itsbananas2024's Replies

If RFKjr is being shunned from the Kennedy-Biden side of the family, you know he must be doing something right. "UNITE OUR CLANS!!" No one condones his actions. Oh Quentin. Oh Quentin... My heart is broken. I pray half the American people are not that dumb. But then I remember people like George Clooney exits making this happen, and he doesn't fuck around apparently. He seems to have some serious pull and influence and ability to raise some serious cheddar. I used to like Clooney back in the day. Three Kings is a great movie. "It's a brand new term, in the media at least." Its not a new term. Thats very easy to verify. Trump gets put in the hot seat from the Left media all the time. I've listened to Trump get asked many tough incendiary questions. You know who I haven't heard anyone ask any questions to? All softball questions and no pushing back. Par for the course. That clip is creepy. Who's your daddy and what does he do? You must be brand new. Stolen valor has always been a common knowledge thing. What generation were you in high school? but I know you know its not fake so you must be taking the piss out of us. What a joke. RFKjr was spot on when he said its like a circus with ballons. "Day 36 for this woman ducking the MSM and doing so on purpose" Tuesday was officially day 38. Tuesday was day 38. Do you think everything is about to boil to the brim? Obi said "i got a bad feeling about this". I think Blackrock/Vangaurd will feel forced to reveal their hand of cards. Couldnt agree more. They're confused. Really bad parenting. Nah, not morons. It's going to be a tight race. It's not a stretch by any means that Trump could/will win. It was terrible. Dakotas incessant screaming drove me nuts. The bratty son was not believable and Tim Robins character was just too silly. This is how old school organized mobs operate. "I was thoroughly engaged from start to finish!" Same. Just finished watching it for the 1st time. It was creepy.