MovieChat Forums > Kamala Harris Discussion > Unrealized Capital Gains Taxation

Unrealized Capital Gains Taxation

So let's get this straight... if my home increases in value...I have to pay the taxes on the gains I haven't actually made because I haven't sold the house(which is fucking insane)??


If the market crashes and my house loses value...I don't get any money BACK from the loss? No??

This whole concept is insane...and anyone that votes for this commie extremist, and then loses their homes because of it... deserves what they get.


This is how old school organized mobs operate.


If the taxes increase on your house when it gains value, why would they not decrease when it loses value? I don't see why this would even fall under capital gains. I thought that only applies if you sell.


You may want to look into this a bit more...

This is a separate tax that piles on top of your property taxes. It's designed to either kick you from your home, or prevent you from passing on your wealth to your children.



Wow, you have assets in excess of $100,000,000? I'm impressed...


Have no fear. They will slowly decrease the net worth caveat until it affects everyone but the leeches of society who do nothing but feed off the government's tit.


Didn't you post a while back that you supported a 100% death tax on David Bowie's artistic production, his songs, his films, his videos, etc? That's more brutal than this Harris proposal.


No, I said that I don't think the extended family should be entitled to royalties from his work...his wife and direct children, sure... But I don't see how his entire family gets to mooch off his success. Either way, that's not a taxing situation. I'm sure any of the royalties accrued by the family is already taxed beforehand.

This is not the same thing.
