MovieChat Forums > TiberiumKing > Replies
TiberiumKing's Replies
they are the same moron, this world is a matrix controlled by demonic entities. there is no magical christian god to it you fucking loser
christianity IS satan
satan and god according to satanists are the same entity. you sheep go watch the critical drinker
trying to get cockey huh? the candles being candles is irrelevent, they are there because they represent the pillars of solomon,and%20sometimes%20in%20religious%20architecture.
freemasonrey is a cult, but its also a religion, yes, all religions are satanic because they are all about control just like the movie say and they are all sub religion of free masonrey, free masons being a continuetion of the templars and they were a continoution of other religious cults from the past
the point is that freemasonrey is satanic in nature, freemasons worship the all seeing eye which is also one of the many representation of satan
how do i know that reed is a freemason? one look at his second room and and how it is organized with candles mirroring each other just like the pillars of solomon, a known freemasonrey symbol. + the matrix/simulation which is also something free masons believe in. they are called masons because they considerd themeselves architects of this matrix
but of course, for you and sheep like yourself this aint saying much. remember, ignorence is bliss, go watch a football match or something, this is more to your level.
satan is just another word for the entity/entities who control this matrix. it has many names across all religions modern and ancient
that like people saying the prequels arnt cannon because they dont like it.
same logic. everything is cannon deal with it. the only thing not cannon is something like rings of power where its so far from the source material there isnt any similiarity
4 at least is in the so bad its good category, this one is just plain boring and lifeless in the worst way possible
yeah a "non woke" show where fat girls beat guys in karate, defenietly not woke at all right?
of course its satanic, it tells people they will burn in hell for eternity just to control them. someone here is a sheep.
star wars also dosent make any sense.
his motivation is to lock woman up in his basetment and torture them, because hes a psychopath
all the other things are irrelevent, he just uses it to achieve his goal.
you telling me you fucking idiot? i'm israeli. torah does not mean teaching. torah is the hebrew word for bible you fucking idiot piece of shit
being an atheist is an insult? lol. torah is just the hebrew word for bible you idiot. "ANTI CHRISTIAN" as if its a bad thing. all religiouns are trash. i know its makes you mad but youl have to deal with it eventually
again, you are speaking from the prespective of an ignorant american redneck. i've read subtitles all my life, and even when i understand english perfectly well i still prefer having the subtitles in engllish because sometimes the sound isnt clear enough. you dont need to look at the bottom because the subtitles arnt at the bottom like you say, it a little bit below the middle of the screen and i can read it perfectly well as well as the ENTIRE WORLD.
you are so entitled with your little superiority complex regarding your USA that you litterly come off as a xenophobic ignorant racist and thats what you are. americans are better then me? lol, americans like you right? ignorant rednecks with inferiority/superiority complex right? its not me who insult other people based on their countries, its you.
btw, americans do read subtitles when they watch either foreign films, or anime. so, i know that YOU wont watch it because you are too ignorant and probably in the swamps of missisipi where you from people dont know how to read. but some people do know how to read and they dont care reading subtittles.
just because you are such a worthless loser who dont know how to read subtitles does not mean other people are like that. remember. the ENTIRE world know 2 languages. their home language and english. some even know 3 or 4 or more. its only YOU americans and the rest of the anglo sphere who know only their native language and even dare to insult other people. lol.
btw the original movie is much better. it has nothing to do with subtitles, it has anything to do with american prudoctions having no balls to make horror movies actual horror and not some flick where the good guys win at the end every single time
typical xenophobic american trash, nobody is allowed to make movies other then dirty americans right? is that what your saying? "stop trying to make movies" why dont you stop trying to insult other people from other countries and their cinema instead? why dont you just watch your retarded american popcorn movies with shitty stories aimed for ugly disgusting rednecks such as yourself?
right every country in the world is a shithole compred to your all mighty wonderful USA,
lol, typical american redneck trump supporter who is also xenophobic and call other countries shit. just fucking lol
you do realize you trailer trash that the ENTIRE WORLD read subtitles when watching holywood movies right?
so you just called the entire world shitholes when you are a dumb american who live in the only country that dosent read subtitles.
DS9 dident ripped anything. star trek is older then any other show ever made
actually TNG has alot of soap opera stuff as well
no they not. lol, someone here give star wars too much credit. nearly all the planets in star wars are 100% identical to earth and every planet has only 1 echo system from earth, one planet is only deserts, one planet is only snow, one planet is only jungles, etc etc. and they all has the same atmosphere as earth, why do you think nobody even wear any space suits? because its a space westren, not a sci fi, its bascially a westren only with ships instead of horses and space instead of rockey deserts mixed with fantasy, even star trek is not a real sci-fi because they repeat the same mistake exactly, even alien is more a sci fi then those 2
what are odds you think that such remote planets will look, and feel exactly like one planet who is light years away from them? even in our solar system not even one of them look like us. even mars look compleatly different and its in our backyard.
you clearly have no idea about what is a real sci-fy and what is just something that uses space for its plot
and the fact all planets look like earth and have the same atmosphere as earth does not makes you mad
the first movie tried to sell propoganda about the polynesians being "explorers" and glorified them in the most retarded ways.
when in reality they were psychopaths and barbarians