more likely to make mistakes.

Yet you all run to defend him like he's your child who had a flunking grade in math class, blaming the teacher rather than your child's lack of effort in the subject.


So you’d have him shut down the country when we didn’t have a single case or death? And you think Newsom and Cuomo would’ve happily allowed that? Didn’t think so.


We could have quarantined people coming back into the country for 2-3 weeks before allowing them back into the population, rather than having it come to a point that we have the economy shut down.

And again, running to save your child from a flunking grade. Sad, sooo sad.


Why do I have to do all the research? Is this how it works now? Ok sounds good, here we go.

How do you know if I am a Trump supporter?
How do you know if I voted for Trump?

What qualifications/training did Obama have in domestic politics and foreign politics/relations/diplomacy?
Why did Obama let H1N1 start in America and then spread around the World resulting in millions of deaths?
When did Obama know about H1N1?
What did he do to stop the spread of H1N1?
Why did it take 6 months for Obama to acknowledge H1N1?

Would you be ok with Trump shutting down the Country in December?
Would you be ok with millions of people unemployed in December?
What steps should Trump have taken in order to prevent a Global pandemic that started in China?


"Why do I have to do all the research? Is this how it works now? Ok sounds good, here we go."

Fucking semantics, use google search, no one's asking you to write a dissertation.

"How do you know if I am a Trump supporter?
How do you know if I voted for Trump?"

Well, you are here to cuphold his jock anytime anyone states something you dislike about him, couldn't see your replying if you weren't so invested.

"What qualifications/training did Obama have in domestic politics and foreign politics/relations/diplomacy?"

Was he or was he not a Senator and a practiced lawyer before becoming president?

"Why did Obama let H1N1 start in America and then spread around the World resulting in millions of deaths?"
"When did Obama know about H1N1?"
"What did he do to stop the spread of H1N1?"
"Why did it take 6 months for Obama to acknowledge H1N1?"

Oh, so now we are worried about the rest of the world, well guess we should build a wall to stop worrying about that.

Don't remember having to take such measures during H1N1, provide some examples of where our country came to a nearly complete standstill during it and maybe you have a point.

Never said I was crazy about Obama either, I'm an independent and I can vote how I like, I don't ride the jock of either party.

"Would you be ok with Trump shutting down the Country in December?"
"Would you be ok with millions of people unemployed in December?"
"What steps should Trump have taken in order to prevent a Global pandemic that started in China?"

Semantics. We could have started a 2-3 week quarantine of those coming back in the country before being let into the population, then we would not have a situation in this country where the economy is shut down. It would have just been a smaller, self contained problem, rather than a the fucking healthcare and economic disaster it is now


Whoops ! DJI today : 23,390.77 −328.60 (1.39%)


Whoops ! DJI today : 23,390.77 −328.60 (1.39%)


You mean the same ones Democrats in Congress and Senate got that they ignored until mid March because they were too busy playing impeachment games and telling people to go out in public and lick Chinas balls? Thought so.

When you show us a single Democrat who called for a response before March 15 you’ll establish some credibility.


Yup 58% of the Alt Right loves him. The other 42% think he's too extreme.


Well don’t worry yourself he’ll be gone in 5 years when the Dow hits 50k and unemployment returns to the record Trump lows.

Poor Democrat lemmings we’re back to the days of no ideas, no solutions, no platform.

Meet the new communist Democrat party campaign, same as the old campaign.



hes gonna lose in november


Seems kinda low. Especially since he and his CV crisis team have totally knocked it out of the park with their coronavirus response that’s been going on since December.

Some insiders have Trumps approval in the mid 60s. Clearly closer to the truth.

At this point we could cancel the election until 2024. This ones over. But it’ll be fun to enjoy another Trump landslide and communist media/lemming meltdown.


You must be some kind of Trumpchurian candidate


Gd5150 just shows that Trump supporters live in very different reality than most other Americans.


"Seems kinda low. Especially since he and his CV crisis team have totally knocked it out of the park with their coronavirus response that’s been going on since December."

Is this satire?

The only thing that has been knocked out of the park are the corona virus statistics in America. Somehow I don't think he'll be listing the 1,008,571 Americans infected and 56,521 deaths (so far) in his achievements during the election campaign.


T-rumptards do not care about those who have fallen ill, or those who have succumbed to the virus.

They only care about opening the economy so they can get their hair and nails done, drink beer at the local pool hall, resume their bowling league, and get their tattoos.

They know how to prioritize, don't they ?


I gotta get my hair did.


guess the questions where is trump dr fauci doing a good job
do you think trump is talking about virus enough
do you think trump should send your state more ppl
do you think trump should stay away from Boris Johnson
do you think trump should dump Pence and pick NikkI


