MovieChat Forums > CumbyMcCumberson
CumbyMcCumberson (13)
Depp aged horribly and looks like a slobby, bloated mess. Pitt still mostly looks like his old self, just noticeably aged. That’s why Depp’s career went down the toilet.
Brosnan was the better Bond, but casino royale was better than goldeneye
Barbenheimer was also bad, the difference is it just had better marketing and more hype. I haven’t seen a single Furiosa ad anywhere
Reagonomics completely screwed the country and lead to where we are today
It can’t possibly be worse than the bill murray version
you can trade them in the secondary market, otherwise they’re locked in until maturity.
Ask a hermaphrodite
- back in 1990 there was a deal to not continue with eastward NATO expansion
- lol why would NATO admit a member in the midst of a war? They don’t want to get article-fived
- Yeah that’s pretty rich since the US has been biting chunks out of UN member states for decades now
- A blockade is useless unless there’s force to back it up, which would just make China look weak. China blockading anything will result in oil and gas imports being halted which would probably cripple them
China would’ve invaded Taiwan decades ago except they have 100 miles of ocean separating them which makes any invasion pretty unfeasible.
The logical solution is to broker peace and let Russia have the eastern side of Ukraine with an assurance that the West won’t join NATO, like was originally promised.
Buddy you’re not just swinging a racket, you’re swinging and trying to hit multiple animals divebombing you in all directions while being slowly pecked to death and losing blood. You’re not even guaranteed to cripple a bird with a racket either, it’s a pretty ineffective and lightweight weapon. The birds would keep coming and not give up ever. You’re just wasting energy, with a flamethrower you can light each one on fire and they will quickly leave and catch others on fire too. I could easily rig a homemade one like this in my garage
And take out hundreds of birds while you’re lying dead in the street
Btw, zippos are wind proof too
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