MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What do atheists celebrate?

What do atheists celebrate?

I mean besides themselves and porn, what do they celebrate?


Family, friends?

Maybe what they celebrated before the day got hijacked.


The passing of midwinter I guess.


Midwinter? Christmas is less than a week into winter. The first day of winter usually falls on December 20th to the 23rd (it was on the 21st this year).


The passing of midwinter (where "midwinter" doesn't mean the middle of what we have defined as winter, but the shortest day of the year) was the original Pagan tradition where the xmas tree originates from, because the Pagans used to burn a tree outside in the open, which Christians then moved into the house where they put candles on it instead of burning it.
For an atheist both of that is nonsense, because the shortest day of the year is a natural event that doesn't require a ritual to make days longer from then on.




not believing in God?


You really have no clue, huh?
I myself am not the most important person in my life, my wife is and since we're happily married I wouldn't know what to watch porn for while I have the real thing right here.

We're doing literally the same thing Christians did with Pagan traditions.
We're having a party with friends and family on the same day and declare it our tradition for whichever reason we can get into mind, just without absurd beliefs in things that can logically not exist, not even theoretically.




I would assume they'd celebrate the secular part of Christmas, particularly if they have families.


Satan Claus, of course!
