TiberiumKing's Replies

you sound like an idiot how unlikely it is that if tommorow you would meet a powerfull alien he will look exactly like a supermodel to you? if aliens do exist they would probably be ugly as sin to you,monstrous, even. just lol at the right wing lunatic who think i'm woke because i dont like how hollywood sell fairy tales to people he dosent need to have a supermodel face to be strong. you just show your ignorance, hollywood selling you trashy ideals where good looking models portrayed as heros and normal and ugly people portrayed as evil midsommar was the most boring trash movie i have ever seen. 3 hours of nothing. oppenhimer was trash and idolized a scumbag dune part 2 is not even dune. its just lame fan fiction that uses the dune name. it has nothing to do with dune. channi is not a girlboss in the book, aliya kills the baron, tuphir hawat is a key character in the colloseum scene, which was not present in the movie and had beraly any screen time in the first one while being portrayed like a fat shlob. there was already an old ugly guy as luthor in supergirl and he was a terrible cringe actor on top of that, that dident worked this movie was suppose to be called superboy. its like superman year one. and nicolas holt is not even that young, he was born 1989 actually its you who does not know anything about judism and christianity judism is just a mix of ancient pagan religions, babilonyan,cannanite,eygiptian etc.. the word elohim which means god come from the god of the cannanites who's name is EL. you clearly have no idea whatsoever, christianity is just a more modern judism created by the romans because they needed a new tool to control their people there are many evidences that the new testemant was written by the romans one of them is the use of the world "legion" while christian lunatics think that legion is the name of some demon, the word legion basically mean many, its a roman-only word. no one outside of the romans would use the word "legion" when they mean "we are many" this is only 1 of the major evidences that proves its a fairy tale written by them. another one is jusephus flavious books, written when he was in rome after the romans embraced him. talking about the imaginary jesus. we all know jesus has no relevency to the judea revolt where jusephos is from so the only reason for him to include this part is from the romans who were his masters. but of course, you, as the christian nutjob you are will dismiss anything. because, just as being said by the movie that religion is about control, you are brainwashed from birth into believing in fairy tales and there is no cure for you dosent matter, you just exposed yourself as a xenophobic,racist,and anti-semitic. that all that matters here. because you act like a bunch of lunatics? how does hate prove he was real? the romans wrote the new testement you idiot get a grip already. your religion is for nutcases your trump is a pedophile as well you trumptard it is does all what you said, but christ is an imaginary figure made up by the romans, and the fact that you are insulted by this imaginary figure being rediculed so much proves you are a white trash redneck trumptard piece of trash your USA is AS satanic as israel if not more you trumptard piece of shit, just because i'm israeli that dosent mean i am responsible for my goverment, you just exposed yourself as racist,xenophobic, and anti-semitic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yM7ECLIhsAc&ab_channel=MarvelEntertainment hes not a good actor who ever said 911 was a hoax? it defenietly happend. by who? the evidence clearly proving its NOT some cave people trump assasination attempt was staged, the "shooter" was probably killed before to use his name on this. trump ear remained intact despite so called bullet hit him, according to right wing lunatics a bullet will defenietly leave blood but your ear will remain intact, how convenient off course earth is a globe otherwise how aliens would rule this matrix? why the illuminati worship saturn? the only ones who say earth is flat are creationists because the idea of space dosent suit their fairy tales. moon landing? probably a hoax, look fake at least, its hollywood baby, to quete rachel zagler you mad? i know you are very mad at the fact that some people dare to challnge the order you love to believe in so much now i'm waiting for you to say i'm insane because this is the ONLY tool you satanists have against us. she is beautiful, she has big amazing eyes and a great smile and charisma which this actress dident had in the slightest. nahh its actually the other way around, his rumblings about religion were boring and the second half is more of a classic horror movie no they not, remember that fat hispanic girl in the first seasons? lol, tori, daniel's daughter. and this show is a cringe soap opera made about a cringe movie that people for some bizzare reason compare to rocky because its the same director rocky and karate cringe are miles away from each other, rocky is a real drama while karate cringe is just another cringe teen flick its funny that you are asking for sources for something that involves a cult who is also a secret sociaty, as if this information will be written in wikipedia because this is what you expect to get. i know for a fact that if i were to bring sources you would simply ignore them i have everything, i just dont need to prove anything to the likes of you. i know you are butthurt about it but you have to let go someone here is angry i pressume, dont worry mommy will come and apply your anal cream soon so you will not be so butthurt about it