MovieChat Forums > ClownBaby > Posts
ClownBaby's Posts
"Climate change" has been arrested for starting some of the fires
Mayor of L.A. makes a statement on the fires
Diversity is our strength
more frequent COLD blasts could be coming from global warming
We need to have a serious discussion about this.
Why are white men consistently the strongest in the world?
what is the origin of life on earth?
What do atheists celebrate?
Subway in Poland
Fani Willis being removed
Trump is making gingerbread houses for Christmas
Satanic statue in New Hampshire destroyed
Have you ever seen anything weird? scary?
Ladies you dont look good in short short hair
is KBiker's TDS worse than RanB?
Trump is a threat to black people
Look at the height difference between Trump and Zelensky
Meanwhile in the U.K.
new bill which would establish a bounty hunter program to pay $1,000 to individuals who turn in illegals.