TiberiumKing's Posts

history nerds enough, this movie is great another MEH movie from bloomhouse was this suppose to be a commentery on scandinavians lack of spine? we need a modern film about douglas meckarthur the only scarier thing would be if after the demon kills you then you are stuck in his private hell for all etenrity the deleted scene of the engineer talking being removed was one of the most dumbest decision ever made worst alien movie ever made how did trump reduced the costs in the US which is one of the most expensive countries in the world? falcon is not interesting in the slightest distopian ridley scott star trek look far more interesting people born in 2003 are 21 years old right now... let it sink in.... if the show takes place in kyoshu then it suppose to have tropical hot climate not a good movie at all the historical nerds are out of their mind and want to destory every history based movie its one of those films who are only good at first viewing and you never watch again the acting really put me off...... season 4 exposes the right wing grift its finest there is an extreamly woke and cringe episode in the very first season huge missed opportunity to do justice with the goblin mask i know for a fact they will try to make it "sexy"