MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > Ronald Reagan had Alzheimers and Dementi...

Ronald Reagan had Alzheimers and Dementia when he was still president.

When Reagan was in his final years, he had to be reminded of basic facts , like, where he was. Or what was happening.

He was completely out of it, by time of his final 2 years in office.
He barely had any idea what was happening, anywhere.
In fact, in Reagan's final years he was basically just being propped up as if by strings, and he would just read the teleprompter.

All of this seems completely lost on modern Republicans , when they talk about Biden's age.

Reagan was considered to be , basically, a (good-natured) idiot by colleagues .
He couldn't be expected to hold a candle to any foreign leader who had any intellectual merit, and have any real meaningful discussion.

He was considered a bumbling idiot, by , frankly , everyone left and right.
It took 20 years until conservatives started idolizing him, in a revisionist version of history. Which some how tries to paint Reagan as being sane, and having his senses about him.

Do any of you who relentlessly beat on the drum of Biden's apparent ineptitude even have a basic grasp of American history of the last 30 years?


Reagan was still a better leader and President than that other guy.


Than Trump? Yes, no argument there.


Reagan and Trump are alot alike you know


Not really. Take them both on their best day, and Reagan could run rings around Trump. And Reagan knew what a conservative was. Trump doesn't. Yes, they both used to be Dems, but that's about where the similarities end.


Yes it was believed Ronald Regan was in the beginning stages of Alzheimer's during his final years as President but there's a huge difference. Regan had the right people around him to make decisions for the greater of good of America. Joe Biden's handlers are trying to bring America to the brink of collapse with his inaction and failed policies.


This. Reagan had a foundation of principles and success to carry him through the remainder of his administration. Biden has always been a midwit political hack who is now being manipulated by people doing deliberate damage to the American population for the benefit of their own interests.


They are directing him towards appealing to the far left members of the Democratic Party even though the majority of America rejects such fringe politics.


Reagan never had foreign interests trying to subvert the White House.


Yep and he didn't have to deal with the massive levels of corruption either.


Reagonomics completely screwed the country and lead to where we are today


Incompetence and senility is normal for Republicans.

> He couldn't be expected to hold a candle to any foreign leader who had any intellectual merit, and have any real meaningful discussion.

I don't like Putin or support Russia, but I respect their national autonomy and do not think the USA should be couping and starting wars with Russia without the consent of Congress and the American people. I have to modify that somewhat now that we know the American people are about 1/3 demented anyway.

You're wrong about Reagan's lionization, the point of Reagan was a frontal assault on FDR's New Deal and to turn back the hands of time. He and those who put him in power and supported him were evil, and today they and their descendents have more power than ever.

There is no way to fix this country within the confines of the system in terms of how it has been changed. Billionaires spent billions analyzing and planning and moving on our institutions and government and industries. They don't want to democratize the world, they want to make the USA the world's first true electronic Orwellian fascist system.

People just want to live in peace, but they are so gaslit they don't realize that has a small cost if we had the right system, and that cost we don't have the currency or know where to invest it for the kind of change we need.


You're wrong about Reagan's lionization, the point of Reagan was a frontal assault on FDR's New Deal and to turn back the hands of time. He and those who put him in power and supported him were evil, and today they and their descendents have more power than ever.

I know Reagan was only "lionized" by the right, the far right circles in the U.S. The Left always hated him throughout his tenure, through the 1990s, and to today... But the far right in America has made Reagan into a pariah, when in reality he was nothing of the sort.

In Canada, we had a prime minister during the 80s named Brian Mulroney who was our version of Thatcher/Reagan. They are doing the exact same thing with him now, after his passing. He is being herelded as the savior of the country. The only place where this hasn't happened is the U.K. who seem to never give up their visceral hatred of Thatcher, even playing "Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead" on the radio when she died. They seem to remember history better. This revisionist history is creating 2 realities which people completely disagree on. People either believe Reagan was the second coming of Jesus, or Lucifer himself. There is no middle ground, no basis of reality any more.


Reagan / Thatcher was really the Right wing taking over the media after complaining about the Liberal media. They also complained constantly about and demonized about unions. That is why Reagan's fake lionization was fake and has not lasted.

The Right does great when they have a media-type person trained in acting or celebrity. It is why Trump is such a media darling. Trump studied long and hard for this in his media appearances and in his show.

Both were studied liars and did not naturally understand how to be the "great communicators" they are lauded as - why I personally believe Trump is a creation of some Right-wing think tank and anything but the ourside he claimed, otherwise known as the Deep State itself, also why his lies are so twisted and difficult to untangle, like when you accuse your opponent of whatever crime you are committing first - a Trump technique.


His embarassing conversation with Maggie Thatcher is on YouTube in form of a telephone call. The man was not with it. Neither is Joe.


> Neither is Joe.

SOTU says otherwise. Biden has literally forgotten more than Trump ever knew or will know.


More lies about Reagan. Jesus, he's been out of office for thirty-five years. Move on. But even at his worst, if he ever had a "worst", he was ten times better than Brandon.


He won the cold war, defeating communism. The Left will never forgive that.


You mean Gorbachev? He was basically the one who did all the work ending the Soviet Union.

Reagan... read telepromters and read speeches. He didn't do anything towards world peace, he ramped up the Cold War arms race... He had no part in the dissolution of the USSR whatsoever, apart from giving that speech where he said "Tear down this wall". You think a senile 70 year old man croaking about a wall had an effect on the Soviet Union internal affairs? Ever heard of Glasnost, Perestroika? Did you graduate high school, or....? Did you graduate Grade 8?


Did you eat that propaganda with a shovel? You are free to question things that are said in school. Outspending the Soviets on arms was the only way to bring change to Russia. On their own they would have never given up Eastern Europe.


Really? You think "Outspending the Soviets" ended the Cold War?

Like how today's "sanctions" against Russia have really dented their economy and put a stop to the Ukraine war?


Sanctions and spending on the military are two different things. I take it social studies and economics were optional at your school and you bypassed each subject when offered?


I can guarentee you right now if "economics" was ever an option on my post secondary syllabus it would be my very last choice, unless I was absolutely forced to take it.


The finiancial and strategic pressure of the military spending was certainly a big part of it.

As was the counter offensives of supporting counter revoultionary movements in the SOVIET sphere of influence, something Reagan dialed up from one to ELEVEN.

As was the diplomatic push.

Not to mention the cultural messagening of just having a Leader who was happy to talk about how much better we were than the EVIL EMPIRE.


You too young to remember how much flak he got for predicting the end of hte soviet union?


Reagan was manufactured by the same deep state that created Trump that Trump pretends to attack.


Back then, we had a much kinder, gentler society with the Democrat & Republican Party not divided like we see in 2024


Possible. I'm not saying he wasn't showing the signs, but we'll never know.

Maybe Biden is but he still passed his annual physical. I think it might have shown up.

That being said, there were also reports that Trump was showing possible signs of dementia when he in office.

Politics only point out the worse in the person who currently holds the reins.


Reagan was absent minded. He wasn't a vegetable. He did the one that matters in the end. Gave good speeches on camera. Between the committees that surround the president and the Deep State that actually runs the world, the President doesn't actually do anything anyhow.
