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President Trump’s approval rating hits all-time high of 54%

The last time the public opinion of Trump’s performance as commander in chief was at that level was in February 2017.

The new mark is derived from a RealClearPolitics average of nine recent Trump job-approval polls.

A Rasmussen Reports poll, conducted from Sunday to Tuesday, earned the president the highest job-approval rating of all.

Trump took advantage of the favorable numbers, tweeting the results of the Rasmussen poll on Tuesday with the caption, “THANK YOU! #MAGA #KAG2020,” acronyms for his campaign slogans Make American Great Again and Keep America Great.

The president later Tuesday tweeted again about support numbers, claiming his approval ratings would be even higher if Democrats hadn’t kept going after him over Russia and Ukraine.


I just checked his approval rating on the Gallop poll. It's 49 percent.


"Donald Trump just got the best polling news of his presidency"

"Trump's current 49% approval puts him ahead of where his predecessor -- Barack Obama -- was at this same time in his first term. (Obama was at 46% approval.)"

"More than 6 in 10 people now approve of the job Trump is doing with the economy, which is both the best Trump has ever done on that question and the highest mark for any president on it since George W. Bush in the immediate aftermath of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. (Bush overall approval numbers shot to 90% following the attacks.)"

That's a monthly poll now, btw.


Are you going to lower this again to the more accurate 43.4% ?


55% was the average of all the websites. It goes up and down everyday.


Will you be changing it daily for us ?


Oh, right, and that's why the stock market plunged 1000 points today (Monday).


You do know that the OP was posted 4 days ago, yes? You do know that a poll report about approval rating done previously has no effect on the stock market currently, yes? So if you knew these things, why the hell did you say what you posted??? If you didn't know, then how stupid are you???


Sorry, I didn't know!


haha lolz


He is in a band called Hollywood Vampires
Just a twistd individual


Lemon Party, Fredo, and Steve Martin Lookalike, are gonna be busy making shit up.


Everybody's poll seems to say something different, but with Trump, if you support criminals you support Trump, and I don't think a majority of Americans appreciate criminality, not to mention the constant stupid things Trump says and does.

I have to figure that when Trump loses there are going to be violent groups out there who try to spark a civil war ... that is what Republicans are about these days, trying to turn the country back and overturn the Civil War.


Russia Russia Russia.

Make Russia go to her bedroom and brush her hair 500 times.


This hasn't aged well at all.
