
Jamfo (408)


(CLOSED) ***Baker's Dozen: Improvised Movie Scenes*** R.I.P. Neil Peart **Baker's Dozen - Classic movies that bombed on initial release** Out of theaters View all posts >


Queen The Beatles Simon and Garfunkel I’d say the National Treasure films are pretty family friendly. Hitomi is the reason my right bicep is two inches bigger around than my left! Do you also hate December because it’s nothing but a string a smarmy, overly emotional, cheesy Christmas movies? It’s common in every Roman Catholic mass I have ever attended, and I have been to quite a few in many different locations. The communion wafer is the body of Christ, and the wine is the blood of Christ. During the Eucharist, it is said that the spirit of God moves into those objects and transmutes them into the actual blood and body of Christ. This is the part of the communion prayer dealing with the communion wafer, where it comes to symbolize the body: Take this, all of you, and eat of it, for this is my Body, which will be given up for you. And this is the portion for the wine: Take this, all of you, and drink from it, for this is the chalice of my blood, the blood of the new and eternal covenant, which will be poured out for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins. Do this in memory of me. During the pandemic, I have seen some services cut out the sharing of the wine, or they at least give each congregant the option to skip sharing the cup with everyone else. However, prior to that, most Catholics would routinely partake in both the wine and wafer. He was in an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, too. He was an alien in full prosthetics, so you’d never know it was he! 9 Songs, Shortbus, and Ai no korîda come to mind. All sexually explicit, but I don’t know if you’d classify them as “porno” films. Also, you have to remember the two characters in that exchange were both high school students, and I don’t believe they were even seniors. That puts them in the 16-18 age range. When I was 18, my mother and father were both 40, and I thought they were old! So that type of thinking is totally in line with how teenagers thought. Remember the whole, “never trust anyone over 30,” ideology…. Forty was downright ancient! If only we knew then what we learned from experience! I did see this in the theater back when it came out. I was a big SciFi fan and it was fun on the big screen. This was the very first production episode filmed, after the two pilot episodes. In the first pilot (The Cage, with Captain Pike), Spock’s character was completely different and wasn’t changed to the coldly logical personality until the second pilot. As this was only Nimoy’s third portrayal of Spock, and only the second as the unemotional character we came to know, it’s not unusual that some of the character traits were not yet set in stone. All of the characters had yet to fully develop, so seeing Spock raise his voice and get a little intense is not surprising. Things we take for granted, like the salute, the neck pinch, and the mind-meld hadn’t even been created yet! It’s not unusual to see characters evolve slowly in any series…. Much less in one where you’re literally making up an alien civilization as you go along. View all replies >