itsbananas2024's Replies

What other potential candidate has ever produced more net-positive for health and enviorment? I'm hoping he's a dark horse. I'm not as optimistic as I was before. You ever get that feeling like they are about to brew something up that will be very polarizing? Theyre already trying with P2025. Unequivocally ageism. I think people were most bothered from the rant with the black cop in georgia and his exGF who said she contracted an std from shia. stds and racist rants suck and all but i can imagine many of worse things. Everybody's a racist in 2024 and im pretty certain california passed something nutty about not legally obligated to tell a sexual partner you have the AIDS. But not the gay aids or the needle-based aids but its the vagina aids. Fun Shia Trivia : he befriended the black cop down in Savannah and became fishing buddies. Isnt ANTIFA synonymous with anarchist? How about now? "NOT A GENDER SWAP..." youre a 100% serious arent you? Or do you mean its not a gender swap by a technicality? ahhh, I see. This is the womens version. Does that draw more viewers you think? Any "mostly peaceful" protest yet? Is that what you are upset about? You think RFK Jr doesn't deserve SS because you don't deserve it either? I love it. Someone actually arguing the *negative-safety* of another human being. A high profile political figure at that. Its not my fault thats the temprature of the room right now. If i had a gun to the head, I would bet on the vast majorty of the pop is not worried about the Jan6 mobbies. Its not what keeps people up at night. "BTW, Trump wants to release his violent Jan 6 mob from prison." The only people who are <b>HONESTLY </b> worried about the Jan 6 "mob" are the people who still where mask in the car and Flat Earthers. super-stretch. He's like a precious animal going extinct 😭 🦄 You are 100% spot on. Its gross. Are you implying Im a Rebuplican? Are you implying Im a gun nut? nice observ.